Date Entered: / ...... / ...... /20 .….
Date Paid: / ...... / ...... /20 .….
Please read before completing this form
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1This form is to be used to authorise payment of the daily allowance in accordance with Clause 5.1 of the University policy: “Off-Shore Teaching – Conditions for Academic Staff” (see overleaf). The policy in full is available at:
2The allowance is payable for each day worked and is therefore not applicable to travel days.
3This form is not to be used for claiming a per diem or expenses, or for payments made in accordance with Clause 5.2 of the policy.
4The completed form should be forwarded to the Faculty/ Cost Centre Accounts Office for processing. If the allowance is to be paid as salary (including salary sacrifice), it must then be sent to Payroll Services, Human Resources, for inclusion in the next possible pay.
5If the allowance is to be paid directly to the School, only a copy of the completed form should be sent to Human Resources.
6All enquiries relating to this form should be directed to
the relevant Human Resources Adviser.
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SECTION 1 — to be completed by the Staff Member and authorised by the Dean of School
Family Name: / Given Name(s): / Payroll No:Major Cost Centre (ie Faculty orVCO): / School/ Division:
Date of departure from Adelaide: / Date of return to Adelaide:Days worked for which allowance payable (not payable for travel days): / Total # of days worked:
From: / To:
From: / To:
From: / To:
From: / To:
METHOD OF PAYMENT (pls indicate preference):
Paid as salary through payroll / Paid directly to School
Salary sacrifice (must be arranged with Employee Benefits Unit, Human Resources, prior to travel)
Salaries Account Number(s) to be charged:
Dean of School (name): / Signature: / Date:
// 20
SECTION 2 — to be completed by theCost CentreAccounts Officer
Rate (L2):$ (rate) x ( # of days worked) = $Accounts Officer (name): / Signature: / Date:
// 20
1Off-shore activities will usually be considered to be within normal academic workloads.2Wherever practicable, there will be consistent treatment of staff across the University which also allows flexibility to suit individual circumstances and operational needs.
3Inability to participate in off-shoreprograms should not affect a staff member’s position at the University, unless participation in such programs is part of the agreed job specification.
4All staff undertaking approved off-shore teaching activitieswill receive an allowance for each day worked in addition to normal salary, subject to clause 6. This daily allowance will be paid at a rate per day equivalent to the L2 rate applicable to casual academic staff as prescribed in the Enterprise Agreement 2010-2013.
5The University will approve payment additional to that specified in clause 4 in exceptional cases where a full campus-based workload is maintained in addition to undertaking off-shore activities, subject to clause 6.
6Travel days will not attract any additional remuneration under clauses 4and 5.
7The Australian Taxation Office ‘reasonable’ overseas travel expenses rates will be payable as a per diem without the need for acquittal.
8Additional expenses related to a staff member’s travel overseas for the purpose of course delivery will be reimbursed where established and agreed by the Executive Dean prior to departure.
9 The daily allowance, and any additional payment approved by the University, will be paid at the staff member's discretion either as salary, or to her/his School, and is not superannuable.
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