Lyminge Surgery – 5.00pm
10th March 2016
Attended – Tara Woolgar (Surgery), Chris George (Health Watch), Phillip Hawken, Mary Russell, Wendy Perkins, Sue Chitty and Peter Barnes
1. Health Watch
Chris George gave talk on what Health watch did and where we could all help.
Health watch wanted to gain feedback on services from patient experience. This would then allow reviews and actions to be made where applicable.
Due to previous comments received they cascaded issues in care home which was then closed by the CQC due to safeguarding issues.
Plenty of opportunity to volunteer and get involved
Action - Lynne to review getting link added to Health watch from our website
2. Previous Minutes – Agreed
3. iPlato
Tara updated the group that iPlato was the new text messaging service that had been introduced to the surgery. It sent text message reminders for appointments that had been booked and gave facility to cancel appointments in the clinical system by simply texting back cancel. It was felt that this was a positive tool and would hopefully reduce dna rates.
Tara explained that the surgery would also be using for flu campaigns and other health campaigns over the coming year.
Any feedback positive or negative would be appreciated.
4. Surgery Update
Lyminge Refurb Works
Tara explained that work had been completed on ramp which was now safe, non slip and easier to access for disabled patients and visitors. Work in treatment room had been completed and work throughout waiting room on-going. (painting still required as painter scheduled unable to complete)
The group discussed the type of chairs in the surgery. Tara confirmed that it was very unlikely that the benches would be replaced like for like. It was confirmed that some of the chairs needed arms to assist in patients getting up and down. Tara gave example of what Dr Thike was keen to purchase and in general agreed would be OK.
Tara explained that this was still in progress and updates would be given as anything new happened
5. AOB
NHS Choices – Tara requested that patients look at the NHS Choices website and find our surgery to review information and also to complete feedback of ther honest views of surgery performance.
Pharmacy – Peter asked if we knew anything about Government policy on local pharmacy. Tara stated that she was not aware of anything apart from the fact that more services were being introduced into pharmacies (flu vaccines, weight clinics, stop smoking advice etc..) Peter explained that it was more that pharmacies may have to close. Tara explained that she was not aware of anything like this and nothing had been discussed locally. Both the Lyminge surgeries currently dispense but can only do so to patients that live over one mile from a pharmacy. If the local pharmacy was to close this would have huge impact on both surgeries. Peter confirmed that there was going to be information in the next Lyminge village newsletter.
Patient Transport
Volunteer Centre Shepway
Radnor Park Community Centre
Castle Hill Avenue
CT20 2QL
01303 259007
There is a criteria that must be met by users
Development of 7 day opening
It was highlighted that the Government directive was for primary care services to operate 7 days per week. Tara confirmed that there has not yet been specific instruction regards to this however the surgeries in the South Kent Coast area are starting to talk about how this could maybe managed as it is not viable for each individual surgery to remain open every day. There will be further information as more information is received and decisions agreed.
Next Meeting: 9th June @ 5pm – Lyminge Surgery
Signed…………………………….. Date………………………………..