Supervisor’s Minute Book, No. 18, Hamilton County, Iowa 718
The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. in the Boardroom of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Webster City, Iowa.
CALL TO ORDER: Called to order by Chair Wes Sweedler.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Board led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Doug Bailey David Young, and Wesley Sweedler.
OTHERS PRESENT: Dan Waid, Shelby Kroona, Anne Blankenship, Pat Powers, Patti Treibel, Lori Kloberdanz, and Kim Schaa.
AGENDA: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve the agenda with the removal of item 16. Motion carried.
MINUTES: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the minutes of the February 25, 2014 meeting. Motion
CLAIMS: General Basic Fund $105,679.92; General Basic (Public Health) Fund $34,572.28; General Basic (Conservation) Fund $42,133.30; General Supplemental Fund $28,081.80; General Supplemental Public Health Sub Fund $6,817.62; General Supplemental Conservation Sub Fund $3,894.11; MH-DD Services Fund $175,500.13; Rural Basic Fund $27,368.60; Prisoner Room & Board Fund $1,046.39; Local Option Sales Tax Fund $6,900.00; Secondary Roads Fund $138,531.76; Capital Projects Fund $4,430.53. Total $574,956.44. Drainage Fund $125,864.88. Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve payment of claims. Motion carried.
REPORTS: INTEGRATED HEALTH HOME: Patti Treibel presented a letter from Tim Bedford, Executive Director of Central Iowa Recovery, informing the Board of CIR’s application to become an Integrated Health Home in Hamilton County.
CLERK OF COURT: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the February 2014 Report from the Clerk of Court. Motion carried.
APPLICATIONS: SLOUGH BILL EXEMPTIONS: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to allow Slough Bill Exemption for the following applications:
2014 Slough Bill Applications
Forest Cover Exemption
Ruth Knox 8.70 Acres Stephen Mourlam 3.35 Acres
Terry Olson 12.80 Acres Dorothy Stearns 14.00 Acres
Stephen L. Mourlam 7.20 Acres Randy Walker &/or
Reveiz Farms 37.90 Acres Pete Moeding 81.30 Acres
Carl Trampel 4.70 Acres Whisler Family LLP 6.70 Acres
Open Prairie Exemption Charles & Darla Wilcox, Betty & 2.50 Acres
Chris Carlson 12.00 Acres Jerry Yochum
Sterling Dahl 6.80 Acres River & Stream Banks exemption
Chad & Jean Eells 2.30 Acres Reveiz Farms 8.50 Acres
Lyle Evans 10.73 Acres Rivers & Streams Exemption
Bryan Gilbert 5.99 Acres Dorothy Stearns 2.00 Acres
Lee O’Brien & Patty Yungclas 2.00 Acres
Mary Groves Loucks 5.70 Acres WETLANDS EXEMPTION
Joyce Hanson 6.45 Acres Palmer Erickson, Jr. 11.00 Acres
Keith Holdgrafer 4.88 Acres Merlyn & Carol Hegland 15.00 Acres
JoAnn Johnston 2.00 Acres Kendall Young Library Trust 10.80 Acres
Kendall Young Library Trust 7.60 Acres Dennis & Jean Miller 9.89 Acres
Luther Lund 37.55 Acres Sunshine Quilts, LLC 16.00 Acres
Ryan & Alison Weidemann 4.00 Acres
AGREEMENTS: COST ADVISORY SERVICES, INC: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve a three year contract with CAS, Inc. for developing cost allocation plans for the county at a rate of $4,125 per year. Motion carried.
28-E AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF KAMRAR: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve a 28-E Agreement with the City of Kamrar for a bridge replacement project. Motion carried.
CENTRAL IOWA RECOVERY LEASE: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve a lease with Central Iowa Recovery for office space in the Hamilton County Mental Health Services building. Motion carried.
FY’15 BUDGET HEARING: OPEN PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Sweedler opened the public hearing on the FY’15 Budget.
PROOF OF PUBLICATION: Proof of Publication of the hearing notice was provided by Auditor Kim Schaa.
PRESENTATION: Presentation of Proposed Fiscal Year 2015 Budget was given by Chairman Sweedler. It was noted that the County’s assessed valuation decreased for FY15 and although the levy was increased, the result will be $15,000 fewer tax dollars than FY’14.
CLOSING OF PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Sweedler closed the public hearing at 9:29 a.m.
REPORT: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve the Compensation Board’s recommendation for FY’15. Motion carried.
*RESOLUTION 2014-8: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to adopt Resolution 2014-8 adopting FY’15 Budget. Roll call vote: Young, Bailey, and Sweedler all voting aye. Motion carried.
DRAINAGE: DRAINAGE DISTRICT #110-3 HURD JOINT: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the Damages Report as filed. Motion carried.
Supervisor’s Minute Book, No. 18, Hamilton County, Iowa 719
PLANS: REGIONAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL IOWA COMMUNITY SERVICES: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve said plan as presented by Patti Treibel. Motion carried.
HAMILTON COUNTY STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve said plan as presented by Patti Treibel. Motion carried.
ADJOURN: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to adjourn. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 10:03 A.M.
*For more information regarding Resolutions 2014-8 see Resolutions on file in the Auditor’s office.
See “Claims Listing” for claims paid.
Kim Schaa Wes Sweedler
Hamilton County Auditor Hamilton County Board of Supervisors