June 7, 2016
SELECTMEN PRESENT: J. Christopher Kervick, Michelle L. Hill, and Denise T. Balboni
ALSO ATTENDING: Douglas Glazier, Michael Bracken, Tom Ptasznik, Bob Harvey, Paul Harrington, Town Residents, and a Reporter from the Journal Inquirer
First Selectman Kervick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.
Public Input was received from:
Douglas Glazier – suggested that draft plans for any Town reconstruction projects be available for the public to review at a public meeting before the final plans are drawn up.
Michael Bracken – spoke regarding the Town developing a Policy that requires Boards & Commissions to record their meetings; line of sight issues with trees located at the northwest corner of South Elm Street & Green Manor Terrace and other intersections around Town.
Tom Ptasznik, 22 Grove Street (Apt. - A309) – spoke regarding tenant issues at the Housing Authority Grove Street Building.
A list of Housing Authority Board of Directors will be sent to Mr. Ptasznik.
Bob Harvey – also spoke about the tenant issues at the Housing Authority Grove Street Building.
Selectman Hill moved to approve the May 3, 2016 regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
a. Set Town Meeting Date Board of Education Building Projects at WLHS and WLMS
Town Meeting approval is required for revised language to the formerly approved project for the ADA Civil Rights Compliance Project at the WLHS, and for the approval of applying for a grant for a roof replacement project at the WLMS.
b. Adopt Resolution for State of Connecticut Historic Preservation Fund Grant
Town Meeting approval is also required for application for a Historic Restoration matching funds Grant with the State of Connecticut, Department of Economic and Community Development State Historic Preservation Office, for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. To date, $20,750.00 has been donated to be used towards restoration of the Historic Train Station which could be matched in funding if the Town receives grant approval.
Selectman Balboni moved to set a Town Meeting date for Tuesday, June 14, 2016 @ 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of approving the Board of Education Building Projects at WLHS and WLMS, and to approve the application of a matching funds grant with the DECD State Historic Preservation Office for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 Selectman Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Board of Selectmen
June 7, 2016
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a. Proposed Ordinance to Implement Fees for Fire Marshall Plan Reviews
The new Building Inspector has had some experience with Fire Marshal Plan Review fees and is researching other Towns on how the fee structure can be implemented. He will report his findings back to the First Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen agreed to table the matter until the report is available.
b. Update Animal Control Facility – Towns of Suffield & East Granby
The Town of Windsor has inquired about the possibility of using the Windsor Locks facility. There has been no further contact from the Towns of Suffield & East Granby on using the Windsor Locks facility. The Selectmen agreed to table the matter until actual proposals come forward from those towns.
c. Update – Employee Vehicle Policy, Selectman Balboni
Selectman Balboni gave a brief overview of how other municipalities handle employees using town vehicles. After reviewing all of the data she felt that nothing justified the expense of any individuals taking town vehicles home during off-hours. Some items to be considered are if the mileage is being logged in and if the vehicle is part of the employee’s contract with the town.
After a brief discussion the Selectmen agreed that the next step would be to contact those employees that take town vehicles home to get their input on why it is necessary, and to see if their mileage is recorded.
d. Update – Employee Rules & Regulations, Selectman Hill
Selectman Hill gave a brief update on her review of the current Employee Rules & Regulations Policy for town employees. She is making recommendations for each section as she reviews it. Once that is done, a comparison will be made with other towns to see how the wording can be consistent and streamlined.
a. Appointments:
1. John Sullivan as the CONA Municipal Agent for a term expiring on 05/31/19
Selectman Balboni moved to appoint John Sullivan as the CONA Municipal Agent for the Town of Windsor Locks for a term expiring on May 31, 2019. Selectman Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
b. Resignations:
1. Michael Forschino (R) from the Planning & Zoning Commission
2. Douglas Hamilton (R) from the Committee on the Needs of the Aging (CONA)
The Selectmen accepted the Resignations with regret and thanked Mr. Forschino and Mr. Hamilton for their service to the Town of Windsor Locks.
Selectman Hill moved to approve the Tax Refunds dated June 7, 2016, in the amount of $1,679.79. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
A copy of the June 7, 2016 Tax Refunds is attached to these Minutes as Schedule A.
Michael Bracken – was not in favor of having the Town of Windsor utilizing the Windsor Locks Animal Control Facility. He also spoke against having employees taking home town vehicles.
Doug Glazier, 167 Taft Lane – reiterated that preliminary plans should be drawn up for public review before any final construction plans are made.
Board of Selectmen
June 7, 2016
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Michael Bracken – thought that mileage usage records for town vehicles were not kept.
Paul Harrington, 10 Meg Way – thanked the Selectmen for their review of the Employee Vehicle Policy and the Employee Rules and Regulations.
● Montgomery Building – the purchase decision will be made at the end of this month subject to the necessary approvals needed by the town. The project will only go forward if public safety requirements are met.
● Historic Train Station – construction should start by next week. In addition to the roof, the brickwork may also be able to be done while they are on the site.
● Heritage Day – the Event was organized by the W.L. Middle School History Club and the Historical Society and was very successful. They were able to raise $750.00 to go towards the restoration of the Historic Train Station.
● Lions Club Ambulance – Ambulance #2 is being replaced because of engine failure. The Board of Finance has approved $26,000.00 towards the cost for this year. The balance will be paid through a five (5) year loan through the Capital projects. First Selectman Kervick will be meeting with the Lion’s Club to gain more information on their program, and the funding that they require to operate. The Selectmen were invited to attend.
● Casino – no update at this point.
● Personnel Issues: the Finance Director, Social Services Director & Youth Services Director positions are open. All of the Director’s left for other employment opportunities.
● Oil – the town has a contract to purchase oil at a favorable price by committing to buy a certain amount of gallons (of oil) per year. Both of the Board of Education and Town Buildings have used well under what was anticipated which could require the possibly having the Town pay for oil that it didn’t use. Both the Public Work’s Director and Board of Education’s Chief of Facilities are looking into the matter to come up with a solution.
● Main Street – Surveyors are currently on site.
● Memorial Day celebration at Memorial Hall went well despite the Parade being rained out that morning.
There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. was made by Selectman Hill and seconded by Selectman Balboni. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan R. Barsanti
Susan R. Barsanti
Recording Secretary
Schedule A
Refund Request for June 7, 2016
Name / Bill Number / Reason for Refund / Refund AmountPrior Year Refunds
Financial Service Vehicle Trust
60 Mallard Court
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-3-73086 / Vehicle Sold / $ 311.05
Susan Faulkner & June Johnson
75 Smalley Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2012-1-1493 / Over Payment / $ 676.47
WPCA Re: Michael Lane
50 Stanton Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-1-2562 / Over Payment / $ 89.26
Current Year Refunds
American Honda Finance
Attn: Kristy
600 Kelly Way
Holyoke, Mass. 01040 / 2014-3-50267 / Vehicle Sold / $ 178.22
Jaelynn Attenello
120 Columbus Place, Unit 14 / Transferred to
Stamford, CT 06907 / 2014-3-50511 / New Town / $ 156.32
Heather Clem
52 Greenfield Drive
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-52279 / Overpayment / $ 100.33
Walter Kostrzewa Jr.
89 Oak Street
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-4-84003 / Vehicle Sold / $ 23.74
James & Bonnie Montemerlo
21 Stevens Street
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-61262 / Vehicle Donated / $ 49.13
Johana Rodriguez
41 Glendale Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106 / 2014-3-69614 / Vehicle Totaled / $ 17.28
S & P Plus
Administration Building
Bradley International Airport
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-68676 / Over Payment / $ 77.99
Prior Year Refunds / $ 1,076.78
Current Year Refunds / $ 603.01
Total Refunds / $ 1,679.79