Local Control and Accountability Plan
Webinar Series for Local Educational Agencies
Webinar Series: Developing the 2015-16 LCAP
Part I,A Tour of the New LCAP: Thursday, December 11, 2014: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
This Webinar training is designed to support LEAs as they are developing their 2015-16 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). This webinar will provide LEAs with a tour of the new LCAP, as well as offer tips on planning,and provide answers to frequently asked questions. Whether you are just starting to develop your 2015-16 LCAP or well on your way, this webinar will assist LEAs in developing a quality LCAP.
The Webinar is presented by the State Board of Education and WestEd.
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This is essential to receive your unique login link.
You should receive a confirmation email message immediately upon registering. If you do not seeit, please check your spam and junk folders. You will also receive an automated reminder messageone hour before the webinar.
To participate in this webinar, it is IMPORTANT that youtest your ability to access the session PRIOR to the start of the event.
-Click on this “Test Meeting” URL:
-Please contact your tech. help if you are not able to connect to the test meeting.
To Join the Session as an Attendee
IMPORTANT: You will need the automated email message, “Training Session Reminder,” sent one hour before the webinar, by “”. If you do not see this message, please check your spam and junk folders for it.
*Please note that the web system will send you your own unique URL.
To Access Audio
Audio is available via the telephone only.
Provide your phone number in the pop-up window to receive a call back. This is the preferred method of accessing audio, so that your phone line is synched with your name.
If you are on a cell phone, phone extension, or otherwise do not receive a call-back, dial direct (toll-free): 1-877-413-2826;Conference Code: 415-615-3213#
Need Tech. Help?
If you encounter difficulties logging in, please participate via live teleconference.
1)Call the above toll-free number and conference code.
2)Request the PDF of the PowerPoint handout or ask a question during the webinar by emailing .
**Note: If you have special access needs (e.g., you are hard of hearing and need alternative access for the audio), please let us know ASAP so we can make the appropriate arrangements. If you have unresolved technical problems, contact Anu Advani at 510-302-4248 or .