1. Parade of Branch Standards
Conference opened with the Parade of Branch Standards.
2. Exhortation and Prayers
The County President recited the Exhortation and the County Padre said prayers.
3. Loyal Message
The County President read the Loyal Message and the response from Her Majesty the Queen.
4. Civic Welcome
The Deputy Mayor of Horncastle, Councillor Brian Burbidge, gave the Civic welcome.
5. Voting Branch Delegates
The Chief Scrutineer confirmed that there were 24 voting Branch delegates in the Conference Hall.
6. Apologies
The County Secretary recorded the following apologies:
Mr Tony Worth (County Patron), Brigadier Johnny Walker (County Vice-President), Mr Stuart Allen (Membership Council Member – East Midlands), Mr Tom Gundry (County Committee), Mrs Georgina Gundry (Kirton in Lindsey Branch), Mr Sam Gundry (Kirton in Lindsey Branch), Mr Brian Papworth (Louth Branch), Mr Brian Harvey (Sleaford Branch), Ms Gail Walters (Assistant Director Operations – Midlands)
7. County President’s Address
The County President addressed Conference.
8. Draft Record of County Conference 2016
The Draft Record of County Conference 2016 was displayed at the rear of the Conference Hall.
Proposed: Sleaford Branch Seconded: Kirton Branch
Accepted unanimously
9. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
10. County Chairman’s Address
The County Chairman addressed Conference; a copy of his address has been circulated to all Lincolnshire Branches.
11. Appointment of Scrutineers
There was no required to appoint further scrutineers as there were no County Committee or County Conference Committee Elections.
12. Election to County Committee
There were 4 nominations to fill the 4 vacant County Committee positions; these four individuals were duly elected to serve for 3-years. The individuals elected were:
Mr Ray Beresford Stamford Branch
Mr Frank Byrne Wrangle Branch
Mr Roger Green Holbeach Branch
Mrs Marilyn Jones Alford Branch
13. Magna Vitae Briefing
Representatives of Magna Vitae briefed the Conference on an exciting new project between themselves and the Legion in the East Lindsey District area of Lincolnshire. It involved Legion beneficiaries getting out and getting active, this project was cost neutral for the Legion as a Lottery Grant had been awarded. Mr Johnson (Alford Branch) was the County Committee coordinator for this project.
14. County Plan
The County Chairman advised the meeting that in accordance with the Membership Handbook he no longer had to get the County Plan approved by Conference but had to mention it in his address. The Lincolnshire County Plan would follow the requirements of the Area Plan.
15. Confirmation of County Vice-Presidents
The following individuals were confirmed as County Vice-Presidents:
Brigadier Johnny Walker OBE DL
Mrs Doreen Stephenson
They would both serve a further 1-year term of office.
Proposed: Great Grimsby Branch Seconded: Grantham Branch
Accepted unanimously
16. County Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts
The Statement of Accounts for the Legion year 2015/2016 was included with the Branch Delegates paperwork. The County Treasurer, Mr John Scally presented the accounts to Conference for approval.
Proposed: Mablethorpe Branch Seconded: Coningsby, Tattershall Branch
Accepted unanimously
17. Guest Speaker
Mr Anthony Baines, Director of Operations addressed Conference. Following his address there was a Question and Answer session. Questions that couldn’t be answered were taken away by members of the Area team to investigate and provide answers.
18. Motions
There were 2 Motions present to Conference:
a. Charter Motion – As the Legion progresses and changes under the new corporate strategy and five year plan this conference proposes that any changes or amendments to the Royal Charter are made using plain English.
Proposed: Bourne Branch Seconded: City of Lincoln Branch
Speaker For: Mr Ironmonger - Bourne Branch
Speaker Against: Mr Canham - Pinchbeck Branch
23 Votes For 1 Against Motion Carried
b. Motion – This conference recommends that the current national membership fee remains at its current level of £17.
Proposed: Bourne Branch Seconded: Sleaford Branch
Speaker For: Mr Butler - Bourne Branch
Speaker Against: Mr Dodge - Washingborough Branch
15 Votes For 6 Against 3 Abstentions Motion Carried
19. Election to County Conference Committee
There was no requirement to hold an Election to the County Conference Committee, as there was only 1 nomination for the 3 vacancies, and he had been elected to the County Committee. The County Chairman asked for volunteers from the floor to fill the 3 vacancies on the County Conference Committee.
Mr S Ironmonger (Bourne Branch), Mrs Pat Nicholas (Wainfleet Branch) and Mrs P Seymour (Pinchbeck Branch) volunteered to fill these vacant positions.
Mr Ironmonger, Mrs Nicholas and Mrs Seymour were elected unanimously to serve on the County Conference Committee for a period of 1-year.
20. Lincolnshire County Women’s Section
Mrs Irene Francis, Chairman Lincolnshire County Women’s Section addressed Conference. Mrs Francis raised the issue of the change in status of the Women’s Section and how it had been handled badly and resulted in the loss of a large number of members and the closing of Branches.
21. Presentation of Trophies and Awards
The County President presented the trophies and awards; a list of recipients is attached to these minutes.
22. Permission to destroy Ballot Papers
There was no requirement to destroy ballot papers as no voting had taken place.
23. Provisional Date and Venue for Annual Meeting of County Conference 2018
The 2018 County Conference would be held on Saturday 13th January 2018, the venue was to be decided by the County Committee.
24. Comprehensive Vote of Thanks
The County Vice-Chairman, Mrs Bridget Wilcox gave the Comprehensive Vote of Thanks.
25. Presentation of the County Standard
The County President presented the County Standard to the County Standard Bearer, Mr Richard Kent of the Washingborough Branch.
26. Close of Conference
Conference closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
A R P Goodwin BEM
County Chairman
The following annual reports were also produced:
County Recruiting Officer
County Training Officer
County Youth Officer
Community Fundraiser - Lincolnshire
Membership Support Officer – East Midlands
Annual County Operations Report – Lincolnshire