University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Exceptional Education Teacher Candidate
Assignments and Observation Checklists
Janetta L. Bradley, Ph.D.
Linda Johnston, Ed.D.
Barbara Ray, Ed.D.
Caryl Taylor, Ph.D.
Exceptional Education Teacher Candidate Assignments
In consultation with your cooperating teacher at the beginning of your placement, identify the students with whom you will complete the following assignments in place of developing a unit. The starred * assignments are to be completed in each placement.
The other assignments may be done in either placement, with at least two of the four completed in the first placement. The IEP, Functional Assessment/Behavioral Plan, and Formal Assessment assignments should be completed in the Student Teaching placements or assignments from previous UTC coursework may be substituted in the portfolio with PIR approval.
*Instruction Plan and follow-up for academic intervention.This plan will be used for the formal observations completed in each placement.
Assistive Technology Plan and Intervention with follow-up Evaluation of Impact. Can use high and/or light tech.
*Attendance at a special education team meeting. Complete the Summary Reflection assignment. Note that this does not have to be a meeting to determine eligibility or to create or revise an IEP. Candidates may attend any special education team meeting.
*Collaboration Documentation Log.(Indicate contacts with teachers, family members, support staff, students. Use first name plus initial only for students and family members)
Functional Behavior Plan with Behavioral Intervention. This assignment does not have to be repeated during the student teaching experience, but a plan developed in UTC course work should be included in the portfolio.
Individualized Education Program (IEP) using the school system's IEP form. May supplement an IEP that was completed in UTC course work if there are no opportunities in either placement.
Formal Assessment: This assignment does not have to be repeated during the student teaching experience, but a report from a formal assessment conducted in UTC course work should be included in the portfolio.
*Checklist A - Skill Development Summary: Overall Evaluation.
*Checklist B - Professional Conduct
*Checklist C - Direct Observation of a Single Lesson
Checklist D - Collaborative Consultation
* Checklist E - Goal Monitoring Use in place of the Self-Assessment Form. Completeindependently or with cooperating teacher or PIR.
Checklist F - Co-Teaching Form. Not required, but encouraged during inclusive placements.
* Narrative Observation Form
*Complete in both placements
Plan for Instruction of Students in Special Education
School/Cooperating Teacher
Teacher Candidate
Student Alias Age/grade
Date, time, place of instruction:
Context: Where does instruction take place? What is happening around you? Are there other adults and/or students in the area?
Annual goal from Student’s IEP:
Specific Objective:
Summary of pre-assessment results relating to the objective: Attach supporting data
Describe the master plan for the systematic development and follow-up to mastery on this objective with this student during the placement. Explain the sequence of lessons from introduction toward mastery with enough detail that the overall plan is clear.
Did you collaborate with anyone? Describe.
Specific Lesson Plan: Give step by step procedures.
Specific Strategies and Procedures(accommodations and adaptations considered and included) / Materials/Resources / Assessment Strategies
How will you assess the lesson plan’s effectiveness?
Results of this assessment:
What changes, modifications, re-teaching, enrichment are needed?
Reflection: How effective was the plan? What would you do differently if you had to do it over? What does the student need now?
Teacher Candidate Date
Cooperating TeacherDate
Assistive Technology Plan, Intervention, and Evaluation
School Teacher
Student Alias Age/grade
Date and Place of InterventionArea of Disability
Specific need of student and the assistive technology selected to meet that need (high tech or light tech).
Explain how the technology was used and why it was appropriate for the student. Give a detailed explanation of the procedure used.
Results of the plan
How effective was the use of that technology with the student? What does the student need in the future?
Teacher CandidateDate
Cooperating teacherDate
Reflection on the Special Education Team Meeting
- Identify the members of the team and their function. Is the team’s composition appropriate for the meeting? Is there someone who should be on the team, but isn’t?
- Describe the purpose of the team meeting. Use an alias for the student.
- Summarize the meeting.
- Reflect on the following:
- How the meeting was organized
- The leadership during the meeting
- Information flow
- Decision making process
- Conflict management
- The effectiveness of the team in achieving its goals
- The overall effectiveness of the process
- Family participation: How did the professional staff prepare and encourage family in preparation for the meeting? How did the professional staff interact with family members during the meeting?
- Decision/s or outcome/s
Teacher CandidateDate
Cooperating TeacherDate
Collaboration Documentation Log
Date / Person / Purpose / ResultsSignatures:
Teacher CandidateDate
Cooperating TeacherDate
Teacher Candidate
Observer Pre Observation Date
School Post Observation Date
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6Lacks Skill / Skill Beginning / Skill Developing / Skill Advancing / Skill Achieved / No Opportunity
I. Planning and Preparation / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / NO
1. Identifies learner objectives
2. Sequences presentation logically
3. Makes data-based planning decisions
4. Matches learner needs to instructional elements
5. Prepares adequately for the lesson
6. Plans for generalization
7. Plans for evaluation
II. Classroom Environment / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / NO
1. Gains/maintains attention
2. Provides specific reinforcement
3. Attends to multiple activities simultaneously
4. Scans entire class
5. Specifies and uses classroom rules
6. Stops deviant behavior promptly and effectively
7. Controls class reaction to misconduct
8. Reinforces appropriate behavior
9. Withholds reinforcement for inappropriate behavior
III. Instruction / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / NO1. Begin promptly
2. Provides introduction/motivation (anticipatory set)
3. Relates lesson to earlier lessons or familiar information (activates prior knowledge)
4. Paces instruction to student needs
5. Surveys comprehension of entire class frequently
6. Calls on individuals
7. Provides corrective feedback
8. Uses varying levels of questions (e.g., literal, inferential, application)
9. Uses verbal, gestural, and physical prompts
10. Uses instruction strategies appropriate to objectives
11. Provides opportunities for student success
12. Makes smooth transitions throughout the lesson
13. Resists drift from topic
14. Provides practice/overlearning
15. Accommodates for learner differences
16. Summarizes at end of lesson
17. Reviews at end of lesson
18. Provides clear, concise directions
19. Makes data-based instructional decisions throughout the lesson
20. Incorporates creative activities into the lesson
21. Uses a variety of well-chosen materials
22. Selects materials appropriate to objectives
23. Handles materials effectively
24. Designs/makes own materials when needed
25. Teaches learning strategies
26. Monitors student use of learning strategies
27. Provides practice to foster generalization
28. Teaches strategies to develop study skills
29. Uses a variety of evaluation procedures during the lesson
30. Uses a variety of evaluation procedures after the lesson
31 Selects evaluation tools that measure learning effectively.
32. Documents evaluation procedures and results
Teacher CandidateDate
Cooperating TeacherDate
Teacher CandidateObserver
Directions: Please complete each area. If checked “No” please give additional information.
- Dresses appropriately______ Yes No
- Demonstrates timeliness in fulfilling
requirements______ Yes No
- Maintains confidentiality______ Yes No
- Develops and maintains appropriate
teacher/student relationships______ Yes No
- Develops and maintains positive working
relationships with other faculty______ Yes No
- Demonstrates initiative and ability to work
independently______ Yes No
- Takes appropriate responsibility without
prompting______ Yes No
- Applies constructive criticism to improve
performance______ Yes No
- Uses appropriate resources (e.g., ancillary
staff,equipment)______ Yes No
- Maintains materials and leaves work area
organized______ Yes No
- Initiates meetings and conferences with PIR
and cooperating teacher as needed______ Yes No
- Submits materials and assignments on time______ Yes No
- Keeps accurate records______ Yes No
Teacher CandidateObserverObservation Date
SettingSchoolCooperating Teacher
“0” indicates that the skill should have been displayed but was not.
“1” indicates beginning level of development of target skills.
“2” indicates that improvement is seen.
“3” indicates that the skill is achieved.
“NA” indicates there was no opportunity to display the skill.
The candidate has:
1. Adequately prepared for the lesson / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA2. Ensured that students were on task / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
3. Tied lesson content to prior knowledge / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
4. used an anticipatory set prior to instruction / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
5. Used appropriate instruction strategies / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
6. Selected appropriate materials / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
7. Effectively used appropriate materials / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
8. Adapted instruction to meet learner needs / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
9. Used appropriate error-correction procedures / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
10. Paced instruction to suit students' needs / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
11. Used appropriate behavior management procedures / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
12. Taught learning strategies that encourage maintenance and generalization / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
13. Summarized the lesson / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
14. Monitored student progress / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
15. Collected performance data / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
16. Conducted an enjoyable lesson / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / NA
Teacher CandidateObserver Date
Lacks SkillSkill DevelopingSkill Achieved*
*Skill has been achieved during this practicum setting.
NA-indicates that the competency is not applicable to the situation observed
Candidate will demonstrate the ability to:
Interpersonal Communication Skills / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / NAFacilitate reciprocal, mutual problem-solving activities with other professionals.
Apply strategies for effective communication (e.g., open and indirect questioning, active and reflective listening, paraphrasing and clarifying) in a collaborative situation.
Use effective written communication skills with professionals and parents.
Maintain a positive attitude throughout the process
Problem Solving
Use effective problem-solving formats that include problem identification, problem analysis, intervention plan, monitoring system, evaluation, and follow-up.Collaborative Models
Participate as an active member of the school-based intervention assistance team.Co-plan by developing weekly instructional objectives and strategies with other professionals (e.g. general education teacher, speech and languagetherapist, occupational therapist) who work with the same students.
Co-teach when possible by sharing the responsibility for specific aspects of planning and instruction.
Collaborate with the general education teacher in generating ideas for implementing and evaluating teaching methods that accommodate student diversity (e.g., use of cooperative grouping, various forms of tutoring, material modification, cognitive strategy instruction).
Teacher CandidateDate
SchoolCooperating Teacher
Focus Area for Goal / Evidence of Progress / CommentsSelf:
CHECKLIST F (Recommended, not Required)
Teacher CandidateObserver
SchoolObservation Date
- Identify each teacher’s role
- Describe classroom environment – physical arrangement, number of students, grouping, movement of teacher around room.
- Instruction and strategies utilized to meet individual student’s needs.
- Materials used in instruction.
- Classroom management techniques used.
- Formative and summative evaluation/monitoring of student progress.
Teacher CandidateObserverObservation Date
SettingSchoolCooperating Teacher
Directions: Complete the narrative during the observation of a PDS 2 experience. Reflections should indicate strengths, weaknesses, and current level of performance.
Observation / ReflectionsSummary Comments
Exceptional Education Teacher Candidate Documentation
Please submit only original copies of the following documents to the Field Placement Coordinator at the end of each placement. All forms are included in the documentation addendum at the end of this handbook.
1. Student Teacher Leave Requests (attach these to final evaluation)
2. Weekly Summary of Hours (attach this to final evaluation)
3. Checklist A (attach this to final evaluation)
4. Portfolio Progress Report Check sheet
5. Formal Assessment (refer to handbook for guidance on this assignment)
6. Final evaluation:**This form must be completed on-line and submitted electronically. Please also print a copy of the evaluation and obtain required signatures. These include your signature (in two places), the cooperating teacher’s signature, and one other school personnel signature who has observed your teaching. Do not complete a hard copy of the evaluation.
**If problems occur with electronic submission, contact the Field Placement Coordinator for guidance.
Student Teaching Leave Request
Student TeacherDate Submitted
A student teacher who desires to request leave from duty should complete the appropriate items below and submit this form to the cooperating teacher(s) who will approve or disapprove the request. The student teacher must then submit a copy to his professor-in-residence and an additional copy to the Field Placement Coordinator. (This page should be copied as necessary. Refer to the reverse for absence codes.)
Sick Leave Request
I hereby request sick leave for the date(s) indicated below in accordance with the provisions for the sick leave request category.
Date(s) of AbsenceAbsence Code
Policy Reasons for Absence
Absence Request
I hereby request permission to be absent on the date(s) indicated below in accordance with the provisions for the non-sick leave request category.
Student teacher absences for non-sick leave reasons must be approved in advance by the TeacherPreparationAcademy except in cases of emergency. In any case, an official "Leave Request" form must be properly submitted. Note: This category includes severe weather conditions.
Date(s) of AbsenceAbsence Code
Policy Reasons for Absence
Signature of Cooperating Teacher Date
Absence Codes for Leave Requests
100 Sick Leave, defined as the following:
Leave of absence because of illness of an employee from natural causes or accident, quarantine, or illness or death of a member of the immediate family of an employee, including the employee's spouse, parents, former legal guardians, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.
101 Bereavement Leave (Only for parent, spouse, child; please indicate relationship)
Educational Meetings (Indicate type/name and attach documentation)
201 Educational convention
202 Educational conference
203 Educational meeting
204 Educational workshop
205 Educational committee
Educational School Business (Attach explanation)
211 School business
Civic Meeting (As an officer or official delegate; indicate office and attach documentation)
231 Civic meeting
Jury Duty (Attach subpoena to Jury Duty)
241 Jury duty service
Court Subpoena (As a witness; attach copy of subpoena)
251 Court subpoena
Temporary Military Service (Attach Orders)
271 Temporary military service
Epidemic or Other Calamity
281 Epidemic
282 Public calamity
Required Religious Observance
291 Religious observance
Personal Emergencies
303 Death of a close friend or relative not covered by sick leave policy
304 Severe weather conditions
306 Court appearances as a defendant or plaintiff
307 Illness of person living in home of student teacher and not covered by sick leave
308 Graduation of student teacher or child
309 Marriage of student teacher or child
310 Departure of spouse or child for full-time military service
311 School registration of student teacher or child
312 Financial or legal transactions
313 Catastrophe
314 Education or civic meeting in excess of 201-205 or 231 absences
315 Other immediate pressing personal or family responsibility not related to personal leisure or recreation (justification required)
Weekly Summary of Hours of Student
Teaching Activities
___ Placement (one per placement)
Student TeacherGrade/Subject
Week ofWeek ofWeek ofWeek ofWeek of
Actual Teaching*
Extra Class Activities
Days Absent
Week ofWeek ofWeek ofWeek ofWeek of
Actual Teaching*
Extra Class Activities
Days Absent
Totals:Actual TeachingObservationConference
ParticipationExtra Class Act.Other
Signature of Professor-in-ResidenceDate
Signature of Student TeacherDate
*See reverse of this sheet for category explanations
Directions for
Weekly Summary of Hours of Student Teaching Activities
Student teachers should keep a running log of the hours they spend in each of the activities defined below. At the conclusion of each placement, the student teacher should neatly fill in this form, sign and date it, have the cooperating teacher(s) do likewise, and turn the form in to the TeacherPreparationAcademy or the professor-in-residence. This form will be attached to the Final Evaluation Form which is completed at the conclusion of each placement and retained as part of the student's permanent file. Several states require student teachers to verify the actual number of teaching hours acquired during the student teaching semester. Therefore, it is imperative to have this information available when students are applying for certification in these states.
Actual Teaching
This category includes instructional activities involving an individual student, a group of students and/or the entire class. In other words, the student teacher is delivering information to the student. This may include instruction in a regular classroom, a school library, outdoors in an environmental classroom, or in another educational setting.
This category includes all time spent observing the instructional activities of other teachers. This may include observing your cooperating teacher(s) as well as other classroom teachers in your building or in other educational settings.
This category includes all time spent participating in parent/teacher conferences, M-Team meetings, department meetings, and other scheduled school conferences.
This category includes time spent in school activities not normally scheduled as part of the school curriculum, such as bus, hall, and cafeteria duties, field trips, or additional assignments required of teachers. Attendance at in-service education activities, site-based management meetings at the assigned school, and school board meetings are some options under this category.