District 5790 Matching Grants (DMG)
(Guidelines for Rotary Year 2010-2011)- Revised July 1, 2010
Note: This revision reflects a change in information from The Rotary Foundation that seems in indicate that there will be a sufficiency of funds available this year and that the severely limiting deadlines originally specified are no longer necessary. Clubs are encouraged to develop suitable projects and submit them, or become a partner with another club on a project already defined. Lists of projects are available by contacting the Matching Grants Committee at .
- Promote international partnership projects that are greater than $10,000 in size by providing funding from the District Designated Funds to match club funds, and by facilitating teaming with other clubs in District 5790.
CHAIR: Bob Griffin () C-817-371-9738 H – 817-261-5479
2 Country Club Ct., Arlington, TX. 76013
- Projects must be relatively large (over $10,000). Clubs wishing to do smaller international projects should review the requirements for District Simplified Grants. The exact minimum project size will vary with the mix of funds (club funds, District funds, and TRF funds). Your Matching Grant committee will help you through these determinations.
- Matching Amounts:
The Rotary Foundation matches club funds $.50 to the $1.00, and matches DDF funds $1 for $1.
The Matching Grant committee prefers to provide DDF to match club contributions $1 for $1, but there are other factors. The club may either put its funds into the project or make a contribution in that amount to the TRF Annual Programs Fund. Other factors may be considered such as the magnitude of a club’s historical support of the Annual Program Fund and the particular details of the proposed project.
- Total 2010-11 funds available for DDF matching are approximately $60,000.
The Matching Grants Committee will receive and consider awards to District clubs so long as funds remain. Primary dates for considering applications are as follows:
August 1 Applications or Letters of Intent received by August 1 will be considered on that date and the first group of awards will be announced prior to the Membership/Foundation Workshop on August 14th.
September 15Applications or Letters of Intent received by September 15th will be considered and awards will be confirmed by September 22nd.
Letter of Intent: The committee will consider an award based on either a letter of intent or a preliminary or final application. A letter of intent should include the identification of the Host and International Partner, the basic description of the project, description of the sources of funding and amounts, the amount requested from the District and from TRF, and a preliminary budget.
PARTNERING ENCOURAGED:Clubs are encouraged to participate in International Humanitarian Service in some form, either through developing a project of their own, joining a project as a partner with another District club that can use your help, or by locating a project looking for a sponsor by going to the project link site at Rotary International. For information on partnering with another club in District 5790 call Bob Griffin at 817-371-9738 or . For information on Project length go to
- Completed MG request form with all signatures must be provided to the District MG Chair for approval and submission to District officials for approval, and to TRF for final approval and funding.
- To receive future grants, timely progress, final reports and compliance with financial documentation requirements are factors considered.
The matching grant application is found at (Cut and paste).Additional access to helpful information may be reached with the following steps
select - About Us
select - The Rotary Foundation
select - Humanitarian Grants
select-Matching Grants
District schedule and news pertaining to Matching grants are provided at .
Source / Clubs / DDF / TRF Match / TOTALHost Club / 100 / 50
Sponsor Clubs / 3,400 / 1,700 (50%)
District 5790 / 3,400 / 3,400 (100%)
TOTAL PROJECT / 3,500 / 3,400 / 5,150 / $12,050
Chair/DGSC / Bob Griffin / / ArlingtonDG / Paul Lucas / / HEB
DFRC / PDG Dan Morales / / Arl-GSW
DG-E / Sharron Miles / / Cleburne
PDG / John Miller / / Arl.- North
DG-N / Don Davis / / Grapevine
International. Chair / Scott Hendricks / / Arlington
MG Chair-2011 / Larry Petrash / / Wichita Falls
Please feel free to contact any of the members of the committee for information or assistance in participating in, or developing and applying for District Matching Grants.
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