Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting - NO. 2016-10
Municipal Council Chambers, 859 Melrose Road, Shannonville
Monday May 2,2016 at 7:00 pm
PRESENT: Rick PhillipsReeve
Adam HannafinDeputy Reeve
Wayne ChadwickCouncillor
Heather Lang Councillor
Don McFarlaneCouncillor
Steve Mercer Chief Administrative Officer
MOVED BY: CouncillorHeather Lang
SECONDED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick
THAT the agenda of May 2, 2016 be adopted and Meeting be opened at 7:02pm.
MOVED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
THAT the minutes of the April 18,2016Regular Meetingbe approved as presented.
Mike Morgan / Mike Phillips–Baseball Committee – Electronic Scoreboard
- Mike & Mike approached Council to update them on their efforts
- The Baseball Committee has been working for some time to raise funds to install an electronic scoreboard on Field 1
- They have been fundraising for three years and done extensive research on different scoreboards to determine what may be appropriate for our use
- They have identified a unit, but it will need shipped in from the USA
- The Aaron Whalen Foundation (AWF) has most generously contributed $6,000 to this project
- The South Hastings Baseball League has generously donated $2,500
- The Baseball Committee will be contributing the remaining amount
- It appears that total costs will be in the neighbourhood of $10,000
- The Committee requested that the Township make the purchases within their financial structure and then be reimbursed
- This will make the administration of the initiative much easier from a logistical sense
MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
THAT this Council agrees to the Baseball Committee’s request to make the purchases associated with the new electronic scoreboard for Field 1 and in turn be reimbursed for these expenses.
John Farrell, Roads Supervisor
Provided written report
- Grading the gravel roads
- Cold patching hardtops
- Shoulder removal – Marysville & Blessington Rds.
- Brushing along Blessington and Weese
- Gravel patching on Weese & Shannonville
- Removal of beaver damns on Shannon & Deseronto Rds.
- Half load signs have been removed
- John has two of the Roads Crew at Roads School this week in Guelph
Raeanne McGuinness
Provided written report
- We have 208 kids registered for soccer
- Soccer start dates: Tuesday May 24, 2016- Age 6-7 & 12-16
- Wednesday May 25th- Ages 4-5 &8-11
- Baseball has 190 registered - 70 Pre-rookie.
- Baseball start dates: Thursday May 26th, 2016- Rookie
- Monday May 30th – Pre- Rookie
- 3-pitch will start on Sunday May 29th.
- Soccer sponsors are full and jerseys are ordered, baseball sponsors still looking for three more for the older age groups. (Peewee, Bantam, and Midget)
- Beach Volleyball starts- June 2nd, 2016
- Trash Bash- April 23rd- was very successful, we were steady all day long, with people coming in for household hazardous, electronic waste, and garbage drop off
- Canada Day sponsors are still coming in, so far we have 21, still waiting for more to come in.
- Reeve/ Warden Golf Tournament- Reeve/Warden/Twp. golf tournament is scheduled for May 14, 2016, all proceeds going to the Trenton Military Family Resource Center. Registration starts at 12, shotgun start at 1pm.
- June 4th- Minor Baseball Fundraiser- Bocce Ball Tournament- starting at 11:00am at Rec complex, $50.00 per team.
- June 11th- Fun Run/Walk for Canadian Cancer Society, and grand opening of walking trail, including the pancake breakfast after the run/walk.
James Oliver, Fire Chief
Provided written report
- There have been ten (10) calls for service in this reporting period
- The Chief provided an overview of these calls
- We had a burn ban on earlier in April, but it has since been lifted
- The Senior Fire Prevention and Training Coordinator positions have now been filled
- Steve Cook is the new Training Coordinator
- Leanne Allport is the new Senior Fire Prevention Officer
- The Training Facilitator Positions have now been posed and the Junior Firefighters Coordinator will be soon
- The Junior Firefighter graduation has been moved to May 11 from May 18 to accommodate a scheduling conflict
- The Department will be participating in Tyendinaga Public School’s annual Fun Fair
- Canada Day plans are just getting underway
MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
THAT this Council receives the staff report as presented.
MOVED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick
SECONDED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
THAT the following accounts be approved as presented:
General Government $74,739.91
Waste Disposal $2,123.03
Roads Department $39,473.74
Recreation Department $10,945.06
Protective Services $0.00
Fire Department $4,148.43
- There were some questions for staff for clarification purposes on certain expenditures.
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
That this Council receives the following correspondence:
- Kiley Paving, April 27, 2016 – Notice of Commencement of Work CP/Weese May 2, 2016
- Canadian Pacific – April 14 – 2016 Vegetation Control Program
MOVED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
That this Council receives the letter from the Canadian Propane Association dated February 10, 2016 and fully endorse their efforts to have propane retrofits designated as eligiblefor theOntario Home Energy Retrofit Funding Program
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Wayne Chadwick
That this Council receives the letter dated April 19, 2016 from Mike Geisberger requesting a letter of municipal significance for the Pipes N’ Power event, as per the Alcohol and GamingCommission’s requirements. Be it further moved this Council here designates this event as one of municipal significance.
MOVED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY:Councillor Wayne Chadwick
That this Council receives the information from the CAO regarding our half load season practices and policies and information related to the circumstances of this year specifically.
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
That this Council receives the recreation memo dated regarding the April 15 cut off dateforregistrations of community programs. Be it further moved, that due to high demand for our program that Council directs the staff to re-open registration until this coming Friday May 6, and to communication this as widely as possible
MOVED BY:Councillor Wayne Chadwick
SECONDED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
That this Council receives Salmon River Rd. dumping information from the CAO indicating frustration on the part of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte regarding the ongoing dumping issues at the old Shannonville Fairgrounds. Be it further moved that the Council looks forward to any future discussions with the MBQ regarding this problem and what we may be able to do together to assist.
MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
That Council approves a severance for 1632370 Ontario Inc. (B32/16), Concession 2, Part Lot 31 with the following conditions applied:
- Payment in Lieu of Parkland fee of $750.00 per new lot (1) created (made payable to the Township of Tyendinaga)
- The applicant has supplied the Municipality with an affidavit stating there is a minimum of three and one-half (3 ½) gallons per minute of potable water available on the severed lots (Well Records and satisfactory Bacteriological Tests).
- That the severed lot (1) be rezoned to Rural Residential
- That a hydrogeological study be performed to ensure that there is no potential contamination from the road salt storage facility
- Prior to the endorsing of deeds for the severed lot, proof be lodged with the Land Division Office from the Township of Tyendinaga that an entrance can be established on the severed lots to the satisfaction of the Township Road Supervisor.
MOVED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
That Council approves a severance for 1632370 Ontario Inc. (B33/16), Concession 2, Part Lot 31 with the following conditions applied:
- Payment in Lieu of Parkland fee of $750.00 per new lot (1) created (made payable to the Township of Tyendinaga)
- The applicant has supplied the Municipality with an affidavit stating there is a minimum of three and one-half (3 ½) gallons per minute of potable water available on the severed lots (Well Records and satisfactory Bacteriological Tests).
- That the severed lot (1) be rezoned to Rural Residential
- That a hydrogeological study be performed to ensure that there is no potential contamination from the road salt storage facility
- Prior to the endorsing of deeds for the severed lot, proof be lodged with the Land Division Office from the Township of Tyendinaga that an entrance can be established on the severed lots to the satisfaction of the Township Road Supervisor.
Councillor Wayne Chadwick
- Again brought to the attention of Council concerns about the high collision intersection at Deseronto Rd and Belleville Rd
- In the past few days there have been two more accidents, both fairly serious
- This has been an issue to for years
- The CAO shared some information from the County of Lennox & Addington regarding their Transportation Master Plan whereby this intersection is addressed through installation of splitter islands or a roundabout and their associated costs
- With the recent accidents it appears this intersection is also being discussed at length at the County of Lennox & Addington
- John is not convinces that splitter island are the solution
- It appears that L & A is not receptive to making this a 4-way stop
- It appears a high percentage of the accidents are related to northbound and/or southbound vehicles, coming to a stop and then going out in front of eastbound/westbound traffic presumably with the belief that it is presently a 4-way stop
- The area is extremely well marked and identified
- John is now installing High Collision Intersection signage
- Council looks forward to further discussions with L & A to see what can be done to reduce accidents at this intersection
Reeve Rick Phillips
- Brought to the attention of Council that he was at a recent meeting in the northern part of the County
- As a matter of conversation the Reeve mentioned and spoke about our very successful Junior Firefighter Program
- It appeared that many of these northern municipalitiesmay be interested in such a program and they encouraged our Reeve to share with them as much as possible about our positive experienceswith the program
- The CAO and Reeve will be speaking with the Fire Chief so that our Department can share our experiences with anyone who is interested and help support them in startup if they are interested
- The Reeve also brought forward the suggestion that we do some advertising in the Country Roads publication who do a lot to promote the County and the area, with a rural emphasis
MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
That this Council receives the following report
- Quinte Conservation – Minutes – February 19, 2016
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
That this Regular Council Meeting be adjournedat 8:50 pm
Rick Phillips, Reeve
Steve Mercer, CAO