Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt
In groups, or individually, research the following terms and document important elements of each item…dates, locations, historical significance, relationship to William Shakespeare, impact/influence on Shakespeare or his times. Provide visuals for each entry. Finally, organize your information to present to me. You will use this information to complete an Interactive Open Note QUIZ. Due date posted on SchoolWires. You will receive a project grade pertaining to the completeness of this Scavenger Hunt.
1)William Shakespeare:
a) date of birth –April 23, 1564
b)date of death- April 23, 1616
*Not accurately defined as his birth day. Evidence suggests that he was baptized on April 26th (baptismal certificate). Traditionally, the baby was Christened 3 days after their birth because the mortality rate was very high.Baptized in the Church of the Holy Trinity.
2)Location of Shakespeare’s birth:
a) town -Stratford- Upon –Avon AVON is a River.
b) country -United Kingdom (England)
c) street name-Henley Street
d) county- Warwick Shire England
3)Shakespeare’s mother’s maiden name:Mary Arden
4)Shakespeare’s wife’s name:Anne Hathaway
5)Shakespeare’s children:(3) Hamnet died at age 11 of the Plague, Suzanne and Judith Hamnet and Judith were twins.
6)What is Hall’s Croft- theplace where Shakespeare’s daughter Susanna Hall and her husband lived. They lived there until 1616, when Shakespeare died. Located in Warwickshire, England. This was a home that marked Shakespeare’s success.
7)Name the following:
a) 3 comedies written by Shakespeare (MANY RESPONSES)
b) 3 tragedies written by Shakespeare (MANY RESPONSES)
c) 3 histories written by Shakespeare (MANY RESPONSES)
8)What was the influence of Shakespeare during the Renaissance?
9)Who was the Queen during Shakespeare’s lifetime? Queen Elizabeth I
- What were the dates this monarch was in power?1533-1603
- What was the influence/impact of this monarch in Shakespeare’s writing?She was a strong supporter of the arts. She backed the arts with money.Shakespeare thrived as an actor and as a playwrite as well.
10)Who was the King during Shakespeare’s lifetime?King James I
- What were the dates this monarch was in power?
- What was the influence/impact of this monarch in Shakespeare’s writing?
- GUN POWDER PLOT- assassination against King James (it failed). When Shakespeare writes about assassination attempts, he is writing in favor of King James.
11)What are the 4 Humours and what does each represent (human, element, qualities)?Medieval medical philosophy- if you had a balance of body fluids in your body, it meant that you would be emotionally balanced.
- Humour #1: Melancholic- anxious, quiet, moody (black bile). Earth = element.
- Humour #2:Choleric- active, aggressive, touchy (yellow bile). Fire = element.
- Humour #3:Sanguine- sociable, leadership, talkative (blood). Air = element.
- Humour #4: Phlegmatic- careful, thoughtful, calm (phlegm). Water = element.
12)What is Iambic Pentameter?(154 sonnets in Shakespeare’s sonnet sequence) A rhyme scheme consisting of 10 syllables broken up into stressed and unstressed syllables. *This creates a poetic, lyrical effect.*
- IAMB = 1 foot of poetry 1 foot has two syllables (one unstressed and one stressed).
- PENT= 2 syllables.
- Each line of poetry is 10 syllables
- Ex. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day.”
13)Two theater companies with whom Shakespeare was associated:(Main Theater) The Globe (1st theater burned down from thatch roof and fireworks in 1613- 2nd ultimately in 1642 The Globe was destroyed by the Puritans because they believed in the denial of emotion and feeling), The Rose, The Swan, The Hope, The Fortune.
- Lord Chamberlain’s Men- they became Kingsmen.
- The Admiral’s Men
14)First Folio- published in 1623 (7yrs after his death)-this was the first collection of Shakespeare’s plays. Hemmings and Condell were the editors of the First Folio.
15)Who were The Three Fate Sisters?From Greek Mythology. They determined fate/destiny of all mortals, Gods and Titans.
- What are their names?Clotho, Atropos, Lachesis– They are refered to as the weird sisters.
- What was the role of each Fate Sister?Atropos, choses how someone dies. Clotho, spins the thread of life. Lachesis
16)What is the location of Shakespeare’s grave?Church of TheHoly Trinity.
17)What does the inscription on Shakespeare’s tomb mean?The writing on his grave means that if you spare my bones you will be blessed; if you move me, you will be cursed.
18)List the plays that begin with the following lines:
a)“Now is the winter of our discontent…”Richard III
b)“Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene…”Romeo and Juliet.
c)“Hence! Home you idle creatures, get you home; Is this a holiday?”Julius Caesar
d)“If music be the food of love, play on…”Twelfth Night
e)“Who’s there?”Hamlet
f)“When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?”Macbeth
19)List the plays that contain the following characters:
a)Bassanio and Shylock- The Merchant of Venice.
b)The three witches- Macbeth.
c)Desdemona- Othello
d)Sebastian and ViolaTwelfth Night.
e)Bolingbroke and John of GauntRichard II
f)Falstaff (3 plays), Henry IV; V; Merry Wives of Windsor.
Although, you may have to research other sites pertaining to William Shakespeare, here are some sites to use to begin your Scavenger Hunt: