Neag Assessment Committee
April 5, 2012
Charge: Help foster an assessment culture for the Neag School. To do this, the committee will assist in development, implementation, and refinement of the Neag School of Education Assessment Plan so that we ensure a participatory model across all departments and programs; help assist in the development of instruments and protocols, the implementation of assessment designs, and the analyses and reporting of data; and, provide feedback and input on assessment initiatives.
Objectives for 2010-2011:
Fine tuning/publishing in the fall the Neag School of Education Assessment Plan (3rd edition).
Completing the development of employer surveys and providing feedback on initial drafts of the reports.
Providing feedback for special assessment research reports (e.g., alumni survey with CSDE).
Developing assessment guidelines for the school (website publication, inquiries for studies/information).
Suggesting changes to the assessment website.
Solidifying school climate survey(s) to be administered in 2012-2013.
Coordinating the completed Annual Concentration Report for Assessment and the NEASC OATS reporting requirements.
Continuing to support further coordination of various subcommittees (i.e. all mentioned in the organizational framework.
11:00-11:30 Lunch
11:30-11:45 Welcoming
During the welcoming section of the Neag Assessment Committee (NAC) meeting, Mary will review what we did at the fall meeting and provide an overview of what will be accomplished at this meeting to reach our 2011-2012 objectives.
Mary will also share the status of data requests to the CSDE and will provide an update of “assessment research.”
11:40-11:55Employer Survey Results
We have three survey forms: one for superintendents (assessing teacher education, school psychology, school counseling, UCAPP, and Executive Leadership), one for principals (assessing teacher education), and one for higher education (all departments). The first two draft reports will be shared and discussed; the status of the higher education form will be shared.
11:55-12:00Subcommittees and Spotlight on Assessment Reports
An update on the OATS Subcommittee and other committee information will be shared. The 2011-2012 colloquia and the summer form plan for summer 2012 will be shared.
12:00-12:10Ad Hoc Group – Completion of the Assessment Plan (3rd edition)
This ad hoc group consisted of the following members: Michael Alfano, Craig Denegar, Elizabeth Gubbins, Tammy Kolbe, Sarah Newton, Kelly Pagnotta, and Mary Yakimowski.
Members of this committee were asked to proofread the lengthy document so that it could be printed and disseminated to the various departments.
Mary will also note the importance of the End-of-Year Concentration/Program Report that continues to be mentioned in this 3rd edition.
Ask each department/unit faculty will be asked to sharehow they have shared or will share the plan with respective individuals.
12:10-12:25Ad Hoc Group – Website Modifications
This ad hoc group consisted of the following members: Michele Femc-Bagwell, Jamison Judd, Cory Maley-Wright, Stephanie Mazerolle, Linda Neelly, Sarah Newton, David Sax, Mary Truxaw, and Mary Yakimowski.
Members met to go over the Assessment Website and discussed what could be changed to make the site more accessible and user-friendly.
Members will be asked to review the recommendations and to provide any modifications.
12:25-12:35 Ad Hoc Group - Development of Guidelines for School Website Publication
This group consisted of the following members: Craig Denear, Tammy Kolbe, Cory Maley-Wright, David Sax, Jason Stephens, Jeff Volek, Megan Welsh, and Mary Yakimowski.
This group was given the task of proofreading the guidelines for what and how information should be posted to the assessment website such as reports, presentation videos, and PowerPoint’s.
Members will be asked to review the recommendations and to provide any modifications. Mary will ask for consensus on guidelines.
12:35 – 12:55Ad Hoc Group – Assessment Guidelines Inquiries for Studies
This group consisted of the following members: Michael Alfano, Mary Doyle, Elena Forzani, Elizabeth Gubbins, Tammy Kolbe, Stephanie Mazzerolle, Matthew Ross, Megan Welsh, and Mary Yakimowski.
This group developed rercommendations on how the Neag School of Education via the Office of Assessment will handle survey requests.
Members will be asked to review the recommendations and to provide any modifications. Mary will ask for consensus on guidelines.
12:55- 1:10Ad Hoc Group – Solidifying School Climate Survey to be Administered in 2012-2013
This group consists of: Mike Alfano, Mary Doyle, Michele Femc-Bagwell, Elena Forzani, Elizabeth Gubbins, Marijke Kehrhahn, Linda Neelly, Kelly Pagnotta, Yuhang Rong, David Sax, Mary Truxaw, Jeff Volek, and Mary Yakimowski.
The school climate survey is still in the works. This group will be tasked with editing and providing input for the school’s climate sometime this semester.
1:10-1:20Neag Student Database System
The Neag School continues to implement a database. The NAC members will receive an overview of the one major function
1:20- 1:30 Wrap-Up