General Rules
The competition is open to any Club in full membership of the Bedfordshire Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs. Only one entry per Club is allowed.
Each Club is to design, construct and erect a signboard within their vicinity to advertise the forthcoming Country Show & Rally. The signboard is to be constructed within the dimensions of 2.5 metres by 1.25 metres, but can be displayed in any way, ie. Vertically, horizontally or in more than one part.
The sign must contain the following information very prominently:
The date of the Country Show & Rally: Saturday 20th May
The venue of the Country Show & Rally: Clayhill Farm, Westoning MK45 5JF
The following information should also be clearly defined on the sign:
The host organisation: Bedfordshire Young Farmers’ Clubs
The time that it starts: From 10.00am
The remainder of the content is at your discretion, and may be designed to inform the public of the type of activities to be found at the YFC Show, and to attract them to it. Due regard should be given to projecting a positive image of the movement to the public.
The sign is to be erected by Saturday 15th April 2017, and a map and clear directions to it’s location to be sent to Alison Redman at by Sunday 12th March 2017, or bring it to Pre-Rally.
It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that the sign is safely erected in a non-hazardous position, is in accordance with all planning and other regulations, and is removed from the site by 28th May 2017.
The Judges will mark in accordance with the following:
Originality of design 30
Quality of construction and paintwork 25
Clearness and suitability of information 25
Suitable location of site for maximum impact, taking into
consideration planning and highway regulations 35
Overall, effect 35
NB. It should be noted that some of the entries were not photographed in the past because the site was too hazardous. Please make sure you select an appropriate site otherwise, you may be fined by the local council, and penalised by the Judges.
Please also take your own photographs and send to Alison Redman at of the sign in case it is vandalised.