Mars Backstage Test Results: Personal Name Headings
Karen #1
Agnes de Lima collection of Alyse Gregory
600 10 Bourne, Randolph, |d 1886-1918.
600 10 Bourne, Randolph Silliman, |d 1886-1918.
Good: Mars changed from see ref to to auth form.
600 10 DeLima, Agnes.
600 10 De Lima, Agnes.
Good: Mars changed from see ref to to auth form.
Except: auth form has lower case d: de Lima, Agnes
600 10 Lima, Sigrid de.
600 10 De Lima, Sigrid.
Good: Mars changed from see ref to to auth form.
Except: auth form has lower case d: de Lima, Sigrid.
600 10 Powys family.
100 30 Powys family.
Good: Mars changed first ind to 3.
700 1 Gregory, Alyse, |d 1884-1867.
700 1 Gregory, Alyse, |d 1884-1867.
Bad: Mars did not correct death date to 1967.
700 1 Powys, Llewelyn, |d 1884-1929.
700 1 Powys, Llewelyn, |d 1884-1929.
Bad: Mars did not correct death date to 1939.
Karen #2
100 10 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972.
100 1 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972.
Good: Mars changed second ind to blank
600 10 Bellinger, Alfred Raymond, |d 1893-.
600 10 Bellinger, Alfred Raymond, |d 1893-
Good: Mars deleted period at end
600 10 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972
600 10 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972.
Good: Mars added period at end
600 10 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972 |x Criticism and interpretation.
600 10 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972 |x Criticism and interpretation.
Good: Mars did not delete |x
Karen #3
100 1 Messager, Andre, |d 1853-1929.
100 1 | Messager, André, |d 1853-1929.
Good: Mars added diacritic
600 10 Mëssager, Andre, |d 1853-1929.
600 1 Messager, André, |d 1853-1929.
Good: Mars deleted incorrect diacritic and added correct diacritic
Karen #4
600 10 Auric, Georges, |d b. 1899.
600 10 Auric, Georges, |d b. 1899.
Bad: Mars did not change b. 1899 to 1899-
600 10 Poquelin de Molière, Jean Baptiste, |d 1622-1673 |v Musical settings.
600 10 Molière, |d 1622-1673 |v Musical settings.
Good: Mars changed heading from see ref to auth form, without changing |v
600 10 Dëiìagilev, Sergeæi, |d 1872-1929.
600 10 Diaghilev, Serge, |d 1872-1929.
Good: Mars deleted diacritics
Karen #5
600 10 Sitwell, Edith, |d Dame, |c 1887-1964 |x Songs and music.
(correct: Sitwell, Edith, |c Dame, |d 1887-1964 |x Songs and music.
Good: Mars changed |d to |c and changed |c to |d
Bad: Mars did not change |x to |v
600 10 Walton, William, |d 1902-1983.
600 10 Walton, William, |d 1902-1983.
Bad: Mars did not change 1902-1983 to 1902-
Karen #6
100 1 Salsbury, Nathan, |d 1846-1902, |e collector.
100 1 Salsbury, Nathan, |d 1846-1902, |e collector.
Good: Mars did not change |e
655 Photoprints. |2 ftamc
655 Photoprints. |2 ftamc
Good: Mars made no changes
656 7 Actors |z United States. |2 lcsh
656 7 Actors |z United States. |2 lcsh
Good: Mars made no changes
692 14 Salsbury, Nathan, |d 1846-1902 |x Bookplate.
692 14 Salsbury, Nathan, |d 1846-1902 |x Bookplate.
Good: Mars made no changes
Karen #7
100 3 Gregory family.
100 3 Gregory family.
Good: Mars did not change to auth form
700 10 Gregory, Alyse, |d 1884-1967.
700 1 Gregory, Alyse, |d 1884-1967.
Good: Mars changed second ind to blank
600 10 Pinneo, Timothy Stone, |d 1804-1893.
600 10 Pinneo, T. S. |q (Timothy Stone), |d 1804-1893.)
Good: Mars changed from see ref to auth form
Karen #8
600 20 Carolus-Duran, |d 1837 or 8-1917.
600 10 Carolus-Duran, |d 1837 or 8-1917.
Good: Mars changed first ind to 1
600 10 Gregory Alyse |d 1884-1967.
600 10 Gregory, Alyse, |d 1884-1967.
Good: Mars added comma before |d
Karen #9
100 1 Chardin, John, |c Sir, |d 1643-1713..
100 1 Chardin, John, |c Sir, |d 1643-1713.
Good: Mars deleted extra period at end
600 10 Chardin, John |c Sir, |d 1643-1713.
600 10 Chardin, John, |c Sir, |d 1643-1713.
Good: Mars added comma before |c
Karen #10
110 1 Wilson, Elena |d 1906-1979.
110 1 Wilson, Elena |d 1906-1979.
Bad: Mars did not change tag to 100
Bad: Mars did not add comma before |d
700 0 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972.
700 1 Wilson, Edmund, |d 1895-1972.
Good: Mars changed first ind to 1
600 10 ‚a Wilson, Elena ‚d 1906-1979.
600 10 ‚a Wilson, Elena‚ |d 1906-1979.
Good: Mars added comma before |d
600 10 Aaron, Daniel; |d 1912-
600 10 Aaron, Daniel, |d 1912-
Good: Mars changed semicolon before |d to comma
600 10 Edel, Leon, |d 1907
600 10 Edel, Leon, |d 1907-
Good: Mars added hyphen after date
600 10 Karlinsky, Simon. |v Correspondence.
600 10 Karlinsky, Simon |v Correspondence.
Good: Mars deleted period before |v
600 10 Nabokova, Vera. and 600 10 Slonim, Vera Evseevna.
600 10 Nabokova, Vera.