Mission Basilica School First Grade Curriculum

Religion/Christian Service

●  Weekly Mass

●  Annual Spiritual Retreat-God Makes All Things New

●  RCL Benzinger Blest Are We curriculum

●  Catechesis of the Good Shepherd religious formation

●  Faith families

●  Christian service project- Orange County Ronald McDonald House


60 minutes of daily instruction

●  Counting and cardinality

●  Operations and algebraic thinking

●  Numbers and operations in base ten

●  Measurement data

●  Geometry

●  Skill reinforcement with Simple Solutions

●  Skill reinforcement with Mad Dog Math

●  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math curriculum

●  Small group instruction

●  Skill reinforcement on iPads

Language Arts

120 minutes of daily instruction

●  Key ideas and details

●  Craft and structure

●  Integration of knowledge and ideas

●  Range of reading and level of text complexity

●  Print concepts

●  Phonological awareness

●  Phonics and word recognition

●  Fluency

●  Text types and purposes

●  Productions and distribution of writing

●  Range of writing

●  Comprehension and collaboration

●  Presentation of knowledge and ideas

●  Conventions of standard English

●  Vocabulary acquisition and use

●  DEAR- Drop Everything and Read

●  McGraw Hill Reading Wonders curriculum

●  Small group instruction

●  D’Nealian Handwriting curriculum

●  Skill reinforcement on iPads

Social Studies

●  Harcourt A Child’s View curriculum

●  Rules and laws

●  Where people live

●  We love our country

●  Our changing world

●  Meeting people

●  The marketplace


●  Houghton Mifflin Education Place curriculum

●  Hands-on science labs

●  Animal/plant growth and adaptations

●  Weather and seasons

●  Matter and electricity

●  Educational and field experiences: Field trip to the Santa Ana Zoo

Enrichment Curriculum

●  Art integrated with social studies and religion

●  Music integrated with social studies and religion

●  Technology integrated throughout the curriculum

●  Spanish

●  Physical education and health

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

●  Extended Daycare

●  Homework Club

●  Golf Squad

●  Engineering with Lego bricks

●  Chess Academy

●  Voice lessons

●  Piano lessons

●  Drama