2017 – 2018



Forms & Physical Due

Monday, February 27, 2017by 4:00 pm to

Coach Brown in room 2100

Forms need to be in the following order:

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Application
  3. Moral Code & Financial Agreement
  4. Cheerleader & Parent Contract
  5. Extracurricular Behavior Standards
  6. Constitution
  7. Payment Plan
  8. Grade & Discipline Report
  9. Grade Printout
  10. Physical – Completed in RankOne

(You must have a current physical on file in order to tryout – this needs to be completed and submitted by the first day of open gym (March 7)

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Last Name / First Name / Middle Name
Street Address / City / Zip
Subdivision (if applicable) / Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) / Age
Home Phone / Cell Phone / Grade for 2017-2018
Email Address
Do you compete with a gym? / Gym Name / Practice Days
What squad are you trying out for?(Please circle)VarsityMascot
For cheer: When stunting, what position are you trying out for? (Please circle)FlyerBaseBack Spot


Last Name / First Name / Middle Name
Street Address (if different) / City / Zip
Mother Employed By: / Cell Phone
Email Address


Last Name / First Name / Middle Name
Street Address (if different) / City / Zip
Father Employed By: / Cell Phone
Email Address


Insured Last Name / First Name / Group #
Insurance Company / Insurance Phone / Policy #
Insurance Type (please circle)HMOPPOMedicaidMedicare



As a cheerleader/mascot of Fulshear High School, the moral code will apply to all cheerleaders/mascots at all times. The moral code states: I shall conduct myself in such a manner to a credit to the cheerleading squad and Fulshear High School. I shall not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, engage in promiscuity, dress provocatively, or be disrespectful toward the coach, captains, teammates, teachers, or administrators. I understand that such an offense will result in disciplinary actions, including possible probation or dismissal from the team. Disrespect is defined as but not limited to, disregard for directions, speaking poorly of others, insubordination, and misuse of others belongings. Cheerleaders/Mascots are to be ladies/gentlemen at all times. Cheerleaders/Mascots are role models of Fulshear High School, Lamar CISD, and the community. I also agree to meet all requirements in association with cheerleading/mascoting as explained in the Cheerleader/Mascot Constitution.


NOTE: All members of cheerleading/mascoting squad must remain current on all financial obligations in order to be considered for participation in performances.

  1. CLOTHING LIST/CAMP (Out of Pocket Expenses)
  2. Varsity – No more than $750 on apparel (includes uniform, bodyliner, practice wear, undergarments, socks, bows, game day shirt, jacket) and up to $1,000 maximum that includes camp.
  3. Competition Team – No more than an additional $100 for any additional apparel. (competition team will be selected in October).
  5. The district provides us with a small amount of funding each year. Therefore, it is necessary that every member actively participates. Without this, we will not be able to do things as a team! Each cheerleader is asked to fundraise to help fun T-Shirts, Supplies, etc. This is a FHS Activity Account.


I understand that in order for my daughter/son to participate in cheerleading/mascoting, I must meet the financial obligations. I will keep the coach informed should I run into a financial problem. I understand that I will be able to access my child’s financial account through the coach. Payments can be made by money order, check, or cash. I will make sure I stay informed about fundraisers and fee deadlines.

Cheerleader’s/Mascot’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______

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I have read the Cheerleader/Mascot Constitution thoroughly and I understand the policies and regulations. I agree to support all that is stands for. I also understand being a member of the squad is an extracurricular activity and if I do not agree with the policies and guidelines set forth, then I can choose to not tryout for the team. I also understand that being a member of the squad is a privilege and not a right.I am aware that LCISD may be adopting new guidelines and/or regulations and they may change throughout the year and take effect immediately.

I specifically understand that being a cheerleader/mascot this year may cost up to $1,000. I understand there are various fundraisers throughout the year to help raise money for various items.

I also acknowledge cheerleading/mascoting is a year-round commitment, with practices being held after school. I understand cheerleading/mascoting comes before a job and/or other practices. Cheerleaders/Mascots will be benched for missed activities and/or practices.

I understand that I come back for summer practice beginning on July 24, 2017. Cheer/Mascot Camp and all summer practices/events are MANDATORY! Failure to attend summer cheer/mascot camp and/or July/August practices can result in dismissal from the team. I understand also that I am expected to attend SAC (strength and conditioning) camp at Fulshear High over the summer (dates/times TBD).

As a candidate/parent for cheerleading/mascoting at Fulshear High School, I have read the tryout packet and agree to abide by the cheerleader/mascot constitution which governs the behavior and requirements of the position of cheerleader/mascot at FHS. I agree to obey the rules and regulations set by the constitution and the LCISD Code of Conduct. I agree to accept the decision of the sponsor/coach and principal concerning these rules and requirements and I am aware and fully understand that this is a full year commitment and will be required to attend all functions as scheduled by the sponsor/coach throughout the year. I also acknowledge that due to the demands made on a cheerleader/mascot, some other school activities or outside activities may not be possible. I have read the cost estimate involved with being a cheerleader/mascot and I understand that I am held responsible for any expenses incurred during the year.


Cheerleader’s/Mascot’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______





Student Name & ID # (Please Print)

All students are expected to adhere to the District’s Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct. However, sponsors, directors and coaches of extracurricular activities may develop and enforce standards of behavior that are higher than the District’s Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct and may condition membership or participation in the activity on adherence to those standards. Extracurricular standards of behavior may take into consideration conduct that occurs at any time, on or off school property. A student may be removed from participation in extracurricular activities or may be excluded from school honors for violation of organizational standards of conduct of an extracurricular activity or for violation of the Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct.

Higher standards of conduct are expected of students representing the District’s extracurricular activities which are considered a privilege. Students may be asked to sign a written contract agreeing to adhere to a higher standard of conduct as outlined by each individual group. Groups that will be affected will include, but not limited to, cheerleaders, dance teams, athletes, National Honor Society, Student Council and musical and drama groups.

Electronic Media Behavior Standard

Any student member of an extracurricular organization or campus club (e.g. band/dance team/cheerleader/athlete/student council, etc.) representing themselves, or their organization, in an unfavorable, questionable or illegal manner through electronic media (i.e. websites, personal home pages, blogs, text messages, chat rooms, communication devices (i.e. camera phones, digital photos, electronic descriptions) in such a way as to bring discredit, dishonor, or disgrace on their organization or members of any other school organization including themselves will be subject to the disciplinary actions determined by appropriate school officials and/or organization sponsors/directors/coaches, including probation or dismissal from the organization.Social media/device inappropriate behavior that the coach would have right to question you on and result in consequence(s) could include but not limited to the following:

  • nude pictures
  • pictures in places where you are nude (bathroom, tub, shower, etc.)
  • pictures of you in bed with someone
  • pictures of you drinking, smoking, anything illegal
  • reports/proof of you under the influence
  • repeated use of foul language
  • rumors of you acting provocatively and/or sexually
  • lying in any way
  • Posting any of the above behaviors of someone else as text or images

Possible Consequences for these offenses (as determined by consequence clause) could include but are not limited to:

  • Being benched for a game or event
  • extra work and/or conditioning
  • probation for a period of time
  • dismissal from the team

My signature below verifies that I have read, understand and agree with the Fulshear High School behavior standards that state extracurricular activities are a privilege, that a higher standard of conduct is the expectation and that I will not use any type of electronic media to represent myself or my extracurricular organization in an unfavorable, questionable or illegal manner.


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate

Article XIX: Requirements and Duties

Each parent and cheerleader/mascot candidate must initial each statement in this article.

  1. All squad members will be governed by UIL, state, and school eligibility rules involving grades. However, two grading periods (two 6 weeks) involving a failing grade or the failure of one course for a semester will result in dismissal from the squad.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Cheerleaders/Mascots who are inattentive, disrespectful, vulgar, disobedient or do not follow the rules and regulations for FHS at school functions will not be allowed to participate and given demerits. After due process by the coach, the cheerleader/mascot may be removed from the squad.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. During the time a squad member is declared ineligible, he or she may not cheer during the designated function. S/he will not travel with the team nor dress in uniform. However, s/he will be required to attend the event and check in with the coach before and after the event. Failure to follow this rule will result in dismissal from the squad.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Cheerleaders/Mascots will be expected to participate in all fundraising activities required by the coach. In the event that a cheerleader/mascot does not participate in the fund-raiser (coach approval required), s/he shall be responsible for paying for all of the order. S/he may not return items.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Any cheerleader/mascot that chooses to quit or is dismissed from the squad will not be eligible to try out for the upcoming school year at FHS.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Each cheerleader/mascot must be able to give his/her time to any cheerleading/mascoting activity throughout the year. FHS CHEERLEADING/MASCOT MUST COME FIRST!

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Cheerleaders/Mascots must be able to attend all practices, performances, and required activities assigned by the coach, or consequences will be given (per consequence clause)

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Each cheerleader/mascot will take part in any planned meetings during the summer for the purpose of practice, camp, or any meeting deemed necessary for the squad.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. An absence will ONLY be excused for the following reasons: personal illness or accident with a doctor’s note, funeral or death in the family, or family emergencies. The coach will determine whether the absence falls into any of the preceding categories.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. In order to tryout, all monies due and/or obligations to LCISD must be up to date. There may not be any balance in order to try out for cheerleader/mascot.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Any cheerleader/mascot that is going to miss practice must call the coach at least 1 hour prior to the practice

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

  1. Cheerleading/Mascoting is a yearlong requirement and I acknowledge that I will be in cheerleading/mascoting for the entire year.

Parent: ______Candidate: ______

I have read and understand the Fulshear High School Cheerleading / Mascot Constitution, and the policies for participating on the cheerleading squad, and I accept them as governing my participation.I am aware that LCISD may be adopting new guidelines and/or regulations and they may change throughout the year and take effect immediately.

2017-2018 PAYMENT PLAN

Cheerleader/Mascot Name: ______

There will be a required deposit in the amount of $250 due at our uniform fitting on

Monday, April 24th at 3:30 PM.This will consist of a deposit for camp and a deposit for clothing.

Account Payment Options:

#1One payment due in full on Monday, April 24th, 2017

#2Two even payments:

-Payment 1 due Monday, April 17th, 2017

-Payment 2 due Monday, May 15, 2017

#3Three even payments:

-Payment 1 due Monday, April 3, 2017

-Payment 2 due Monday, April 17, 2017

-Payment 3 due Monday, May 15, 2017

#4Five even payments:

-Payment 1 due Monday, April 3, 2017

-Payment 2 due Monday, April 17, 2017

-Payment 3 due Monday, May 1, 2017

-Payment 4 due Monday, May 15, 2017

-Payment 5 due Monday, June 5, 2017

*Please note that you will not be able to cheer/mascot at any GRHS function until the Total Account Balance is at $0.00. This means no football games, pep rallies, camp, etc. until you are clear.

Payment Agreement:

I understand that payments are due on the dates listed above unless prior arrangements have been made with Coach Brown. If payments are not made when due, my child will be placed on probation until payment has been received. If my daughter/son has to be dismissed for any reason or chooses to quit for any reason, I understand that I am still held responsible for the Total Account Balance listed on her Cheerleader/Mascot Expense Sheet. My daughter/son will be placed on the “not clear” list until the account is paid in full.

Parent Signature Cheerleader/Mascot Signature

Payment Plan Option Number selected ______


***Please attach a copy of your grades. Make sure that all four six week

grades and final semester averages for the fall semester are present.***

Note to Assistant Principals:FHS cheerleader/mascot candidates are not allowed to have more than 3 office referrals during the current school year. Candidates who have required severe disciplinary action (ALC placement, suspension, etc.) during the current school year are ineligible to tryout.

______I am granting permission for ______, a candidate for cheerleader/mascot at Fulshear High School, to attend all tryout clinics and official tryout for FHS cheerleader/mascot. I am verifying that the attached grades are correct and that the candidate has not received any major disciplinary infractions during the current school year.

______I am NOT granting permission for ______, a candidate for cheerleader/mascot at Fulshear High School to tryout due to:

______Discipline, ______Grades, ______Attendance.


Assistant Principal’s NameAssistant Principal’s SignatureDate


Cheerleader/Mascot NameCheerleader/Mascot SignatureDate


Parent’s NameParent’s SignatureDate

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