Area Tallahassee Aquatic Club

January 24 – 26, 2013

SANCTIONED BY: Florida Swimming of U.S.A. Swimming, Inc.: Sanction # ______

In granting this approval it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming and FloridaSwimming shall be free and held harmless from any liabilities or claims from damages arisingby reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event.


SANCTION: The competition course has been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4). The copy of suchcertification is on file with USA Swimming.

Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA-S member coach, must be certified by a USA-S member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.

Changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated area is not appropriate and strongly discouraged.

SPONSORED BY: The Area Tallahassee Aquatic Club in cooperation with Tallahassee Parks & Recreation Department and Florida State University

TYPE OF MEET: Twenty Five (25) Yard Short Course

8&U, 10&U and 11-12 age groups: Timed Finals

13&14 and Senior

Friday night (500 and 400 IM) Timed Finals

Saturday (100 Free, 100 fly, 200 breast, 100 back 200 IM) preliminaries and consolation/finals. 400 free relay timed finals

Sunday (200 free, 200 fly, 100 breast, 50 free, 200 free,) preliminaries and consolation/finals. 1650 free 400 relayTimed finals

Meet management may opt to use fly-over starts at this competition. Championship final will be swum first in finals.

DATES & TIMES: Friday January 24, 2014: 4:15 PM Warm-Up; 5:30 PM Start (10 & u, 11 & 12, 13 – 14, and Senior Age Groups.

Saturday January 25, 2014: 13 – 14 and Seniors: Prelims at 8:30 am; Finals at 6:00 pm; 8 & U, 10 & U, 11 – 12: Timed finals no earlier than 12:30 pm.

Sunday, January 26, 2014: 13 – 14 and Seniors: Prelims at 8:30 am; Finals at 6:00 pm; 8 & U, 10 & U, 11 – 12: Timed finals no earlier than 1:00 pm.

Warm-up: One and a half hours before the morning sessions: one hour before other sessions. Meet management reserves the right to assign teams to two-warm up sessions if necessary to accommodate large numbers of swimmers.

LOCATION: Bobby Leach Center, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

POOL SPECS: Indoor pool. Certified 8 lanes, 25 yard. Non-turbulent lane lines. Eight lanes will be used for competition. A Warm-up/down lane will be available during the meet. Water depth at the competition starting end and turning ends is a minimum of five (5)feet zero inches. The starting blocks are twenty-nine (29) inches above the surface of the water. Flyover starts may be utilized at this competition.


EQUIPMENT: Superior Swim Timing with Colorado pads, back up buttons, and hand

held watches, numeric scorebard, and Hytek Meet Manager Software.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to currently registered U.S.A. Swimming, Inc. swimmers.On deck

registration will be allowed. The 2014 USA-S form, fee, etc. must be presented to the


SEEDING: Use Twenty Five (25) Yard Short Course times.

All 500 Freestyles, 1650 Freestyles and 400 IMs will be deck seeded. To be seeded, swimmers must check in 30 minutes before the competition starts for the session of that event. If a swimmer enters, but fails to check in, the swimmer may be allowed to swim if space is available – NO NEW HEATS WILL BE ADDED.

ENTRY LIMIT:Entries will be limited to 250 swimmers per session. Entries for a session will be closed once it exceeds the four hour time limit.

13-14 and Senior age groups are limited to two (2) individual entries on Friday and three (3) individual entries on Saturday and Sunday (eight (8) individual events for the meet plus relays).

8 & U, 10 & U, 11-12 age groups are limited to two (2) individual entries on Friday and four (4) individual events per on Saturday and Sunday(ten (10) individual events for the meet, plus relays).

Entries that exceed the entry limit(s) will automatically be dropped when they exceed the limit for the meet or day.

SCRATCHES: PRELIMS No penalty for scratching on the block in the morning prelimswith the exception of deck seeded events.

DECK SEEDED EVENTS Any swimmer entered in a deck seeded event thatchecks in for that event must swim the event unless he/she notifies the refereebefore the seeding has begun that he/she wishes to scratch. Failure to do so willresult in being barred from the next individual event he/she is entered on that dayor – if the swimmer has no more events scheduled that day - the first event inwhich he/she is entered for the next day

FINALS AND CONSOLATIONS Any swimmer who competes in a preliminaryheat and is a qualifier for either a consolation or a championship final heat mustswim that event during finals unless the swimmer scratches from the event withthe announcer no later than 30 minutes following conclusion of the preliminarysession. Failure to do so will result in the swimmer being barred from the nextindividual event in which the swimmer is entered unless excused by the refereefor illness or emergency. Alternate swimmers are encouraged to check with theannouncer after the scratch deadline to determine if they will be swimming, but aswimmer not originally qualified for finals who is seeded into a final due to thescratch of another swimmer will not be penalized for failing to swim in that final.

TIMED FINALS No penalty for scratches except for deck seededevents (see above).

RULES: Current U.S.A. Swimming, Inc. Rules govern the meet.

Florida Swimming Rules & Regulations 223.10.

The meet area is confined to the pool area, the locker rooms for changing purposes only, the spectator area, and the outside areas close by the facility. Any swimmer found in the fitness area or on the running track will be ejected from the meet.

ENTRY FORMS: Entries must be in USA Swimming SDIF format or Hy-Tek CL2 format. A signedhard copy printout is acceptable as proof of entry in place of the enclosed entryforms. Free text e-mail entries will not be accepted. Disk and e-mail entries willnot be accepted that are not accompanied by a hard copy entry, including theMaster Entry Form. List all attending coaches, contact phone numbers, andRELAY ONLY swimmers in the body of the e-mail. Corrupted, unreadable, orincorrectly formatted files must be corrected within 24 hours. Errors in entriessubmitted electronically are the responsibility of the applicant. Electronic mailconfirmation will be sent upon receipt of file. If using the enclosed Entry Form,the form will serve as proof of entry. The legal name and current USA SwimmingRegistration Number for each swimmer must be listed on the Entry Form,including “relay-only” swimmers. The Master Entry Form must accompany theproof of entries and a current USA Swimming Member must sign the form.Florida Swimming rules require a $50 penalty from teams that do not submit theirentries in Hy-Tek format.

ENTRY FEE: $3.00 per timed final individual event

$4.00 per prelim/timed final individual event (Sat.& Sun.13 & over events)

$5.00 per timed final relay

$10:00 facility fee (including relay only swimmers)

Deck entries: $10.00 per event (individual or relay)

(Deck entered swimmers must also pay the facility fee if they haven’t done so already).

SCORING: Individual events: 20,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,9,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Relay events; 40,34,32,30,28,26,24,22,18,14,12,10,8,6,4,2

AWARDS:Ribbons for individual places 1-8 for all age groups,

relay places 1-3 for 12 & under.

ATAC will present Individual High Point and Runner-up awards for each agegroup and gender.

Trophies will be awarded to the top three (3) teams overall.

NO AWARDS WILL BE MAILED. Please pick up awards at the meet.

OFFICIALS: Head Referee: Ellen Sprowls

Admin. RefereeSusie Holmes

Head Starter: Alec Kercheval

Head Stroke and Turn: Cris Williams

Head Marshall: Richard Stephens (13 & over)

Tom Jacobs (12 & under)

MEET MANAGER: Susie Holmes ()


DEADLINE: All entries must be received no later than

5:30 ONTUESDAY, JAN14, 2014

No fax entries or verbal commitments.

This is a popular winter meet and fills up quickly. Teams are encouraged tosubmit their entries well in advance of the stated deadline.

Make checks payable to: “ATAC”

DECK ENTRIES: Deck entries may be allowed at the discretion of meet management. Entries willbe accepted if there was an error in the processing of the team entry. Other deckentries may be allowed if: (1) The swimmer is not already entered in themaximum allowable events for the day; (2) The requested event is not asubstitute for another event; and (3) There is an empty lane in the requestedevent. No new heats will be added. Deck entries must be requested at least 30minutes before the start of the session in which the deck entry is made. It is notmandatory for swimmers to be pre-registered for the meet to be deck entered.


ENTRIES TO: Susie Holmes

(850) 212-3518

If sending via express mail or courier, PLEASE WAIVE THE SIGNATURErequirement as this delays the receipt of entries by as much as two days.


REPRESENTATIVE:The name of a team representative other than the coach must be given to the meet referee prior to the start of the competition. The coach and that person only will be recognized.


MEETING: There will be a coaches’ meeting at 7:45 am on Saturday morning.


BRIEFINGS:Officials’ briefings will be held 45 minutes prior to the start of each session.


COMMITTEE: A meet committee to be composed of the Head Meet Referee, Meet Manager, home team coach, two participating swimmers, and three other coaches chosen at the first coaches’ meeting. Meet committee will meet as needed to make decisions regarding the meet schedule, due to inclement weather and as requested by the meet manager.


SEATING: For insurance purposes, USA Swimming limits the competition area to

swimmers, coaches, officials, and recognized volunteers only. Spectators are toremain in the seating area above the pool.


SUPERVISION: Each swimmer participating in a Florida Swimming sanctioned meet must besupervised during warm-up and competition by a currently licensed USASwimming Coach. An athlete not escorted by a Coach member must check inwith the Meet Referee upon arrival at the meet. Such athletes must find asubstitute Coach who will supervise them during warm-up and competition andmust submit the enclosed Alternate Coach Form (signed by the accepting coach)to the Meet Referee prior to beginning any warm-up or competition.

IDENTIFICATION: Coaches & officials shall wear their USA Swimming registration card in aconspicuous location at all times while on deck during the meet.

CAMERA ZONES:Per Florida Swimming Rule 223.12, Meet Management shall designate and inform the public of “Camera Zones” at each swim meet where both still photography and video photography of a race or a competitor in a race may be taken. Acceptable “Camera Zones” may include, but are not limited to the side courses of a pool, team gathering areas, concession area, turn-end of competition course when not in use as a “start-end”, etc. Meet Management shall also designate “Non-Camera Zones.” Under NO circumstances will Camera Zones include the area immediately behind the starting blocks at either end of the racing course(s) while they are in use for “racing starting purposes” during competition and warm-ups, locker rooms, restrooms, or any other dressing areas. Any individual failing to abide by this rule could be subject to the Florida Swimming Code of Conduct violation as defined in Rule 239.2.

For the purposes of this meet the “Camera Zones” are considered to be in the spectator seating area. No photography is permissible from the pool deck.



Except for controlled racing starts, every swimmer must enter the water feet first with at least one handtouching the deck.

There will be a one-hour warm-up prior to each session except for the morning preliminary sessions.

The first 40 minutes are general warm-ups.

Lanes 1 – 10 Push off 50s pace (circle swimming)

The last 20 minutes are controlled warm-ups as follows:

Lanes 1,2,3,5 and 8 Push off 50s pace (circle swimming)

Lanes 4, 6, and 7 Race starts, one way only, start from the deep end. Swimmers will start from one end, clear the start area quickly, continue to the far end, exit the pool and walk back to the blocks.

Warm-up procedures may be altered by the meet marshal to fit the needs of the swimmers. Coaches are asked to supervise swimmers at all times to help ensure the safety of all competitors.

In the morning preliminary sessions, the warm-up period will be one-and-a half hours. The first 70 minutes are general warm-up and the last 20 minutes will be controlled warm-up as specified above.

If meet management determines it is necessary to break the morning preliminary warm-up into two 45 minute warm-up sessions prior to the morning prelim or two 30 minute sessions for the afternoon sessioneach to accommodate a large number of swimmers, then the first 30 minutes of each 45 minute period will be general warm-up with the last 15 minutes being controlled warm-up.



Friday, January 24

SESSION 1: Timed finals for individual events in 10 & U, 11–12, 13–14 and senior Age Groups.

Warm-up 4:15pm, Start 5:30 pm.

Girls / Qualifying Times / Age Group / Distance and Stroke / Qualifying Times / Boys
1 / 8:30.49 / 10 & U / 500 Freestyle* / 8:25.79 / 2
3 / 7:10.79 / 11&12 / 500 Freestyle* / 7:05.49 / 4
5 / 6:22.39 / 13-14 / 500 Freestyle*(**)# / 6:03.19 / 6
7 / 6:13.69 / Senior / 500 Freestyle*(**)# / 5:44.19 / 8
9 / 3:19.39 / 10& U / 200 IM* / 3:18.09 / 10
11 / 2:50.69 / 11&12 / 200 IM* / 2:49.39 / 12
13 / 5:44.29 / 13-14 / 400 IM*(**)# / 5:25.49 / 14
15 / 5:35.49 / Senior / 400 IM*(**)# / 5:05.99 / 16

*swimmers must check in by 5:00 p.m. to be seeded. All events in this session will be swum fastest to slowest.

** will be limited to three heats.

# Swimmer must be 13 and over.

Saturday January 25

SESSION 2: Prelims for individual events in 13-14 and Senior Age Groups.

Warm-up 7:00 a.m., Start time 8:30 a.m.

Girls / Age Group / Distance and Stroke / Boys
17 / 13-14 / 100 Freestyle / 18
19 / Senior / 100 Freestyle # / 20
11 / 13-14 / 100 Fly / 22
23 / Senior / 100 Fly # / 24
25 / 13-14 / 200 Breaststroke / 26
27 / Senior / 200 Breaststroke # / 28
31 / 13-14
Senior / 100 Back
100 Back # / 30
35 / 13-14
Senior / 200 IM
200 IM # / 34

# Swimmer must be 13 and over.

SESSION 3: Timed Finals for 8 & U, 10 & U, 11-12 age groups

Warm-up 11:30am, start not before 12:30 pm.

Girls / Age Group / Distance and Stroke / Boys
37 / 8 & U / 100 Free Relay / 38
39 / 10 & U / 200 Free Relay / 40
41 / 11-12 / 200 Free Relay / 42
45 / 8 & U
10 & U / 50 Freestyle
100 Freestyle / 44
49 / 11-12
8 & U / 100 Freestyle
25 Fly / 48
53 / 10 & U
11-12 / 50 Fly
50 Fly / 52
57 / 8 & U
10 & U / 50 Back
100 Back / 56
61 / 11-12
8 & U / 100 Back
25 Breast / 60
65 / 10 & U
11-12 / 50 Breast
50 Breast / 64
69 / 8 & U
10 & U / 100 IM
100 IM / 68
71 / 11-12 / 100 IM / 72

SESSION 4: Timed Final for events 17-36 (Championship heat followed by Consolation heat) and timed finals for 400 Free Relay. There will be a 10 minute break at night before the relays.

Warm up 4:30 pm, start 6:00 pm

Girls / Boys / Age Group / Distance and Stroke
73 / 74 / 13-14 / 400 Free Relay
75 / 76 / Senior / 400 Free Relay #

# Swimmer must be 13 & over


SESSION 5: Prelims. for 13-14 and Senior Age Groups

Warm-up 7:00 am, Start 8:30 pm

Girls / Age Group / Distance and Stroke / Boys
77 / 13-14 / 200 Free / 78
79 / Senior / 200 Free # / 80
83 / 13-14
Senior / 200 Fly
200 Fly # / 81
85 / 13-14 / 100 Breast / 86
87 / Senior / 100 Breast # / 88
89 / 13-14 / 50 Free / 90
91 / Senior / 50 Free # / 92
93 / 13-14 / 200Back / 94
95 / Senior / 200Back # / 96
97 / 13 & Over / 1650 Free # / 98

# Swimmer must be 13 & over.

Events 101 – 102 (1650 Free) will be seeded as two events (one men and One women), but the 13-14 and 15 & over ages will be scored separately. The 1650 Free will be limited to three heats each men and women (24 fastest seeded times) and swim fast to slowalternating women and men.These events are deck seeded. Swimmers must check in by 8:00 am to be seeded.

SESSION 6: Timed Finals for 8 & U, 10 & U 11-12 Age Groups

Warm-up not before 12:00 noon, start not before 1:00 pm

Girls / Age Group / Distance and Stroke / Boys
99 / 8 & U / 100 Medley Relay / 100
101 / 10 & U / 200 Medley Relay / 102
103 / 11-12 / 200 Medley Relay / 104
107 / 8 & U
10 & U / 50 Breast
100 Breast / 106
111 / 11-12
8 & U / 100 Breast
50 Fly / 110
115 / 10 & U
11-12 / 100 Fly
100 Fly / 114
119 / 8 & U
10 & U / 25 Free
50 Free / 118
123 / 11-12
8 & U / 50 Free
100 Free / 122
127 / 10 & U
11-12 / 200 Free
200 Free / 126
129 / 8 & U / 25 Back / 130
131 / 10 & U / 50 Back / 132
133 / 11-12 / 50 Back / 134

SESSION 7: Timed Final for events 77-96 (Championship heat followed by Consolation heat) and timed finals for 400 Medley Relay. There will be a 10 minute break at night before the relays.

Warm up 4:30 pm, start 6:00 pm

Girls / Boys / Age Group / Distance and Stroke
135 / 136 / 13-14 / 400 Medley Relay
137 / 138 / Senior / 400 Medley Relay #

# swimmer must be 13 and over.


Mac Crutchfield Short Course Invitational

January 24-26, 2014

Team Name: ______Call Letters:______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Coach:______LSC:______Phone: (___)______


I certify that all individuals listed on the attached entry forms are currently registered members

of U.S.A. Swimming, Inc. and are eligible to compete in this meet. I further certify that one or

more of the following coaches will be on deck supervising the activities of these individuals

during all warm-up and competitive sessions at the meet.





I certify that the individuals listed above are currently registered USS Coach Members, and that

I am a current USS registered non-athlete member.


Signature (must be USS member) Team Date Phone

ENTRY DEADLINE:5:30 PM, Tuesday, January 14, 2013


(850) 212-3518

Financial Recap: We have entered the following:

Number of Individual Events (Timed Finals) ______@ $3.00 = ______

Number of Individual Events (Prelim/Finals) ______@ $4:00 = ______

Number of Relays ______@ $5.00 =______

Number of Swimmers ______@ $10:00facility fee=______



Leach Center Pool Rules:

  • NO alcohol, tobacco, GUM, or glass products allowed in the Leach Center
  • Diving is only allowed in 9 ft or greater for boards and 5 ft or greater for starting blocks. For the purposes of this meet diving is only permitted at the start of each race, during the controlled dive start portion of warm ups, or with direct coach supervision.
  • Lifeguards have the final authority at the pool.
  • The area allocated for the swim meet includes the pool area, mezzanine spectator seating, back deck and wet classroom.
  • All participants, coaches, and spectators will enter through the back deck.
  • Guests will be asked to leave the facility, and swimmers will be disqualified and ejected from the meet,if they use the fitness equipment or the track.
  • Only coaches, officials, athletes and volunteers with ID will be allowed on pool deck. NO SPECTATORS ON THE POOL DECK.
  • Parents must supervise all children.
  • Swimmers must not congregate in the locker rooms.
  • Food (concessions) and coolers are allowed on the back deck only. No food or coolers are permitted on the pool deck or the Mezzanine.
  • Athletes MUST USE student locker rooms, NOT the faculty/staff locker rooms.
  • Auxillary aquatic facilities (hot tubs, sauna, steam rooms, track) are off limits to all swimmers and parents.