Hello, thank you for getting in touch and for your interest in SIFH+
A bit about this form:
SIFH+ is entirely run by volunteers which is why it is filled with such love and passion.
We are very open-minded in terms of experience and do not care one bit about qualifications or grades. Although we are open to applications from all women (trans, intersex and cis), non-binary, agender and gender variant people we are particularly interested in hearing from women (trans, intersex and cis)who identify with BME groups, from poorer backgroundsand gender non-conforming people as we feel charities and not-for-profits are far too often entirely led by white middle-class heterosexual cis people and this must change!If you are affected by a certain issue and feel this is important do tell us.
If you do not like the format of this form change it and add your own sections - get creative! We want to know who you are and what you do, and you know the best way to tell us that.
If you prefer to add images or send us a video about yourself instead you are free to do that. We realise formal application forms are not very accessible and not always the best way to understand somebody and their experience.
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Why do you want to volunteer with See It From Her +?What specifically interests you about the way we run and what we do as an organisation?
How much time do you have free each week to volunteer?
How long do you want to volunteer for? When are free to start?
We usually do co-working on Thursdays and Fridays. Are you free either of these days?
What would you most like to do within SIFH+? Which role are you applying for?
If you are applying for a specific role, then please specify why you would be good at/have experience of/have the skills to take on that role? If you are not applying for a specific role, then please detail some of your interests or experiences.
Please refer to the role description to explain how you might meet the requirements. If you have no official previous experience, explain why you want to do this role and other experience you might bring to SIFH+ as an organisation. We like alternative experience.
What kind of support do you need to be able to take on this role/tasks?
What would you need from us? Is there anything we can do to make the work more accessible or easier?
At SIFH+ we are led by women (trans, intersex and cis), agender, gender variant and non-binary people who have experienced oppression because of their identity. We feel that those with lived experience of the issues we are trying to address should be at the forefront of our mission. We particularly welcome people who have experienced multiple oppressions because of their identity or experiences.
Do you feel you have experienced oppression or discrimination because of your identity?
What are you most proud of because of your identity? What are the biggest barriers you face because of your identity? And how could people stand in solidarity with your identity?
What are your biggest passions?
Do you have any disability that means you need us to make any adjustments or needs we should meet for the interview? Interviews will always be held in a wheelchair accessible space as standard.
Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence?Having a criminal record by no means stops you being able to volunteer for SIFH+, we just need to know about it. For some roles DBS checks will be made, are you ok with this?
Please provide the names, contact details (email and phone number) of two people from which references can be requested. These references should be people that know you well, but are not directly related to you.
This space is for you: Anything else you want to add or want us to know?
Any questions call Bryony on 07939894167 or email
If you have any problems filling out this form or if you want help filling it out or applying a different way, get in touch to discuss. We are happy to help.
Please return the form to
Thank you!