January 18, 2005


January 18, 2005

Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Human Services Committee of the Otsego County Board of Representatives, the County Placement Coordinator and the Department of Social Services. The monthly meeting took place on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 in the third floor conference room at 197 Main Street, Cooperstown, New York. Those present were Ronald Feldstein, Chair; Representatives Kevin Hodne and James Powers, Committee Members; Joyce Boyd, Deputy Commissioner and Director of Income Maintenance; Susan Pierro, Director of Services; Frances Wright, Director of Office for the Aging; and Anthony Leshinski, Director of Administration. Representative Charles Bateman was not present, and Commissioner Christman was out recovering from surgery. Carl Higgins, Chairman of the Board, was an observing guest.

Representative Feldstein began the meeting by stating that Greystone would be moved into the Meadows by the end of February, 2005. He also said that the Human Services Committee and the CountyBoard would be searching for a new Commissioner. They would need assistance from everyone at the meeting in selecting a Commissioner.

Representative Feldstein stated that he had requested the DSS members to bring goals with them that they have set for 2005. Mrs. Boyd was the first to share her goals. She said her first goal was to have the volunteer income tax assistance program up and running. However, yesterday she received word from Utica School of Commerce that they were withdrawing this year, as they had no volunteers to send. She said she hopes she will be able to set that as a goal for 2006. Her second goal was to get in place a procedure to scan day care billing information into Acorde so Income Maintenance and Accounting can both have access to the information electronically. Her third goal was to get budget education for clients so they learn to manage their finances and not constantly have problems paying their monthly bills. Mrs. Boyd’s final goal was to encourage employees to dress more professionally.

Representative Feldstein stated that issues such as employee dress and other issues of professionalism could be addressed through staff training.

Frances Wright shared the goals of the Placement Office as established by the CountyBoard. The already established goals deal with helping residents navigate the Long Term Care System, working cooperatively with providers/agencies and providing information to the Board of Representatives. In light of the current trend, as a result of the Olmstead Decision, that individuals who can be cared for in the community should be cared for in the community, an additional goal would be to work with the nursing homes where county residents reside to identify those who could be cared for in a lower level of care or the community.

Tony Leshinski’s goals were as follows: first he said he hoped to establish more ways to maintain cost containment/effectiveness in his unit and maximize reimbursements, second he wanted to find out where his unit was to be located in reference to the move to the old Meadows versus staying where they currently are, and third he wanted the department to have monthly supervisory meetings so everyone is informed of new information and ways of conducting business.

Sue Pierro shared a list she had preprinted. It contained such goals as having Build 18 up and running by April; having all of legal files scanned by December 31, 2005; developing a Family Group Conferencing program; to continue the work being done to establish and maintain a multi-disciplinary team to work on sexual abuse cases; continue to work with SUNY Albany to develop strategies that will improve recruitment and retention of caseworkers; and finally to continue working cooperatively with the Family Court in regard to the implementation of a Juvenile Drug Treatment Court.

Representative Feldstein said the committee would review progress made towards these goals at the June meeting. He also asked the committee members to assist each employee to reach their goals.

Representative Powers asked Mrs. Boyd if she had tried any other place for volunteers for her income tax project. She said she had tried all of the local colleges to no avail. She said she also had contacted AARP to see if they had volunteers who were qualified to do this work and would be willing to come to Greystone. She hasnot heard back yet. Representative Feldstein said he would get Mrs. Boyd information on whom to contact at HartwickCollege to get volunteers.


Mrs. Wright advised that there are no budget figures as Accounting is doing its end of the year work.

Mrs. Wright presented a complete set of her charts and inquired how the committee wanted to receive this information during the coming year. It was decided that she would continue to present the full set on a quarterly basis and then just a couple of significant ones on a monthly basis. She pointed out the client numbers average 133 per month and will probably continue in that range.


Income Maintenance: Mrs. Boyd presented a resolution to renew the agreement with Cornell Cooperative Extension for Food Stamp Nutrition Education. Representative Hodne moved to approve this, and Representative Powers seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.

Administration: Mr. Leshinski presented a request to purchase two Chevrolet Impalas($14,659 each) to replace two vehicles in the Services fleet and a request to replace two Chevrolet Impala police packages($19,273.50 each). He advised that the Sheriff’s Department hasnot received any vehicle since 2001. Representative Hodne moved to approve these purchases, and Representative Powers seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. Leshinski presented a bill to renew the NYPWA dues for 2005 at a cost of $2,750. He pointed out that these dues have not risen in several years. Representative Powers moved to pay the dues, and Representative Hodne seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. Leshinski requested approval to renew a service contract for the microfilm equipment and microfilm reading equipment both at 197 Main Street and at Greystone at a cost of $2,972. Representative Feldstein suggested the possibility of leasing this equipment instead of purchasing new equipment when the time comes. Representative Powers moved to approve the service contract, and Representative Hodne seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. Leshinski also presented a request to purchase two cell phones (@$27 per month) for the Adult Protective Unit, a cell phone (@$27 per month) for CPS and a portable copier ($400) for the Adult Protective Unit to be used when they are in the field. Representative Hodne moved to approve these purchases, and Representative Powers seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Representative Feldstein informed the committee that, although things are changing all the time, the last information that he had was that there still was a good possibility that the Accounting Unit will be moving to the Old Meadows. He suggested that the Department needs to at least be prepared for that option.

Training: In the absence of Ms. Bouboulis, Mrs. Boyd presented a training list, consisting of two different sessions. Representative Hodne moved to approve the list as presented, and Representative Powers seconded. The motion unanimously passed.

Personnel:Mrs. Boyd presented a request to create a new position in the Support Collection Unit for an Investigator. After a brief discussion Representative Powers moved to approve the creation, and Representative Hodne seconded. The position unanimously passed.

Mrs. Boyd requested permission to fill the following vacancies: (1) a Clerk in the Income Maintenance Unit at the phone center who is leaving to take a position in the CountyClerk’s Office, and (2) a TE Caseworker to assist in the absence of a CPS Caseworker who is out on Family Medical Leave. Representative Hodne moved to fill both positions, and Representative Powers seconded. The motion unanimously passed.

Mrs. Boyd shared that she was asked by the mobile shredding company to inform the committee that Greystone is receiving a reduced rate in 2005 because of the increased amount of shredding being done. Northeast Mobile Shredding also wanted to advise that they can serve other departments and would be glad to discuss their services with anyone interested.

The next meeting for the Human Services Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, February 16 at 10 AM at 197 Main Street.

As all items for discussion were complete, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 AM.

June H. Gus
