(Exhibit 1)
All members of the administrative and teaching staff must confess the Lord as their Savior and live a life style consistent with their Christian beliefs; they must be in agreement with the Foundational Statement of the Shoreline Christian School Society and be able to articulate the implications of that statement for their assignments a the school. They must be able active members of an evangelical Bible-believing church.
The teacher must hold appropriate Washington State certification. Exceptions may be made for teachers of religious courses and for those with unusual competence.
Administrator or Administrator’s Designee
To administer the athletic programs of Shoreline Christian School
Micah 6:8 “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
1.To administer an athletic program for responsive obedience to God as directed by the Mission Statement;
2.To know, observe, explain, and implement the various Board policies and regulations of the School and WIAA regulations in a positive manner to parents and/or students;
3.To represent the school at league, district, and state athletic meetings;
4.To know, implement, and suggest improvements to the school’s athletic program;
5.To develop and maintain game and practice schedules and facilities for 5th an 6th grade basketball, junior high athletics, and senior high athletics;
6.To advise the administrator or his/her designee of needed repairs and unsafe conditions of facilities;
7.To account for school athletic supplies and equipment and to work with the school’s bookkeeper in developing and oversight of the athletic budget and extra curricular coaching salaries;
8.To maintain records of student eligibility and participation in accordance with school, league, and WIAA guidelines;
9.To work cooperatively with staff, parents and students in sharing the workload, positively contribute to the good general school-wide morale;
10.To work with school administration in staffing and evaluating coaches and coaching positions;
11.To facilitate communication between school and home regarding athletic contests and participation;
12.To maintain close contact with parent(s) for the purpose of working together to lead the child to a life of discipleship to Christ through parent letters, Greensheet, and other means;
13.To implement the school’s conduct policy;
14.To arrange for supervision of participants during practice and game activities;
15.To hold and maintain a First Aid card;
16.To provide appropriate game staff at home and away games/matches;