
; ACD macro for exporting pixel table of integrals from HMBC spectrum



CheckDocument (Type = "FID"; Group = "")

FullFT (Dataset2 = "Complex"; Apodization2 = "Default"; InitialSize2 = 1; FinalSize2 = 1; Backward2 = "Off"; Forward2 = "Off"; FIDShift2 = "Default"; FirstPointScalingFactor2 = 1.00; Dataset1 = "Default"; Apodization1 = "Default"; InitialSize1 = 1; FinalSize1 = 1; Backward1 = "Off"; Forward1 = "Off"; FIDShift1 = "Default"; FirstPointScalingFactor1 = 1.00)


CheckDocument (Type = "Spectrum"; Group = "")

BaselineCorrection (NoiseFactor = 2)

AutoIntegration (Type = "Bucket"; BucketingModel = "NumberOfBuckets"; F2NumberOfBuckets = 128; F1NumberOfBuckets = 256; F2WidthOfBucket = 0.0400; F1WidthOfBucket = 0.9200; Reference = 10000.00)

ExportTable (Table = "Integrals"; Dir = "$(DOCDIR)"; FileName = "$(DOCNAME).int"; IfExist = "Overwrite")






## Script for 2D-NMR-Data analysis for chemometrics




# this script is importing ACD integral files from 2D-NMR data proceeded with ACD


# for using this script all 2D NMR files should be treated the same way:

# same zero filling, same window function, same base line correction, ...


# all integral files have to have the same integration borders as well as

# the same number of bucklets (this script will not check for input errors!)


# to obtain good results you may use a marco in ACD (see top of the page)


# the integral files should be in one folder or in subfolders of a given

# path, please give all integral files the same and unambiguous file extention.


# this script will import the integral data into the 2D array ‘integralDAT’

# the first column contains the f2 chemical shift data, the second column the f1

# chemical shift data, all following columns contain the integral data of

# the corresponding bucklets


# with ‘plot(integralDAT[,3])’ you plot the integral data of the first

# integral file with an index number as axis of abscissa and intgegral values as ordinate


# for a 2D plot of integral data use ‘plot2DNMR’. With the command


# plot2DNMR(integralDAT[1,], integralDAT[2,], integralDAT[3,], type="contour")


# you get a 2D NMR contour plot having f2 chemical shift data (1H) on x axis and

# f1 chemical shift data (13C) on y axis of the first integral file.


# plot2DNMR(integralDAT[1,], integralDAT[2,], integralDAT[4,], type="filledcontour")


# plots a contour plot of the bucklet data from the second file.



# this script uses the ‘pca’ function from the ‘pcaMethods’ package written by

# Stacklies, W., Redestig, H., Scholz, M., Walther, D. and Selbig, J.

# pcaMethods -- a Bioconductor package providing PCA methods for

# incomplete data. Bioinformatics, 2007, 23, 1164-1167

# (DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm069)


# it is publicly available at


# additional to the standard plot function ‘plotPcs’ of this package

# this script provides you with some extra plot versions

# for the loading and score plots the first and second principle

# component are choosen as default. You can easily change it by

# changing the variables ‘pc1’ and ‘pc2’


# you can also adapt the trash level of the loadings by

# changing ‘maxpc1POS’ and ‘maxpc1NEG’




# please feel free to adapt this script to your own needs

#A DOWNLOAD WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE IPB HOMEPAGE ( in the databasestools section)



### setup

### set working directory and file extention


# set working directory (path of the ACD integral files)

# use slash not back slash

FilePath <- "D:/Humulus/2D-NMR/Intdata/Set-01"

# set ending of the ACD integral files

FilePattern <- ".int"




### function plot2DNMR

### var: xaxis, yaxis: chemical shifts


### function to plot an integral data file

### like a 2D NMR output

### (x axis F2 (1H), y axis F1 (13C))



plot2DNMR <- function(xaxis=NA, yaxis=NA, intvalue=NA, type="contour"){

intvalue <- matrix(data = intvalue, nrow = dim(table(yaxis)), ncol = dim(table(xaxis)))

mirrowIntValues <- intvalue

for(x in 1:dim(intvalue)[1]){mirrowIntValues[dim(intvalue)[1]+1-x, ] <- intvalue[x, ]}

for(x in 1:dim(intvalue)[2]){intvalue[, dim(intvalue)[2]+1-x] <- mirrowIntValues[, x]}

intvalue <- t(intvalue)


### contour plot

contour(intvalue, axes=F, main="HMBC", xlab="F2 Chemical Shift (ppm)", ylab="F1 Chemical Shift (ppm)")

axis(side = 1, at= seq(0,1,0.1), labels = round(digits=1, seq(from = max(xaxis), to = min(xaxis), length.out=11)))

axis(side = 2, at= seq(0,1,0.1), labels = round(seq(from = max(yaxis), to = min(yaxis), length.out=11)))


} # end if


### filled contour plot

filled.contour(log(intvalue), color = cm.colors,

plot.title = title(main = "HMBC",

xlab = "F2 Chemical Shift (ppm)",

ylab = "F1 Chemical Shift (ppm)" ),

key.title = title(main="log\nintensity"),

key.axes = axis(4, seq(-4, 6, length.out=11)),

plot.axes = {

axis(side = 2, at= seq(0,1,0.1), labels = round(seq(from = max(yaxis), to = min(yaxis), length.out=11)))

axis(side = 1, at= seq(0,1,0.1), labels = round(digits=1, seq(from = max(xaxis), to = min(xaxis), length.out=11)))



} # end else


### end function plot2DNMR





### function readNMRIntList2D

### var: Filename,Path

### result: data.frame (ppm:num, value:num)


### function to import an ACD integral list

### (Table of Integrals)


### assume, that the file to be imported has the right file format

### line 1: Headline "Table of Integrals" to be skipped

### line 2: Row Headlines: "No.", "F2 (ppm)", "F1 (ppm)", "Value" and "Abs. Value",

### to be skipped


### no error correction

readNMRIntList2D <- function(Path=NA, FileName=NA){


{cat("readNMRIntList(FileName)\nno filename given\n")



intDATA <- scan(file=paste(Path, FileName, sep="/"), dec=".", skip=2, what="character")

# remove "[" and "]"

intDATA <- sub("[", intDATA, replacement="", fixed=T)

intDATA <- sub("]", intDATA, replacement="")


intDATA <- array(data=intDATA, dim=c(9,length(intDATA)/9))

# delete row 1 (Integral Number), and 3, 6 ("..")

# use only rows 2 (F2 start), 4 (F2 end), 5 (F1 start), 7 (F1 end),

# 8 (Integral Value) and 9 (Absolute Integral Value)

intDATA <- intDATA[c(2,4,5,7:9),]

intDATA <- array(data=as.real(intDATA), dim = dim(intDATA))

rownames(intDATA) <- c("F2a","F2b","F1a","F1b","Int","absInt")

# don’t use start and end integral borders, use the mean

intDATA[1,] <- (intDATA[1,] + intDATA[2,])/2 ## mean F2

intDATA[3,] <- (intDATA[3,] + intDATA[4,])/2 ## mean F1

intDATA <- intDATA[c(1,3,5,6), ]

rownames(intDATA) <- c("F2","F1","Int","absInt")

cat(paste(sep="", "F2: ", length(table(intDATA[1,])), " (", min(intDATA[1,]), " - ", max(intDATA[1,]), " ppm) x F1: ",

length(table(intDATA[2,])), " (", min(intDATA[2,]), " - ", max(intDATA[2,]), " ppm) ", "\n"))


}#end else


### end function readNMRIntList





### read all NMR 2D DATA found in

### FilePath with the given pattern


FileList <- list.files(path = FilePath, pattern = FilePattern, recursive=TRUE)

cat("*", length(FileList), "files found\n");

cat("* file 1: ", FileList[1],"\n")

# use only F1, F2 and absInt

integralDAT <- readNMRIntList2D(FilePath, FileList[1])[c(1:2, 4), ]

rownames(integralDAT)[3] <- FileList[1]

for(x in 2:length(FileList)){ ### loop to load all found integral files

## !!! no error check, assume, that all integral files have the dimension and bucket size

## please check the output, all files should have same

## number of items and same F1 and F2 dimensions

cat("* file ", x, ": ", FileList[x],"\n")

integralDAT <- rbind(integralDAT, readNMRIntList2D(FilePath, FileList[x])[4, ])


rownames(integralDAT)[x+2] <- FileList[x]

# plot2DNMR(integralDAT[1,], integralDAT[2,], integralDAT[x,], type="contour")

} ## end of loop

# name rows and cols of the integral data matrix

rownames(integralDAT) <- sub(FilePattern, rownames(integralDAT), replacement="", fixed=T)

colnames(integralDAT) <- paste(sep="", "H", format(round(integralDAT[1,],2),trim=T,nsmall=2), "/C",format(round(integralDAT[2,],1),trim=T,nsmall=1))


## calculate a mean hop file


meanIntegralDAT <- integralDAT[1:3, ]

meanIntegralDAT[3,] <- apply(integralDAT[-c(1,2),], 2, mean)

rownames(meanIntegralDAT)[3] <- "mean"


## 2D-NMR-PLOT of all files


for(x in 3:length(FileList)){

plot2DNMR(integralDAT[1,], integralDAT[2,], integralDAT[x,], type="contour")


plot2DNMR(meanIntegralDAT[1,], meanIntegralDAT[2,], meanIntegralDAT[3,], type="contour")


## hierarchical clustering


hc.result <- hclust(dist(integralDAT[-c(1,2),]), "ave")



## PCA




pca.results <- pca(integralDAT[-c(1,2),], nPcs=3)

plotPcs(pca.results, type="scores")

## score plots

# plot dots

plot(pca.results@scores[,1:2], lwd=3, pch=19, col="lightgray")

# print names

plot(pca.results@scores[,1:2], type="n"); abline(v=0, h=0, col="lightgray")

text(x=pca.results@scores[,1], y=pca.results@scores[,2],

rownames(integralDAT)[-c(1,2)], cex=1.5)

## loading plot

plotPcs(pca.results, type="loadings")

# loading 1 against 2




## plot PCA with legend

windows(width = 9, height = 6, pointsize = 12)

pc1<-1; pc2<-2 # select principal component of choice

plot(x=pca.results@scores[,pc1],y=pca.results@scores[,pc2], xlab=paste(sep="","PC ", pc1," (",round(pca.results@R2[pc1]*100, digits = 1),"%)"),ylab=paste(sep="","PC ", pc2," (",round(pca.results@R2[pc2]*100, digits = 1),"%)"),main="PCA: 2D NMR", cex=3,pch=19, col=1:pca.results@nObs)

legend("bottomright", legend = names(table(rownames(pca.results@scores))), pch=19, pt.cex=1.5, col=1:pca.results@nObs)

text(x=pca.results@scores[,pc1],y=pca.results@scores[,pc2], rownames(integralDAT)[-c(1,2)])



### plot loadings

### select principal component

pc1 <- 1

### choose trash level

maxpc1POS <- 0.08 # trash level for positive pc loadings

maxpc1NEG <- -0.09 # trash level for negative pc loadings

### OR

#### select the *10* most importent negative and positive loadings

maxpc1POS <- sort(pca.results@loadings[,pc1], decreasing=T)[11]

maxpc1NEG <- sort(pca.results@loadings[,pc1], decreasing=F)[11]

#### Plot Version 1

#### plot all loadings, x axis is just an index

#### colorize importend loadings green (pos) and red (neg)

plot(x=pca.results@loadings[,pc1],type="h",ylab=paste(sep="","PC ",pc1," Loadings (",round(pca.results@R2[pc1]*100, digits = 1),"%)"),xlab="Peak Index",main="HMBC")


extrempos<-which(pca.results@loadings[,pc1] > maxpc1POS)


abline(h= maxpc1POS,col="gray")

points(y=pca.results@loadings[extrempos,pc1],x=extrempos, cex=3,pch=21,lwd=3,col="lightgray")

points(y=pca.results@loadings[extrempos,pc1],x=extrempos, cex=3,pch=21,lwd=3,col="green",type="h")

extremneg<-which(pca.results@loadings[,pc1] < maxpc1NEG)



points(y=pca.results@loadings[extremneg,pc1],x=extremneg, cex=3,pch=21,lwd=3,col="lightgray")

points(y=pca.results@loadings[extremneg,pc1],x=extremneg, cex=3,pch=21,lwd=3,col="red",type="h")

text(x=dim(integralDAT)[2]/50,y= max(pca.results@loadings[,pc1]),paste(length(extrempos),"Peaks"),col="green")

text(x=dim(integralDAT)[2]/50,y= min(pca.results@loadings[,pc1]),paste(length(extremneg),"Peaks"),col="red")

text(y=pca.results@loadings[extrempos,pc1],x=extrempos, colnames(integralDAT)[extrempos],col="green")

text(y=pca.results@loadings[extremneg,pc1],x=extremneg, colnames(integralDAT)[extremneg],col="red")




#### Plot Version 2

#### plot loadings as 2D NMR Spectrum


plot2DNMR(integralDAT[1,], integralDAT[2,], pca.results@loadings[,pc1], type="countour")

plot2DNMR(integralDAT[1,], integralDAT[2,], pca.results@loadings[,pc1], type="filled.countour")

#### Plot Version 3

#### plot 2D NMR with overlay


plot2DNMR(integralDAT[1,], integralDAT[2,], meanIntegralDAT[3,])

points(x=(max(integralDAT[1,]) - integralDAT[1, extrempos])/(max(integralDAT[1,])-min(integralDAT[1,])),y=(max(integralDAT[2,]) - integralDAT[2, extrempos])/(max(integralDAT[2,])-min(integralDAT[2,])),, col="green",lwd=2,cex=2)

points(x=(max(integralDAT[1,]) - integralDAT[1, extremneg])/(max(integralDAT[1,])-min(integralDAT[1,])),y=(max(integralDAT[2,]) - integralDAT[2, extremneg])/(max(integralDAT[2,])-min(integralDAT[2,])),, col="red",lwd=2,cex=2)

points(x=(max(integralDAT[1,]) - integralDAT[1, extrempos])/(max(integralDAT[1,])-min(integralDAT[1,])),y=(max(integralDAT[2,]) - integralDAT[2, extrempos])/(max(integralDAT[2,])-min(integralDAT[2,])),, col="green",lwd=2,cex=2)