Commonly used acronyms:
ALOT = Ag Leaders of Tomorrow IAA = Illinois Agricultural Association
AFBF = American Farm Bureau Federation ICGA = Illinois Corn Growers Association
IFB = Illinois Farm Bureau ICMB = Illinois Corn Marketing Board
CFB = County Farm Bureau IPPA = Illinois Pork Producers Association
ISA = Illinois Soybean Association GRITs = GrassRoots Issue Teams
YF = Young Farmer IWGA = Illinois Wheat Growers Association
IBA = Illinois Beef Association
Randy Anderson: Randy has been producing beef and grain for 22 years in Saline County. That production consists of 1300 acres of white corn, 1600 acres of soybeans, 450 acres of wheat, and 65 acres of Canola. Randy serves as Saline CFB Treasurer, participates in Adopted Legislature Programs, and is a CFB Committee Chairman. He is also a past FFA President, YL Chairman, Township Trustee, and is currently Township Road Commissioner.
Ken Cripe: Ken entered the family farming operation 1974 and currently farms 4400 acres. Ken’s family has owned a Vandalia based grain elevator since 1965 and he does 95% of the grain merchandising for the elevator. He is currently a member of the Fayette CFB, Mid-West Truckers Association, ISA, and Vandalia Levy District. Ken continues to be very active member of the Future Farmers of America Alumni and is Deacon of First Christian Church in Vandalia.
David Headley: David is currently the ISA coordinator for the Soy Ambassador Program. For IFB, he currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Public Relations Action Team, Chairman of Crop Production and Trade GRITs Team, and is a member of Rotary International. In college David was on the Alpha Zeta Agricultural Fraternity Board of Directors, Vice President of Agri-Life Council and has an American FFA Degree.
Jay Hageman: Jay grew up on a grain farm and in 1974, returned home after attending the University of Illinois to farm full-time. Today, Jay and his partners raise yellow and white food grade corn for Frito Lay and Clarkson Grain, as well as seed soybeans for Syngenta. Jay served on the Vermilion CFB Board for 6 years and has participated in Leaders to Washington trips. In 1970, Jay helped start the Vermilion County YF. He is a member of the American Soybean Association, National Corn Growers Association, and is currently President of Cunningham Children’s Home Foundation in Urbana.
John Howard: John raises corn, soybeans, wheat, sorghum, and beef cattle in Jefferson County. He currently manages the cow/calf operation on his farm; in the past, he also raised hogs. John has served on the county Farm Bureau Board since 2000, is the Legislative and Local Affairs Committee chairman for Jefferson County, and participates in many Farm Bureau activities. John participated on the Mexico Market Study Tour in 2007.
Ray Krausz: Ray is the 5th generation on the family farm and has been farming on his own for 20 years. The farm produces corn, soybeans, and winter wheat on a 1/3 rotation with wheat acres being double-cropped with soybeans. In the past, Ray produced dairy cows and hogs, but now produces only grain. Ray has been a member of the Clinton CFB Board since 1986 and is currently serving his 10th year as President. His IFB service includes Resolutions Committee, Marketers to Washington and Leaders to Washington. Ray is also a member of the ICGA and ISA.
Chris Magnuson: Chris is Executive Director of Operations, News and Communications for IFB. He is responsible for assisting with issues in the President’s area and directing the News and Communications Division. He also serves as a member of the IAA Management Team, the Illinois Agricultural Service Company Board of Directors, the AgriVisor Management Board, and the Vision for Illinois Agriculture Coalition. He is a graduate of Eastern Illinois University and holds a Certificate of Business Management from the University of Illinois-Chicago. Chris grew up on a grain farm near Walnut, Illinois.
David Meiss: David has been involved in production agriculture since 1978 and is primarily a pork producer and grain farmer. The farm consists of 50% corn, with some specialty crops, and 45% soybean with 2/3 of those acres being seed production. David is currently an IFB Director for District 7 and serves on the MSPR committee. He is a member of the IPPA, ISA, ASA, and ICGA. David is also a Gridley Township Trustee and volunteers with his church.
Kevin Miller: Kevin has more than 30 years of farming experience. His farming operation consists of 50% corn and 50% soybeans; all soybean production is for seed. In the past, Kevin served as YF chairman, public relations Action Team Chairman, Coordinating Council Chairman, Resolution Committee Member, and on the Insurance Task Force. Kevin participated in Leaders and Marketers to Washington and he is currently a member of GRITs, ISA, ICGA, JD Research Council, Rotary Club, and the NFP Nursing Home Board.
Deb Moore: Since 1980, Deb has been involved in the management and marketing of her family’s livestock operation and 1300 acre grain (60% corn, 40% soybeans) farm. The family also operates a feeder cow operation, marketing 250 head a year. Deb previously served as District AITC Coordinator, AITC/Women’s Committee, Warren-Henderson FB Board of Director, and is an ALOT graduate. She currently serves on the Rural Life GRITs team, the IAITC Advisory Council, and the Farmer Image Advisory Group. She is a past participant in Leaders to Washington. Deb is an active member of the First United Methodist Church in Monmouth and state and national corn, soybean, and cattle associations.
David Myer: David has more than 35 years of farming experience and his current production 60% corn, 35% Soybeans. For the past 10 years David has raised and sold 1.5 acres in Sweet Corn on a roadside market at the farm. He also has a 12 sow hog farrow to finish operation. David is a member of the LaSalle CFB Board, Community Unit 2 School Board, Rutland Township Trustee, and LaSalle County Jr. Fair Association. He is also a member of the Sandwich Early Day Engine Club and Illinois Valley Two Cylinder Club.
Tamara Nelsen: Tamara is IFB’s Senior Director of Commodities and resides in McLean County. She manages all Commodities Department activities and programs and serves as the major resource person on commodity and ag industry issues in the areas of biotechnology, trade, and policy development. Over the past 23 years she has led more than 400 leaders on agriculture and trade trips to more than 20 foreign countries. Tamara earned her bachelor’s in International Relations from Stanford and her MBA from Virginia Tech.
Terry Pope: Terry has been farming since 1973 and currently farms 900 acres of corn and soybeans. He has held many position on the Hancock CFB Board and is presently the IFB District 9 Director. He was a participant in the 2006 New Zealand Market Study Tour. Terry is currently an ISGA Director, Dallas Rural Water District Trustee, Rock Creek Township Clerk, and President of Memorial Hospital Board. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Hancock County Nursing Home.
Mark Reichert: After graduating for Illinois State University in 1982, Mark returned to the family farm to farm full-time. The family operation consists of 2400 acres with an equal split between corn and soybeans. Mark served as the Sangamon County YF Chairman and is a 2 time District Discussion Meet winner and State qualifier. He has served as numerous positions on the Sangamon CFB Board and is currently serving as Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.
Julie Root: Julie is the Radio News Manager for the RFD Radio Network. She serves as the co-host for RFD Illinois and RFD Today; producing daily news stories and features for the network. Julie works closely with the IFB news service to distribute news content through other media. Prior to joining IFB, she worked as the Morning Edition Host at Tri States Public Radio in Macomb, News Director at WGIL-AM in Galesburg, and news anchor/reporter at WJPF-AM in Carterville. Julie earned a BS degree in Mass Communications with a minor in General Agriculture at Illinois State University.
Kevin Rund: Kevin is Senior Director of Local Government for IFB. For more than 30 years he has handled Local Government, Land Use and Transportation issues. He works closely with county Farm Bureaus on local issues, and transportation responsibilities range from local to international and has conducted over 600 seminars for farmers on these topics. Kevin’s experience as a farmer (Champaign County) and as a county Farm Bureau manager (Warren County) help address members’ needs and interests. He holds a BS in Agribusiness from Illinois State University.
Ron Schoenholz: Ron has been farming full-time since 1973 and currently raises approximately 40% hybrid seed corn, 15% corn, 40% soybeans, and 5% Del Monte. He is a member of the Lee CFB Board and currently serves on the CPT GRITs committee. In 2001 and 2002, Ron participated in the Leaders to Washington trips and became an ALOT graduate in 2003. He’s a member of Letter Writers and has held numerous positions within his CFB.
Norbert Soltwedel: In 1976, Norbert began farming part-time and started farming full-time in 2008 after he retired from 40 years of service to USDA. He raised hogs until 2003 and now produces 350 acres of corn, 350 acres of beans, and 50 acres of wheat as part of his 2500 acre family business. In the past, Norbert was a participant on the Brazil and Argentina Market Study Tour and Leaders to Washington. He serves on GRITs, is a Rotarian, a member of ICGA, ISA, IPPA, and serves on the Effingham County Public Policy Committee.