(Connecticut Standards of Title, Standard 18.7 subsection C)

State of Connecticut )

) ss. ______________, ______________, 20____

County of ___________ )

Subject Property: ___________________________________________________________

Record Owners of Subject Property: ____________________________________________

I, ___________________ (the "Affiant") being duly sworn, depose and say:

1. This Affidavit is made with respect to real property known as and situated at ______________________ which is more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property").

2. As of the date of this Affidavit, the record owner(s) of the Property is/are ______________________________.

3. As of the date hereof, the Property is subject to an unreleased mortgage of record recorded at least twenty years ago, to wit: from ______________________ (the "Mortgagor") to __________________________ (the "Mortgagee") dated ________________ and recorded in Volume _____, Page _____ of the _________________ Land Records (the "Mortgage").

3. The last record holder of the Mortgage is ____________ by virtue of assignment of the Mortgage dated ______________ and recorded in Volume _____, Page _____ of said land records.

4. The Affiant is not the Mortgagor (or is not one of the mortgagors named in the Mortgage), but at the date of this Affidavit is the record owner (or is one of the record owners) of the Property.

5. Except to the extent that may be hereinafter set forth, this Affidavit is made on the basis of facts that are personally known to the Affiant.

6. The Affiant has made diligent efforts to determine the present existence of whereabouts of the Mortgagee, without success.


6. The Affiant has ascertained that the Mortgagee or the last record owner of the Mortgage (if a natural person) is no longer living. Although I have made diligent efforts to determine whether a fiduciary of the estate of such person was ever appointed, I have been unable to establish that fact, and after diligent effort I have been unable to locate any such fiduciary of the estate of such deceased person.

7. I believe in good faith that the debt secured by the Mortgage has been paid in full.

8. I have been in undisturbed and continuous possession of the Property since _____________, being ______ years after the expiration of the time limited in the Mortgage for full performance of the conditions thereof and also more than six years next preceding the date of this Affidavit, during which time no claim or demand for payment of the Mortgage debt has been made by the Mortgagee or anyone claiming under the Mortgagee against the Affiant, or to the best of my knowledge and belief, against any other person.


Subscribed and sworn to, before me, this _____ day of ____________, 20__, by _______________.


Notary Public

My commission expires:

Commissioner of the Superior Court