Minutes of the 24th Meeting held on 12th September 2007 at 7.30pm in the Pavilion.

1.  Present
Sports Club members Sandra Griffiths, Malcolm Hoskin
Parish Council members Roger Beattie, Tony Williamson, Rhian Woods

2.  Apologies Chris Allen

3.  Declarations of interest – None.

4.  Minutes of 23rd Meeting held on Thursday 26th July 2007 were agreed.

5.  Cleaning

1.1.  Purchase of roller-brush, scrubber, dryer floor cleaner – after considering the demonstrations and quotations and possibility of cleaning contract, it was agreed to purchase the Numatic TT1535 at a discounted price of £850 + VAT (recommended price £1062.88 + VAT) from Mark Powell MechanicaL Services Ltd, to spend up to £50 on materials and to agree an Annual service charge £60 + vat plus parts fitted during service with a new set of squeegee blade at each service (cost £20 + vat approx).

1.2.  Sandra reported that she had bought a Dyson cleaner for £199 from John Lewis with a 12 month guarantee and would seek re-imbursement from Kristina; this was agreed.

1.3.  It was agreed that this cost of £1,100 should be met from £651.13 from the development cost of the pavilion and the remainder from the Pavilion account.

3.  Financial report

3.1.  Balance - at 2nd September, on the schedule provided by Kristina, was £742.88. Kristina had reported that she would repay the Parish Council loan of £500, and pay in Vat for 2005-6 of £198.14 and for 2006-7 of £382.20. Sandra said that the accounts did not include the Sports Club’s payments of £360 at the beginning of August and £360 at the beginning of September. An invoice had also been sent to the Youth Club for their year’s rent.

3.2.  Rate relief – Sandra reported that she had received the rate bill for 2005-6 and passed it to Kristina, who thought she would obtain rate relief. Tony had been asked to speak to Paul Howden of SODC, who was very keen that we should obtain Mandatory Rate Relief and who explained that Parish Councils are not eligible for Rate Relief . Tony then sought advice from Meryl Smith (ORCC) who said that

3.2.1.  the applicant for Rate Relief, and the body responsible for paying rates,is whoever is in "rateable occupation", regardless of who is the owner.

3.2.2.  if the Parish Council lease the Pavilion to a registered Charity or a "Community Amateur Sports Club", then the Charity or Club can claim Mandatory Rate Relief, which provides an 80% reduction in Rates

3.2.3.  while a Charity or Community Amateur Sports Club can obtain Mandatory Rate Relief, it would not be able to reclaim VAT, which the Parish Council can.

3.2.4.  Community Amateur Sports Club status, which is quite new, enables the Club both to obtainMandatory Rate Relief and to claim tax back on Gift Aid(www.cascinfo.co.uk)

3.2.5.  Charitable status would involve having Charitable Objects

3.2.6.  If the pavilion was leased to either a Charity or Community Amateur Sports Club, the Parish Council would cease to have overall control or responsibility for the Pavilion. (Note later – agreement of the Football Foundation would be needed)

3.3.  The rateable value of the Pavilion is £7200. £3196-80 in Business Rates is due for 2007-8 and £3117-60 for 2006-7. VAT reclaimed on the Pavilion Account in 2006-7 was £382.

3.4.  Next steps –

3.4.1.  Sports Club representatives said they would recommend the Sports Club at its next meeting on 1st October to become a Community Amateur Sports Club, if they are not already one, and to request a lease from the Parish Council.

3.4.2.  Parish Council representatives said they would put the issue to PFS Committee on September 25.

3.4.3.  Tony would ask Paul Howden if rate relief could be back-dated.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes

4.1.  O & M manuals – no action had been taken, but the manuals were accessible.

4.2.  Football Foundation - revised final financial statements, including the final Payment of £13,622 to Heathpark Ltd in January 2007, was sent to FF’s auditors on 31 July. £25,600 was then still due from FF. Tony had been asked to chase this

4.3.  Time delay switch for path lights – A quote from Millners for £116 + VAT had been received; Roger would seek authority of Ian Hill and Kristina to proceed.

4.4.  Ladies toilet seat replacements – Roger would proceed with this.

4.5.  under-floor heating in changing rooms 1 & 2 - Tim Anders had found that the pump was burnt out; a replacement had been ordered, costing £80 + VAT + labour.

4.6.  external lights – were now satisfactory.

4.7.  cess pits – Milke Smith had reported that there did not seem to be any problem./

4.8.  grass mowing and border maintenance – this was still not satisfactory; Roger had spoken to Kristina, who had told Scion.

4.9.  nettles at the junction the ditch – Kristina had asked Scion for a price.

4.10.  Watlington Times - Sandra would write about the use of the pavilion for parties etc.

4.11.  Use of football pitch by unauthorized group from Chalgrove – it was agreed that the Parish Council would inform the organizer that this could not continue. Tony

4.12.  “Welfare Course” – Mick reported that The Oxfordshire Football Assoc had agreed that, when Gabby had booked for the October course, the Club would be accepted for the Chgarter Standard.

4.13.  Match Notice Board – The Sports Club is getting a quote.

5.  Maintenance – timber has been ordered to replace broken fencing; when it arrives Roger and Bob would install it.

6.  Letting charges – The increased charges of £30 for a day time session and £60 for an evening session had taken effect from 1 September, except for those who had already made definite bookings.

7.  Date of next meetings at 7.30pm in the Pavilion were agreed as follows
Wednesday 7th November 2007 (Budget)
Wednesday 6th February 2008
Wednesday 7th May 2008

8.  If necessary an additional meeting would be held in the Community Office either on Wednesday 3rd October or Thursday 11th October at 8pm to process the lease issue.