Tuesday 22ndSeptember 2015

Overview of Parent Council

All parents with children at the school are automatically members of the Parents’ Forum and the role of the Parent Council is to represent as widely as possible the views of this forum. This is done by liaising regularly with the Headteacher, teaching staff, pupils and where necessary other members of the community while also providing opportunities for parents to express their views.

The Parent Council, as a statutory body, has the right to information and advice on matters which affect children’s education. The school and the education authority must consult with the Parent Council and take their views into account whenever major decisions are being taken.

Although separate from the Parent Council, St Margaret’s Primary School also has a very active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) which organises and carries out highly successful fundraising on behalf of the school. The Parent Council maintains links with the PTA for example over playground improvements.


Hazel Beattie, (Chairperson)

Kevin Ashe (Vice Chairperson)- resigned

Zoe Turkington (Treasurer)- outgoing

Kay Grey (Secretary)

Members: Sian Balfour, Diane Dagger, Claire Lawson, Yvonne Stuart,

Nicola Jenkins, Andrena Massie, Susanne McNeil, Judith Ainsley, Marie Fraser, Catriona Hamilton, Jacqueline Rickard, Fiona Hudson, Kirsten Atkinson, Councillor Malcolm Nicol

The Headteacherand another member of staff attend on behalf of the school. Councillor Malcolm Nicol attends to represent the local community.

Key Achievements

  • Facilitated the spend of PTA funds to install a new sound system in the Main Hall
  • Successfully applied for £1000 funding from the Community Schools Charity to fund a film project with the Digital Leaders. Liaised with Mrs Johnson on the appointment of artists and project outline.

This has been a very positive year for the school with positive validations from the Inspectorateto Education Scotland. We have also been regularly updated on the progress of the new nursery campus which is now almost ready to open. The removal of Mrs Bateman to Wallacestone was a shock and surprise to the Parent Council, but we were delighted that through discussions with Falkirk Council we managed to secure a swift return date of 19th October 2015. Our thanks to Councillor Nicol for his help with this.

We very much look forward to working with the staff of St Margaret’s and will continue to ensure that the parents voices are represented in St Margaret’s Primary School

Election of Office Bearers

Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary


No changes are necessary

Treasurer’s Statement (to be provided)