5 April, 2011
LGRSI Media Release
Hurstville Council becomes newest South City Cousin for Food Connect Sydney
Food Connect Sydney, an award-winning social enterprise, has paved the way for consumers to buy chemical-free produce direct from local farmers.
Hurstville City Council has partnered with Food Connect to become a City Cousin – the newest distribution centre for South City residents who are interested in receiving fresh, local and chemical-free fruit and vegetables.
City Cousins are volunteers or organisations who take delivery of produce boxes on behalf of their neighbours, providing a central hub for residents to pick up produce weekly. Each box contains a variety of fruit and vegetables according to what’s in season locally.
Mayor of Hurstville, Cr Philip Sansom said Food Connect will distribute their products from Hurstville City Library.
“Council is excited to provide a link for Hurstville residents to receive fresh, local produce,” he said.
Food Connect Sydney has an extensive distribution network throughout the greater Metropolitan area. Through the Lower Georges River Sustainability Initiative’s (LGRSI) getting greener! program, Food Connect Sydney received funding to extend its network into the St. George/Illawara region.
Produce managers at Food Connect ensure that all produce comes direct from farmers with an average of 200kms from Sydney. Approximately 40c in every dollar goes back to the farmer.
“Out of all of our City Cousins, libraries tend to be really beneficial for the community because they’re already very recognisable and important meeting places,” said Lena Hammond, Food Connect Sydney’s Marketing Coordinator.
Hurstville City Library is located at 12-22 Dora St, in Hurstville. All residents are welcome to join the program by visiting www.foodconnect.com.au or Council’s website at http://www.hurstville.nsw.gov.au/FoodConnect.html
The LGRSI is a partnership between Hurstville City, Kogarah City, Rockdale City, and Sutherland Shire councils, the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority and the Georges River Combined Councils’ Committee. The initiative has been assisted by the NSW Government Environmental Trust through its Urban Sustainability Program.