PLTW Principles of Biomedical Sciences Honors
Laura Howard
(843) 621-3255
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the biomedical sciences through exciting hands-on projects and problems. Students investigate concepts of biology and medicine as they explore health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. They will determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional woman as they sequentially piece together evidence found in her medical history and her autopsy report. Students will investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that might have prolonged the woman’s life and demonstrate how the development of disease is related to changes in human body systems. The activities and projects introduce students to human physiology, basic biology, medicine, and research processes and allow students to design experiments to solve problems. Key biological concepts including maintenance of homeostasis in the body, metabolism, inheritance of traits, and defense against disease are embedded in the curriculum. This course is designed to provide an overview of all of the courses in the biomedical sciences program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses.
HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT: One (1) unit of elective credit will be awarded upon passing of this course.
COLLEGE CREDIT: Students enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to earn college credits from Clemson University, IUPUI, Stevenson University, or Missouri S & T. There are individual stipulations such as 80% or higher on end of course examination or an A average in all 4 courses that are individual to each institution. There is an additional cost for the credits.
TEXTBOOK: None – curriculum is online. Use the Canvas Learning Management System log in.
SUPPLIES:Notebook,Flash drive, blue or black pen
Instructional Philosophy
Students learn best by inquiry. No matter their backgrounds, in my classroom, all students can learn. Using the project-based learning curriculum format, students learn by inquiring about specific content topics and completing hands on projects revolving around the essential content. They develop critical thinking, creativity, innovation and real-world problem solving skills necessary to become not only successful learners but successful contributors to our high tech, high skilled global economy. In my classroom, I believe that my role is that of a facilitator. I create a safe and comfortable environment for all students to explore, create, research, and acquire knowledge and understandings that can help them achieve their utmost potential.
Course Goals
The goals of the PBS course is to provide an introduction to the biomedical sciences through exciting hands-on projects and problems and to introduce students to human physiology, basic biology, medicine, and research processes and allow students to design experiments to solve problems, setting the foundation for subsequent courses.
Standards for this course are taken from National Science Education Standards, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, National Health Care Cluster Foundation Standards, Standards for the English Language Arts, Standards for Technology, and Common Core State Standardsand are available by going to this link .
This course was developed by Project Lead the Way, Inc. and all materials and information originated from their curriculum development. Only teachers who have received training by Project Lead the Way have permission to teach this course and use the materials. Although students will have access to the curriculum out outside computers through the LMS, the curriculum is not to be shared on any unprotected space with the public.
Instructional Delivery Plan
Utilizing the activity-project-problem-based (APPB) teaching design, along with inquiry based learning, students will be introduced to the topic with the use of technology and given the opportunity to make the topic relevant. Next, students will complete guided self-inquiry deeper into the content as they complete an activity or project. Finally, students will be given the opportunity to reflect on learning through drawing individual conclusions and being formally assessed.
Grading & Assessment
Grading Policy
Students will receive a grade based on the percentage of points earned out of total points possible. These points will come from homework, labs, projects, quizzes, tests, and class work.
The following are the point values certain assignments are usually worth:
Tests: 100 points
Quizzes: 10-50 points
Labs: 25-50 points
Homework (completion): 5 points
Classroom Assignments/Projects: Vary
To find the percent score for a particular assignment, divide earned points by possible points and multiply by 100. Example: 40 earned points/50 possible points x 100= 80/C
To find your average at any point in the nine weeks, add all possible points and all earned points and follow the same procedure.
Florence School District 1 Grading Scale-
→ If absent on the day a project/major grade is due – must have someone bring it that day or turn it in early.
Extra Help
The student will be held responsible for all work presented in class. It is the responsibility of the student to make-up any work missed due to lack of class time or an absence. Students can schedule an appointment or report before school from 7:45 until 8:15. Please make arrangements to make-up work as soon as possible to prevent confusion during class and to gain feedback on your work.
Academic Integrity
Do not copy another student’s work. A grade of zero will be given on any work a student submits if it is not completely his or her work. The student whose name appears on the work must have completed the entire assignment. First offense, warning. Second offense, both parties receive a 0 but are allowed to make up assignment. Third offense, both parties receive a 0, discipline referral, and parents are notified.
Electronic Portfolio including Major Course Projects
***All students will complete an electronic portfolio which will include the major course projects, along with 5 career journals of their choice, photos of student participation, list of lab skills acquired and personal resume.
Classroom Procedures
Classroom Procedures
Students will be held accountable to the FSD1 Behavior Policies andWF Student Handbook.
- Be Here! Do what you know is right!
- Be ready to learn when the bell rings with all classroom materials and a good attitude.
- Respect yourself, your classmates, and your school.
- Wear your safety equipment at all required times.
- No food, drink, candy, gum, or cell phones. You are in a lab!
- Display personal integrity at all times – Be honest and do not plagiarize.
7. Pull your own weight! We will be doing a lot of group work – do your part as you would in a professional facility.
Consequences of Non-compliance
- Verbal Warning
- Teacher – Student Conference after Class
- Parent notification
- Director/Assistant Director Involvement
Immediate parent phone call or referral to Administrator may be needed for extreme disrespect, cheating, fighting, profanity, disruptions and for alcohol/tobacco offenses.
END OF COURSE ASSESSMENT: ALL students taking this course will take an end of course assessment in addition to the final exam. This assessment is conducted by national PLTW and is used in the collection of national student outcomes.
If your student chooses to continue in the PLTW Biomedical Sciences courses, the sequence is as follows:
Semester 2: Human Body Systems-Honors
Semester 3: Medical Interventions - Honors
Semester 4: Biomedical Innovations - Honors
I have reviewed the attached course syllabus, classroom rules, and procedures for Principles of Biomedical Sciences. I understand that I/ my child must comply with all of the expectations.
Student name printed: ______
Student signature: ______
Student Email:______
Student Phone Number: ______
Parent/Guardian signature: ______
Parent/Guardian email address: ______
Parent/Guardian Email:______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ______