Fall 2016 Academic and Student Affairs
Goals and Initiatives Summary
1. Form Council on Academic and Student Affairs and begin regular meetings
a. Coaching program for students with faculty/staff planning underway
b. Learn about areas within AA/SA…monthly presentations from units
c. Crisis response team formed and in place
2. Collaborate with Strategic Enrollment Management Team
a. Members from AA/SA serve on team
b. Joint planning with admissions, marketing and communications
c. SEM retreat and draft SEM plan in process
3. Integrate all persistence and completion activities
a. Jointly working on IT solutions to provide predictive analytics and ongoing student case management
b. Members of AA/SA serve on working groups/teams across both divisions
c. Persistence and completion; student success is the priority for both divisions
Academic Affairs
1. Master Academic Planning
a. Current programs evaluated
b. New programs along with an overall academic affairs plan for the next five years
c. Draft of MAP in January
2. Student engagement/persistence/completion
a. Scheduling of Friday courses/engagement activities will increase
b. All majors have a four year course rotation in place and posted
c. Academic Affairs teams on student engagement/success and reviewing internal processes/procedures that impact student success are in place
3. Enhance communication
a. Provost blog is up and regular postings occur
b. Staff added to various academic affairs teams to broaden communication
c. Email communication to all fac/staff regularly occurs and information shared regularly with faculty senate
4. Internationalization
a. China recruiting trip complete and USFSP materials distributed in Beijing
b. Four new university partnerships in Nepal and China in development for semester abroad, work abroad, faculty/student exchanges, and program articulation
c. Working to secure route for international students to enroll at USFSP through direct admits and agency recruitment
5. Search processes/hiring
a. Registrar, assistant registrar searches were successful
b. COE dean search underway and on schedule
c. Faculty replacements in process and on schedule along with minority post-doc fellows program hires
6. Organizational
a. Assessing current organizational structure effectiveness
b. Planning campus forums for spring semester
c. Revamping curriculum approval process on campus to align with system digital process
Student Affairs
1. Divisional Planning & Recruitment
a. Workgroups formed for Assessment, Community Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, and Strategic Planning
b. Draft of Mission, Vision and Values created
c. Outline and Timeline for Development of the Strategic Plan with an April/May submission to Chancellor Wisniewska
d. Hired a Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs and Coordinator of Watercraft and Adventures. Have begun a search for an Associate Director of Campus Recreation
2. Career Center
a. Part-time Job Fair was largest ever with 217 students and 60+ employers.
b. Largest Career Carnival with 160 students visiting the event to help them with their Career Exploration. In collaboration with Advising Office and KTCOB Career Mgmt.
c. Increased Employer Engagement with re-established connections with Publix, Lowry Park Zoo, Busch Gardens, Enterprise, NW Mutual, Bealls, etc.
d. Created new programs – Glitter Jar and Career Talk Tuesday
3. Campus Recreation
a. Coed Sailing team qualified for Regatta in France, and finished 6th in the Nation at the Match Racing Championships
b. Intramurals had significant increase in participation
c. Facility Light project completed
4. Wellness Center
a. Piloting Student Leader Training Model
b. Approval for accreditation Site Visit
c. Collaboration with Campus Recreation on Exercise Prescription Program
d. Peers – Organization of the year Bacchus presentation
e. Faculty review sessions during University Study Center – partnership with Student Success center, 50 professors and over 150 students
f. New Program – Patio Tuesday on 4th Tuesday each month, over 300 students at each, partner w/ study abroad, wellness, campus rec., compass
g. Successful Florida Fish & Wildlife conference
5. Financial Aid & Scholarships
a. FAFSA Fridays replaced FAFSA Frenzy’s
b. Budgeting Workshops
c. Expanded Scholarships Committees
d. Overhauled Scholarship Application
e. High School Nights with Pinellas County School Board
f. FAFSA Nights at local High Schools
g. Financial Aid presentations expanded to Private Schools
h. Provided Registration Outreach to students
6. Military & Veteran Success Center - MVSC
a. Orientation Breakfasts for all new Vets and dependents
b. Partnered with Student Success Center for tutoring
c. Last mile scholarship from Veterans of South Pinellas County
d. Standing Down Project Grant from FHC
e. Vet Day & 1 year anniversary Celebration
f. Upgraded all computers in the center
7. Housing & Residence Life/Dean of Students
a. New Residential Curriculum created for Spring implementation
b. New Housing Database System (Star Rez) in place and will launch January 2017
c. New Bike Coral at RHO
d. Inaugural Residence Hall wall mural project
e. Largest on-campus residential population ever (620)
8. Student Outreach and Support/Dean of Students
a. Case Manager became certified in Violence Risk Assessment
b. Case Manager attended Threat Management Institute for training in best practices for case management programs and Behavioral Intervention Teams (BIT).
c. Case Manager supervised Honors Thesis researching perceptions of student, staff, and faculty on culture of care, bystander intervention, and services available for at-risk students
9. Student Life & Engagement
a. Leadership & Student Orgs (LSO) increase their # of unBULLievable spring break trips to 4
b. It’s on US campaign
c. OMA Coordinator hired.
d. Student Government facilitated a great senate election
e. Increase in program #’s across all areas
f. Creation of a student employee evaluation
10. Student Disability Services
a. Exam Proctoring – proctored 485 exams, a 8% increase from Fall 2015.
b. Registered 45 new students
c. Academic Coaching – Our Graduate Assistant (from USF Rehab/Mental Health program who works 12 hours a week) had 46 individual appointments, a 62% increase from Fall 2015
d. Scholarship Students -The Johnson Scholarship Foundationawards competitive scholarships to students with disabilities enrolled in aState ofFlorida university institution. Our SDS St. Petersburg department has 5 scholars this year receiving approximately $4,000 per year.The 5 USFSP scholars is proportionately highest (in number of SDS students)of the 3 USF institutions. In addition, there are 5 other students who have applied for supplemental funding for Spring 2017
11. University Student Center (USC)
a. The USC Faculty Fall 2016 Review Sessions had an overwhelming response with over 50 faculty members participating and a positive student response and participation
b. Patio Tuesday is a new programming initiative that is attracting an average of 300 students and is geared towards helping commuter students succeed
c. Successfully hosted the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Meeting for the first time
d. Surpassed revenue goals for the semester