Flourless Chocolate Cake

Serving Size : 12 Preparation Time :1:00

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method


8 large eggs

1 pound semisweet chocolate

8 oz unsalted butter -- chopped

1/4 cup strong coffee

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8 or 9" springform pan and line the bottom with waxed paper. Wrap the outside of the pan in foil to prevent leaks. Prepare a pot of boiling water.

2. Whip the eggs until double in volume (about 1 quart), about 5 minutes. Melt the chocolate, butter and coffee in a double boiler or microwave until very smooth, stirring occasionally. Fold in the whipped eggs in three addition, mixing only as necessary to incorporate them. Pour into prepared pan.

3. Place into a deep roasting pan, and position on the lower-middle rack of the oven. Pour enough boiling water into the roasting pan to come about halfway up on the sides of the cake pan. Bake about 25 minutes until the cake rises slightly, has a thin wispy crust, and reads 140 degrees on an instant-read thermometer inserted in the center. Cool, in the pan, on a wire rack. Refrigerate overnight. Warm the sides of the pan with a hot, wet towel to loosen then pop open. Slice with a hot wet knife.


The simplest sauces for deserts are purees of fresh fruit (coulis). Put a cup of fruit, such as pears, or raspberries in a blender. Blend until the fruit is a smooth sauce consistency, adding a few drops of water, if needed, to get the puree started. Strain through a fine sieve.

Some fruits, such as kiwi, keep their color better if they are simply forced through the mesh of a strainer without blending.


Serve with a simple fruit coulis, or a couple of coulis - sprinkle with white powdered sugar.


Suggested Wine: Rosa Regale