Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Monday, April 11, 2005
Monday, April 11th, 2005
Sierra Vista Campus
6:00 p.m.
1.01Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:01 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Jan Guy
Dr. Michael Carter
Dr. John Eaton
Mrs. Jane Strain
1.02Pledge of Allegiance
1.03Adoption of Agenda
The agenda was adopted as published.
1.04 Citizen’s Interim
There was no request to address the Board.
Mrs. Guy informed the Board and members of the audience that Mr. Bob Nelson, Governing Board secretary, has resigned from the Board and moved out of the District. Mr. Nelson served on the Governing Board for 14 years. An appointment to replace Mr. Nelson will be made sometime in the future by Ms. Trudy Berry, Cochise County Superintendent of Schools.
1.05Standing Reports
1.05.1 Representative to the AADGB
Mrs. Guy informed the Board that there were no meetings held in March.
1.05.2 Senate Report
Chuck Hoyack, Dean of the Douglas Campus, provided the report for the Senate. The Senate recently voted on two policies, policy 621 and policy 624, and forwarded these modified policies to the President’s Cabinet for consideration. Senate elections will be held this spring with nominations due by April 27. There are 4 faculty and 1 classified positions to fill.
1.05.3 Student Government Association (SGA)
A report from the Sierra Vista campus Student Government Association was given on behalf of the SGA President. The SVC SGA had three organizational goals for the year. One goal was to collect $4,000 in scholarship funds; $850 was raised at the luau held on April 8th. Another goal was to host four family events and more student forums. The third goal was to become more involved in the community. Each officer worked an average of four hours per month in the community. The SGA officers also attended a collegiate leadership conference during the spring semester. Mr. Neil Goodell, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement and the Foundation, thanked the SGA for their fundraising efforts. Mrs. Guy thanked the SGA for the invitations to their events.
1.05.4 College President Report
Dr. Nicodemus also acknowledged the efforts of the Student Government Officers and Student Government advisors and thanked them for their work this year.
Dr. Nicodemus provided a legislative update regarding HB 2049 – restructuring of Higher Education. This bill is still alive and is now SB 1109 as a strike everything. It did pass out of House Appropriations committee and will go to the House Rules, then Conference of the Whole, and then the floor of the Senate later this week.
Some items of the President’s report were discussed in the study session held at 2:00pm as they related to the budget process.
Dr. Nicodemus distributed a memo regarding her conversation with Candyce Pardee, County Attorney, to clarify the Open Meeting Law. This is a result of recent events at Yavapai College. Ms. Pardee advises the Board members to not discuss any College issue via email with any other Board member to avoid the “daisy-chain” effect. Dr. Nicodemus also clarified for executive sessions regarding personnel issues, the affected employee may be invited by the Board to join the executive session, but does not have the right to participate and may be excused at any time. The employee has the right to request the personnel action be held in public. This limits the Board to enter into executive session only for legal advice
1.05.5 Monthly Financial Report
The Financial Reports for March, 2005 were presented and accepted as submitted.
2.01Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting, March 8th, 2005
The minutes of the March 8th, 2005, Regular Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.
3.01 Communications
Dr. Nicodemus received a letter from Ambassador Antonio Garza, Jr. of the Embassy of the United States of America, Mexico City, thanking the College for assisting Mexican journalists who were visiting Douglas. The Ambassador specifically complimented Carlos Cartagena, Denise Merkel, and Patricia Leyva for their efforts.
3.02 Service Contract between Cochise College and the U.S. Army, Ft. Bliss
Dr. Nicodemus explained that the service contract represents an ongoing relationship with Ft. Bliss and the College’s Workforce Training and Community Education department. The service contract has been renewed for five years to provide Military Occupational Specialty Improvement Training. These types of agreements are made with the assurance to the federal government that the College practices Affirmative Action.
4.01 Consent Agenda*
Mrs. Strain moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as written. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
The following items were approved:
4.01.1 * Classified; Appointment (Joel Evans, Student Services Technician)
4.01.2 * Classified; Appointment (Anita Johnstun, Accounting Technician Senior)
4.01.3 * Classified; Appointment (Kevin Plyler, Facilities Service Worker)
4.01.4 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Grace Mah, Activity Coordinator – Center for Teacher Education)
4.01.5 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Michael McCloy, Academic Advisor – MOS Credentialing)
4.01.6 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Candace McCloy, Academic/Career Advisor – Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant)
4.01.7 * Faculty; Appointment (Melba Travis, Nursing Instructor)
4.01.8 * Classified; Resignation (Elizabeth Estrada, Office Specialist Senior)
4.01.9 * Administrative Support; Resignation (Mary Larson, Human Resources Analyst)
4.01.10 * Administrative Support; Resignation (Glen Klinger, Accountant)
4.01.11 * Faculty; Retirement (Ruth Britton, Reading Instructor)
4.01.12 * Curriculum changes
Dr. Joanna Michelich introduced Joel Evans, Grace Mah, Michael McCloy, Candace McCloy, and Melba Travis to the Governing Board. Mr. Terry Bowmaster introduced Kevin Plyler and Anita Johnstun to the Governing Board. Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged Ruth Britton’s efforts on behalf of the College. Her retirement will be effective in December 2005.
4.02 Faculty Retirement/.49 Contract
Dr. Carter moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the recommendation. Dr. Nicodemus explained there are two senior faculty members retiring this year, the next action item reflects the second faculty member. The College is fortunate that they would like to continue in some capacity to serve the College. The administration feels the campus Dean’s recommendations have merit and support the request for a .49 contract. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.03 Faculty Retirement/.49 contract
Dr. Eaton moved and Dr. Carter seconded a motion to approve the recommendation. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.04 Personnel Listing
Mrs. Strain moved and Dr. Carter seconded a motion to approve the personnel listing. Dr. Nicodemus noted that an asterisk, indicating the employee is in a grant funded position, should be added to Christina Anderson. Ms. Anderson works for our Prison Education Program. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.05 Renewal of Intergovernmental Agreements with Cochise County School Districts for Tech Prep
Dr. Eaton moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to renew the IGAs with Cochise County School District. Dr. Nicodemus clarified that these agreements are the same as last year. This action item is to continue the agreements. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.06 Proposition 301 Proposed Expenditures for FY 05/06
Dr. Eaton moved and Dr. Carter seconded a motion to approve the proposed plan. Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged the efforts of Sheila DeVoe Heidman, who completed the report. This is an annual report presented to the Board. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.07 Dental Insurance Program
Mrs. Strain moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the recommendation to continue with the current dental insurance carrier. Dr. Nicodemus stated the administration recommends continuing the contract with our current carrier, Principal Dental. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.08 Security Services RFP 25-02
Dr. Carter moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the recommendation to award the contract for security services to the Wackenhut Corporation. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.09 Intergovernmental Agreement with Naco Fire District
Dr. Eaton moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to enter into an agreement with the Naco Fire District. Dr. Nicodemus explained this partnership is an outcome of the Southwest Learning Center. Becky Orozco, Director of the Southwest Learning Center, will have oversight of the project. There is no cost to the College and it is a way for the College to be more involved in the community. Becky Orozco clarified for the Board the Brownfields project started as a way to test and clean up the toxic waste in the area and create greenspace in it’s place. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.10 Approval of job description with new grade and title – Bus Driver/Mechanic Assistant
Dr. Carter moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the job description with new grade and title. Dr. Nicodemus explained the reclassification request has been through the College’s process and the reclassification committee determined the College was not competitive in the market with pay based on the expectations of the job. Therefore, the administration recommends an upgrade to this position. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.11 Classified – Appointment
Alejandro Carrasco, Bus Driver
Dr. Eaton moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the appointment of Alejandro Carrasco as the Bus Driver. Dr. Nicodemus explained there was a gap between bus drivers. The position was sent to the reclass committee and in order to jump start the process, the recruitment was completed on the basis of the Board agreeing with the recommendation to reclassify the position. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.12 Administrative Support – Appointment
Debbie Chavez, Data Base Administrator
Dr. Carter moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the appointment of Debbie Chavez as the Data Base Administrator. Dr. Nicodemus explained to the Board the College is promoting Ms. Chavez, per Board policy, to serve as the Data Base Administrator on a permanent basis. Ms. Chavez has served as the interim Data Base Administrator for the past eight months. The administration supports the promotion. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.13 Approval of new position and job description with grade – Director of Professional Development and Learning Innovations
Dr. Carter moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the new position and job description with grade. Dr. Nicodemus added this is a grant funded position that the College hopes to institutionalize as we expand our grant activities. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.14 Approval of new position and job description with grade – Assistant Network Manager
Dr. Nicodemus noted the correct title for this position should be Assistant Systems Administrator. Mrs. Guy amended the motion to approve the new position and job description with grade – Assistant Systems Administrator. Dr. Eaton moved and Dr. Carter seconded the amended motion. Dr. Nicodemus then added that this is a new position and has been identified as contingent upon approval of the FY 06 budget. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.15 Approval of new position and job description with grade – Director of Admissions and Records
Mrs. Strain moved and Dr. Carter seconded a motion to approve the new position and job description with grade. Dr. Nicodemus added this is a new position and is also contingent upon approval of the FY 06 budget. This position would support the currently understaffed admissions department at the College as well as assist the Dean of Student Services. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.16 Salary Structure Adjustment
Dr. Nicodemus and the administration recommended for adoption a 5% adjustment to the current salary structure which results in a 5% increase to eligible employees. Dr. Carter moved and Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the adjustment and salary increase for eligible employees. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Dr. Nicodemus, on behalf of all employees, thanked the Board members for their generosity.
4.17 Salary Adjustment
Dr. Nicodemus amended the motion to recommend all employees receive a 2.5% increase to base salaries to offset the increase in ASRS contributions. Dr. Eaton moved and Dr. Carter/Mrs. Strain seconded a motion to approve the 2.5% increase to all employees. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Dr. Nicodemus, on behalf of all employees, thanked the Board members for their generosity. This results in a 7.5% increase in base salaries to all eligible employees and a 2.5% increase in base salaries to redlined employees.
4.18 Salary Adjustment – Part Time Employees
Dr. Nicodemus amended the motion to recommend a 5% increase to non-student hourly wages and an approximate 5% increase to associate faculty credit hour rates. The rates for associate faculty would move from $510 to $535, $535 to $560, and $560 to $585 per credit hour. Mrs. Strain moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the 5% increase in non-student hourly wages and associate faculty credit hour rates. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Mrs. Guy, Board Chair, adjourned the regular meeting at 6:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
Ms. Tara Hyatt, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Mrs. Jan Guy, Governing Board Chair