IEP Pointers & Frequently Encountered Concerns
Invitations & P-2 (Placement Forms)
- On the I-1 (Invite) Placement is always checked
- For an Annual IEP, check Annual IEP & Placement (do not need to check Review/Revise for Annual)
- In most cases the signature line should have the name of you (the case manager) beneath it and should be signed by you (the case manager)
- Tiny Print / Editing Marks on P-2 form:
- Go to MS Word view
- While in MS Word, go to menu bar: View
- Under View, click on Markup
- Print and/or Save Changes
I-3: Cover Page
- Always check Placement
- For Annual, check Annual IEP & Placement (do not need to check Review/Revise for Annual)
I-4 (Including Present Levels of Performance)
- Under Strengths & Parent Concerns: Best Practice would be to state student strengths, then skip a line and label as Parent Concerns. In this section specifically address the parent’s concerns.
- Parent concerns that are not necessarily related to the school environment, or will not be addressed in the school setting, should be recorded under parent concerns.
- Include an explicit statement about how the student’s disability impacts their performance and ability to progress in the general education curriculum.
- What is reported in the Present Levels section should be directly related to the Goals & Objectives and to the services outlined on the 1-9 form.
- Use the same assessments and language for baseline data in the PLOP and for the corresponding goals (e.g. If there is a goal for turning in 80% of assignments, the PLOP should state what percentage of assignments are currently being turned in. If the goal is to achieve a 2.75 on the District Writing Rubric, the baseline data in the PLOP should be the student’s most recent score on the District Writing Rubric)
Special Factors
- Does the student have communication needs that could impede his/her learning? refers to oral language not written language (this may be different then what you did in the past)
Participation in Statewide & Districtwide Assessments
- Students must either take the WAA for all sections or the WKCE for all sections
- The WAA is primarily designed for students who are Severely Cognitively Disabled and/or who are working towards progress on the Extended Grade Band Standards
- Students who are receiving the general education curriculum, even if heavily modified, should take the WKCE (with necessary modifications & accommodations)
- Be sure to address the MAP assessment & the district writing prompt under Districtwide Assessments
I-8 (Transition for students 14 & above, or turning 14 within next year)
- Invite student to attend and document when and how the student was invited
- If student does not attend, document effort to involve student to ensure their interests and preferences were taken into account
- Under “State measurable postsecondary goal(s)…” at minimum, include a goal for “Education” or “Training” and “Employment”
- Must be something the student does after high-school
- Statement should begin “After high-school, ______will…”
- Under “Are the measurable postsecondary goal(s) based on…?” you must check yes
- Under “Transition services means a coordinated set of activities…” include a minimum of two CSAs (Coordinated Set of Activities)
- For “Courses of Study” list required courses for upcoming two years (e.g. 9th & 10th) and list preferred electives or electives that relate to student’s strengths or preferences
- There are saved statements that list the required courses for the 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grades
- Click in “Courses of Study” box
- Go to top tool bar
- Find and click icon with geometric shapes
- In pop-up box, click on circle next to “ALL”
- Click “GET”
- Choose appropriate grade level course lists
I-9 (Special Education, Related Services, Supplementary Aids & Services, etc.)
- Special Education section:
- Is for Specially Designed Instruction in a specific area of need such as reading, math, behavior & social skills, self-advocacy skills etc. (In section 1, it should state Specially designed instruction in…)
- This section should relate directly to the student’s disability, his or her specific needs, and his or her goals and objectives
- For Frequency/Amount:
- Cannot use as needed
- Do not say minimum of…
- For Location:
- Please write out (instead of SE/RE etc) so that parents, other teachers, other districts know what it means
- Cannot use both Special Education & Regular Education in same line/box, specify which one
- Supplementary Aids & Services section:
- Is for support provided to students (support in using socially appropriate behavior, using study skills, etc.)
- Is for accommodations & modifications (preferential seating, shortened tests, modified assignments, etc.)
- For amount, specify conditions under which it will be provided (e.g. Modified tests, When the content or demands of the test exceed the student’s independent abilities)
- For Location:
- Please write out (instead of SE/RE etc) so that parents, other teachers, other districts know what it means
Author’s Note: This is not by any means an exhaustive or comprehensive list of what to do, or not do. Instead it is a living document with some general tips & pointers. If you have suggestions for improvements, please let me know.
Thanks for your continued perseverance & hard work on the many evaluations & IEPs!