Abolhassan Seyedzadeh
Associated Professor
Pediatric Nephrology
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
Curriculum Vitae
November 2013
Home address : No . 25,Nobati Alley ,Kasra Street
Kermanshah , IRAN
Tel : 0098(831) 7242851
Responsible Mobile : 09181312529
Fax: ---
E-mail :
Work address : EmamRezaHospital
Kermanshah , IRAN
Tel : 0098(831) 4276301-10
Fax: 0098(831)4276355
E-mail : ---
Sex : Male
Date of birth : 12/oct/1965
Marital status : Married
1996 - Fellowship
Pediatric Nephrology , KermanshahUniversity of medical Science and Affiliated Hospitals , 1996-1998
Pediatric Nephrology Nation -Wide board exam 28/Aug/1998
Title of thesis : Comparison of VCUG findings among
More than 5-yr and less than 5-yr old age
Patients with first UTI
1991 - Residency
Pediatrics, TabrizUniversity of medical Science and AffiliatedHospitals 1991-1994
Title of thesis : Pattern of drug sensitivity of
Group A beta Hemolytic stereptococci
1989 - Internship
Hospitals affiliated with the TabrizUniversity of medical Science (Rotation in Internal medicine , Surgery , pediatrics , ob - Gyn, ENT , orthopedics , ophtalmology , Dermatology and emergency Services ) 1989-1991
1984-Medical School
TabrizUniversity of Medical Science 1989-1989
1979-High School
I mam KhomeiniHigh school,Kermanshah,IRAN 1979-1983
Oct. 1994- Assistant professer of pediatrics - Kermanshah University of medicalScience
Nov.1998 - Deputy of clinical education affairs .
Faculty of medicine , KermanshahUniversity
Of medical Science (1998- JUL 2001 )
Nov . 1998 - Member of research council
Faculty of medicine (1998 to )
Nov.1998 - Member of education council
KermanshahUniversity of medical Science (1998-2001)
Oct .1999 - Member of publication council
KermanshahUniversity of medical science (1999 to present)
Oct .1998 - Assistant professor of pediatric nephrology
Faculty of medicine - RaziHospital .
- Member of Iranian Society of Nephrology
Oct.2002-ClinicalAttachment in Nephrology Department,Birmingham Children's
Hospital,Birmingham ,UK (Oct 2002-Apr 2003)
Oct.2004- Head Of Department Of Pediatrics, KermanshahUniversity Of Medical Sciences ( 2004- 2006)
Jan.2008- Associate professor of pediatric nephrology
Involved in student of medicine training in KermanshahUniversity of medical science , RaziHospital from 1994
Involved in residents of pediatric training from 1994
Involved in pedriatric Nephrology fellowship training from 1998
1/Review of Bartter syndrome (second author )
May 1995 , 19th Iranian congress of pediatrics (GHARIB)
Tehran - IRAN
2/ Management of severe Hypertension (second author )
May 1996 , 20th Iranian congress of pediatrics ( GHARIB)
Tehran -IRAN
3/ Incidence of various malignancies among 368 renal allograft recipients in the fourth martyr’s hospital , Kermanshah ( third author) poster presentation
7-9 March 1998 - 5th Iranian congress of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. Tehran-IRAN
4/ Protein to creatinine ratio in a random urine sample,as related to 24-hour urine protein in patients with proteinuria (second author) poster presentation
7-9 March 1998-5th Iranian congress of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. Tehran-IRAN
5/ Acute peritoneal dialysis (second author)
19 AUG 1996, First congress of pediatric emergency Tabriz-IRAN
6/ Ultrasound in detection of renal scar in Razi Hospital- Kermanshah (First author) 2000- journal of KermanshahUniversity of medical science (BEH BOOd) -vol.4 - No.2 -P.35-40
7/ Evaluation of empiric-therapy with Ampicillin and Gentamicin in patients with UTI who was resistant to these agents in vitro (second author) poster presentation
22-24NOV 2000,first Iranian congress of public Health and preventive medicine- Kermanshah - IRAN
8/ Status of health and development in children of mother’s with Kidney transplantation (First author)poster presentation-7th Iranian congress of Nephrology, Dialysis & Transplantation,20-23 April 2002-Tehran-Iran
9/Translation to persian :Water,Electrolyte and Acid-Base Metabolism; Telind's Operative Gynecology,8th edition,1997
10/Cystoureterography in the first urinary tract infection in age groups above and bellow 5 years ( second author ) 2003-Journal Of Kermanshah University Of Medical Sciences (BEHBOOD )-Vol. 7-No. 1.22-28
11/Comparison of the results of sonography and DMSA scan of the kidney for diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis( second author) 8th Iranian congress of Nephrology,Dialysis &
Transplantation,26-29 September 2003-Tehran-Iran
12/Study of sensetivity and specificity of urinalysis in diagnosis of urinary tract infectionin children (third author) 8th Iranian congress of Nephrology ,Dialysis & Transplantation
26-29 September 2003-Tehran-Iran
13/Bilateral multifocal renal oncocytoma.Pediatr Nephrol (2003)18:1286-1288 ( first author )
14/ Study of diagnostic value of urinalysis in urinary tract infection.Journal of Zanjan university (2003) 43:37-42 (third author)
15/Comparison of indirect radionuclide cystography(IRC) and voiding cystoureterography (VCUG) in diagnosis of VUR.The 13th congress of international pediatric nephrology association.29 august-2september 2004,Adelide,Australia (third author)
16/Comparing the results of sonography and DMSA scan for diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis.The 13th congress of intrnational pediatric nephrology association.29 august-2 september 2004,Adelide,Australia (third author)
17/Foreign body aspiration in respiratory tract in children of Kermanshah.The 16th international congress of pediatrics.8-13 october 2004,Tehran,Iran (first author)
18/Incidence of hepatitis C among thalassemic patients in Kermanshah 1378. The 16th international congress of pediatrics.8-13 october 2004,Tehran,Iran ( second author)
19/Incidence of HIV infection in thalassemic patients under transfusion in ShahidFahmidehCenter,Kermanshah,2004,Journal Of Kermanshah University Of Medical Sciences(BEHBOOD) Vol.8.No.3,58-62
20/The effect cefixime suspension in outpatient therapy of children with acute pyelonephritis (Second Author)9th Iranian Congress Of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation.15-19 April 2005,Tehran,Iran.
21/Sensitivity and specificity of urinalysis in diagnosis ofUTI (thirdAuthor)9thIranian CongressOf Nephrology,Dialysis &
Transplantation.15-19 April 2005,Tehran,Iran
22/Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in icteric newborns in Kermanshah( Third Author) Annual Congress Of Iranian Society Of Pediatrics,14-18 May 2005,Tehran,Iran
23/Report of three cases of leech infestation with massive bleeding
In Razi Children's Hospital,Kermanshah (Third Author) Annual
Congress Of Iranian Society Of Pediatrics,14-18 May 2005,Tehran
24/ Study of effective factors in mortality and morbidity of newborns in MoatazediHospital, Kermanshah (Third Author)
Annual Congress Of Iranian Society Of Pediatrics,14-18 May 2005,Tehran,Iran.
25/Study of serum calcium and sodium level in children with febrile convulsion in ShahidFahmidehHospital,Kermanshah
(First Author) Annual Congress Of Iranian Society Of Pediatrics,14-18 May 2005,Tehran,Iran
26/The effect of Cefixime suspension in out-patient therapy of children with acute pyelonephritis (Second Author) 2004 Journal Of Zanjan University Of Medical Sciences,Vol.12,No.48,15-19
27/ The comparison of indirect radionucleotide cystography (IRC)
And voiding cystouretrography (VCUG) in diagnosing vesicouretheral reflux (VUR) (Third Author)2005,Journal of Kermanshah University Of Medical Sciences (BEHBOOD)Vol.9
28/Study of maternal and fetal complications of diabetes mellitus at Moatazedi Hospital,Kermanshah ,1998-2002 (First Author)The 1st Beijing International Conference On Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Oct 7-10,2005
29/Pregnancy after kidney transplantation .A survey in renal transplantation center of Kermanshah university of Medical sciences ( First Author) 2006,Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, vol.10,20-25
30/Pediatric cystine calculi in west of Iran: A study of 22 cases. ( First Author) 10th Iranian Annual Congress of Nephrology, transplantation & Dialysis ,19-23 May 2006,Urmia,Iran
31/Medical management of renal calculi in children ( Lecture) 10th Iranian Congress of Nephrology,Transplantation & Dialysis ,19-23 may 2006,Urmia,Iran
32/Pediatric cystine calculi in West of Iran:A study of 22 cases ( First Author)2006 ,Urology Journal,vol.3,134-137
33/Maternal and fetal outcome of burns during pregnancy in Kermanshah,Iran ( Second Author) 2006,Annals of Burn and Fire Disasters,vol. 19(4),174-176
34/Henna-induced severe hemolysis in G6PD-deficiency (First Author) 2007,Pak J Med Sci,Vol. 23,No. 1
35/Serum sodium & calcium level in children with simple and recurrent febrile convulsion (First Author) 2006, Journal of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences (BEHBOOD),Vol.10,No.31,294-298
36/The value of ultrasonography in the detection of renal scarring after urinary tract infection in children:Preliminary results (Second Author)Arch Med Sci,2007,Vol 3
37/Down Syndrome (Second Author) 2006-Payegan Company,Tehran,Iran
38/Acase report of hypomagnesemic hypercalciuric nephrocalcinosis in a 3 years old child (first Author) 2007,Rahavard e Danesh (Arak UMS)Vol. 10,No.3,107-111
39/Captopril-induced acute renal failure in Bartter syndrome (First Author) 2008 ,Urmia Medical Journal vol.19,No.1:86-89
40/Normal values for random urinary calcium to creatinine ratio in Iranian children (Second Author) 2008, Iranian Journal of Pediatrics,Vol.18,No.3:263-266
41/ High grade vesicoureteral reflux in Pfeiffer syndrome (First Author) 2008, Urology Journal, Vol. 5,No.3:202-203
42/ Epidemiologic Study of burn in children in Imam Khomeini hospital of Kermanshah between 1374-1379 . The scientific and Research Quarterly , Kermanshah Faculty of Nursing , Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences . 2007-Vol 4:14-22 (First Author)
43/ Prevalence of acute renal failure in neonates admitted to Kermanshah RaziHospital (2003-2004). BEHBOOD -2008 –VOL.4 : 391-397 .(First Author)
44/ The MIC Study of antibiotics used in the treatment of children with urinary tract infections caused by E.coli using E-test and its comparison with disk diffusion . Zanjan medical journal . 2009 –vol.17:89-98(Fourth Author)
45/ Study of hydatiform mole frequency and some relative risk factors . Hamadan medical journal . 2009 –vol.16:27-32(Second Author )
46/ Diagnostic value of powed doppler sonography in acute pyelonephritis in children .Qazvin medical journal. 2009-vol.13:6-10 (first Author )
47/ Clinical and laboratory aspects of urinary tract infections in hospitalzed children . BEHBOOD . 2009 –vol.13:211-219(First Author)
48/ Frequency of low Birth weight in Kermanshah Moatazedi Hospital and some effective factors . BEHBOOD .2009-vol.3:281-282 (Second Author)
49/ Growth indices in urinary tract infection children with or without vesicoureteral reflax .Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011-vol 22: 273-276(Second Author)
50/ Kidney imaging in management of delayed febrile urinary tract infection. Saudi J kidny Dis Transpalnt . 2011-vol.22:1160-1163 .
51/ Outcome of renal transplantation in children :A multi- center national report from Iran . Pediatr Transplantation . 2011-vol 15:533-538(13th Author)
52/ Relationship between blood pressure and Passive Smoking in elementary school children . Iran J pediatr . 2012-vol . 22:352-356 .(First Author).
53/Assessment of the efficacy of prophylactic antibiotics in Prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in children. Science Series Data Report .2012-vol. 4:67-72.(First Author)
54/Vesicoureteral Reflux: 9-year Follow-up Study From Kermanshah,Iran.Science Series Data Report .2012-vol. 4:27-34.(First Author)
55/ Infantile Exogenous Cushing Syndrome due to Misuse of Topical Corticosteroid. J Clinic Case Report.2012. 2 :12 (First Author)
articles in English
articles in Persian
presentations, posters and books
1/ David V Milford ( Consultant Ped. Nephrologist )Department Of Pediatric Nephrology,Birmingham Children's Hospital,Steelhouse Lane -Birmingham-B4 6NH UK
Tel:0044-121-333 9226
2/ Farro Raafat ( Consultant Ped. Pathologist )Department Of Pathology,Birmingham Children's Hospital,Steelhouse Lane-Birmingham -B4 6NH UK
Tel:0044-121-333 9232