NACHS Scholarship Application

There are 4 deadlines for scholarship applications each year:

·  March 15

·  June 1 - (for consideration of scholarships for the Jim Thomson U.S. School of Piping & Drumming).

·  June 15 - (for consideration of scholarships for the Grand Canyon Celtic Arts Academy-NOTE…FOR GCCAA YOU MUST TELL US HOW MANY CLASSES YOU INTEND TO TAKE AS THE SCHOLARSHIP IS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CLASSES).

·  September 15 - Applications will be reviewed at a meeting that follows each of these deadlines.

·  Scholarships are given for Celtic Studies ONLY.

The completed application may be submitted to:

Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society

PO Box 187

Flagstaff, AZ 86002

If applicant is seeking a scholarship based on financial need, please attach a statement describing such need. The Scholarship Committee will consider applications and notify applicants by mail/email of any decisions.

Please Print or Type

Name:______Day Phone (___)______



Email Address:______

If 18 or under, parent/guardian name:______

Main area of interest (piping, dance, etc.):______

Have you ever attended a NACHS-sponsored music school in the past?______

If so, when?______

Are you (or your family) a member (members) of the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society?______

What amount are you requesting?______

What will the scholarship be used for? If you are attending the Jim Thomson School of Piping & Drumming or the Grand Canyon Celtic Arts Academy list the classes you are interested in attending during the course of the school.



On the bottom of this application, or on a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following two questions:

1.  Why are you seeking a scholarship, and what do you expect to gain if awarded a scholarship?

2.  How have you been involved with the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society in the past, either as a performer or general volunteer? In what ways will you commit to being involved with NACHS over the course of the next year, if awarded a scholarship?


Applicant’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature (minor) Date

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