Stata Code for Zigerell APSA 2015 "Black and White Bias in the United States - Evidence from a Population of 16 Survey Experiments"




* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Pager and Freese 2003 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\Pager_Freese.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups


tab race1

gen whiteR = race1

recode whiteR (2=0)

tab race1 whiteR

tab race2

gen blackR = race2

recode blackR (2=0)

tab race2 blackR


*** Treatments


tab pag_ran1

tab pag_ran1, nol

gen blackT = pag_ran1

recode blackT (2/3=0)

gen whiteT = pag_ran1

recode whiteT (1 3=0) (2=1)

gen noraceT = pag_ran1

recode noraceT (1/2=0) (3=1)

tab pag_ran1 blackT

tab pag_ran1 whiteT

tab pag_ran1 noraceT

tab pag_ran2

tab pag_ran2, nol

gen laidoffT = pag_ran2

recode laidoffT (2/3=0)

gen firedT = pag_ran2

recode fired (1 3=0) (2=1)

gen prisonT = pag_ran2

recode prisonT (1/2=0) (3=1)

tab pag_ran2 laidoffT

tab pag_ran2 firedT

tab pag_ran2 prisonT

tab pag_ran3

tab pag_ran3, nol

gen steadyT = pag_ran3

recode steadyT (2=0)

gen unsteadyT = pag_ran3

recode unsteadyT (1=0) (2=1)

tab pag_ran3 steadyT

tab pag_ran3 unsteadyT


*** Outcome variables


gen help3 = pag1

recode help3 (3=-1) (2=0) (8 9=.)

tab pag1 help3

tab pag1 help3, mi

egen help3_std = std(help3)

sum help3_std


*** Racial manipulation check


// No manipulation check


*** Regressions


reg help3_std blackT noraceT laidoffT firedT steadyT if whiteR==1

reg help3_std blackT noraceT laidoffT firedT steadyT if blackR==1

* use the black vs. white regressions below [see pager 2006]

reg help3_std blackT noraceT laidoffT firedT steadyT if whiteR==1 & noraceT==0

reg help3_std blackT noraceT laidoffT firedT steadyT if blackR==1 & noraceT==0

ologit help3 blackT noraceT laidoffT firedT steadyT




* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Oliver and Lee 2004 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\TESS_Oliver_Client.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups


tab ppeth

gen white = ppeth

recode white (2/4=0)

tab ppeth white

gen black = ppeth

recode black (1 3 4=0) (2=1)

tab ppeth black


*** Treatments


tab group

gen whitefemaleT = 0

gen blackfemaleT = 0

gen whitemaleT = 0

gen blackmaleT = 0

replace whitefemaleT = 1 if group==1 | group==2

replace blackfemaleT = 1 if group==3 | group==4

replace whitemaleT = 1 if group==1 | group==3

replace blackmaleT = 1 if group==2 | group==4

tab group whitefemaleT

tab group blackfemaleT

tab group whitemaleT

tab group blackmaleT


*** Outcome variables


egen overweightFEMALE_std = std(overwt1)

egen overweightMALE_std = std(overwt2)

egen obeseFEMALE_std = std(obese1)

egen obeseMALE_std = std(obese2)

alpha overweightFEMALE_std obeseFEMALE_std, item std min(1) gen(omnibusFEMALE)

alpha overweightMALE_std obeseMALE_std, item std min(1) gen(omnibusMALE)

egen omnibusFEMALE_std = std(omnibusFEMALE)

egen omnibusMALE_std = std(omnibusMALE)

sum overweightFEMALE_std overweightMALE_std obeseFEMALE_std obeseMALE_std omnibusFEMALE_std omnibusMALE_std


*** Racial manipulation check



*** Regressions


reg overweightFEMALE_std blackfemaleT if white==1

reg overweightFEMALE_std blackfemaleT if black==1

reg obeseFEMALE_std blackfemaleT if white==1

reg obeseFEMALE_std blackfemaleT if black==1

reg overweightMALE_std blackmaleT if white==1

reg overweightMALE_std blackmaleT if black==1

reg obeseMALE_std blackmaleT if white==1

reg obeseMALE_std blackmaleT if black==1

reg omnibusFEMALE_std blackfemaleT if white==1

reg omnibusFEMALE_std blackfemaleT if black==1

reg omnibusMALE_std blackmaleT if white==1

reg omnibusMALE_std blackmaleT if black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Cottrell and Neuberg 2004 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\tess18_cottrell_client_data.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups


tab ppeth

gen white = ppeth

gen black = ppeth

gen otherrace = ppeth

recode white (2 3=0)

recode black (1 3=0) (2=1)

recode otherrace (1 2 =0) (3=1)

tab ppeth white

tab ppeth black

tab ppeth otherrace

tab memrace

rename otherrace asian


*** Treatments


tab order

gen section1first = order

recode section1first (2=0)

tab order section1first

tab raceshow

gen whiteT = raceshow

gen blackT = raceshow

gen asianT = raceshow

recode whiteT (2 3=0)

recode blackT (1 3=0) (2=1)

recode asianT (1 2=0) (3=1)

tab raceshow whiteT

tab raceshow blackT

tab raceshow asianT


*** Outcome variables


tab1 s1_1- s2_8

recode s1_1- s2_8 (-1=.)

tab1 s1_1- s2_8

alpha s1_1 s1_7 s1_2 s1_3 s1_4 s1_5 s1_6, item

alpha s1_1 s1_7 s1_2 s1_3 s1_4 s1_5 s1_6, item std min(4) gen(emotionALPHA)

egen emotionALPHA_std = std(emotionALPHA)

alpha s2_1 s2_2 s2_3 s2_4 s2_6 s2_7 s2_8, item std min(5) gen(threatALPHA)

egen threatALPHA_std = std(threatALPHA)

alpha s1_1 s1_7 s1_2 s1_3 s1_4 s1_5 s1_6 s2_1 s2_2 s2_3 s2_4 s2_6 s2_7 s2_8, item std min(7) gen(ALPHA)

egen ALPHA_std = std(ALPHA)

sum emotionALPHA_std threatALPHA_std ALPHA_std


*** Racial manipulation check



*** Regressions


reg emotionALPHA_std whiteT section1first if asianT==0 & white==1

reg emotionALPHA_std whiteT section1first if asianT==0 & black==1

reg threatALPHA_std whiteT section1first if asianT==0 & white==1

reg threatALPHA_std whiteT section1first if asianT==0 & black==1

reg ALPHA_std whiteT section1first if asianT==0 & white==1

reg ALPHA_std whiteT section1first if asianT==0 & black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Benard 2005 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\Benard_final.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups


tab race_1

tab race_1, nol

gen white = race_1

recode white (2=0)

tab race_1 white

tab race_2

tab race_2, nol

gen black = race_2

recode black (2=0)

tab race_2 black


*** Treatments


tab BEN_CON1

tab BEN_CON1, nol

gen maleC = BEN_CON1

recode maleC (1 2=1) (3 4=0)

gen femaleC = 1 - maleC

gen blackC = BEN_CON1

recode blackC (1 3=1) (2 4=0)

gen whiteC = 1 - blackC

tab BEN_CON1 maleC

tab BEN_CON1 femaleC

tab BEN_CON1 blackC

tab BEN_CON1 whiteC


*** Outcome variables


tab1 product valuable hardwork cmptnt raise respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg

tab1 product valuable hardwork cmptnt raise respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg, nol

recode product valuable hardwork cmptnt raise respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg (8 9=.)

tab1 product valuable hardwork cmptnt raise respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg

alpha product valuable hardwork cmptnt raise, gen(performALPHA) std min(3) detail item

egen performALPHA_std = std(performALPHA)

sum performALPHA_std

pwcorr performALPHA_std respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg, sig obs

alpha respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg, gen(statusALPHA) std min(4) detail item

egen statusALPHA_std = std(statusALPHA)

sum statusALPHA_std

pwcorr statusALPHA_std respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg, sig obs

alpha product valuable hardwork cmptnt raise respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg, gen(overallALPHA) std min(6) detail item

egen overallALPHA_std = std(overallALPHA)

sum overallALPHA_std

pwcorr overallALPHA_std product valuable hardwork cmptnt raise respect honrable prestige capable intel knowledg, sig obs


*** Racial manipulation check



*** Regressions


reg performALPHA_std blackC maleC if white==1

reg statusALPHA_std blackC maleC if white==1

reg overallALPHA_std blackC maleC if white==1

reg performALPHA_std blackC maleC if black==1

reg statusALPHA_std blackC maleC if black==1

reg overallALPHA_std blackC maleC if black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Pager 2006 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:Pager_Final.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups


tab race1

tab race1, nol

gen white = race1

recode white (2=0)

tab white

tab race2

tab race2, nol

gen black = race2

recode black (2=0)

tab black


*** Treatments


tab PAG1CON1

tab PAG1CON1, nol

gen Rblack = PAG1CON1

recode Rblack (2/3=0) (1=1)

gen Rwhite = PAG1CON1

recode Rwhite (1 3=0) (2=1)

gen Rnorace = PAG1CON1

recode Rnorace (1 2=0) (3=1)

tab PAG1CON1 Rblack // black Michael

tab PAG1CON1 Rwhite // white Michael

tab PAG1CON1 Rnorace // nonracial Michael

tab PAG1CON2

tab PAG1CON2, nol

gen Ulaid = PAG1CON2

recode Ulaid (2/3=0) (1=1)

gen Ufired = PAG1CON2

recode Ufired (1 3=0) (2=1)

gen Uprison = PAG1CON2

recode Uprison (1 2=0) (3=1)

tab PAG1CON2 Ulaid // laid off Michael

tab PAG1CON2 Ufired // fired Michael

tab PAG1CON2 Uprison // imprisoned Michael

tab PAG1CON3

tab PAG1CON3, nol

gen Ddepend = PAG1CON3

recode Ddepend (2=0) (1=1)

gen Dundepend = PAG1CON3

recode Dundepend (1=0) (2=1)

tab PAG1CON3 Ddepend // dependable Michael

tab PAG1CON3 Dundepend // undependable Michael


*** Outcome variables


tab train1

tab train1, nol

gen GHtrain3 = train1

recode GHtrain3 (8 9=.) (3=-1) (2=0) (1=1)

tab train1 GHtrain3 // training variable with three levels

tab cash1

tab cash1, nol

gen GHcash3 = cash1

recode GHcash3 (8 9=.) (3=-1) (2=0) (1=1)

tab cash1 GHcash3 // cash variable with three levels

tab train1

tab train1, nol

tab train2

tab train2, nol

tab train2 train1, mi

gen GHtrain11 = train2

recode GHtrain11 (98 99=.)

sum GHtrain11

replace GHtrain11 = 0 if train1==3 // none at all training (from train1)

replace GHtrain11 = 11 if train1==1 // a lot of training (from train1)

replace GHtrain11 = 5 if train1==2 & (train2==98 | train2==99)

sum GHtrain11

tab GHtrain11 train1, mi

tab GHtrain11 train2, mi

egen GHtrain11_std = std(GHtrain11)

sum GHtrain11_std

tab cash1

tab cash1, nol

tab cash2

tab cash2, nol

gen GHcash11 = cash2

sum GHcash11

recode GHcash11 (98 99=.)

sum GHcash11

replace GHcash11 = 0 if cash1==3

replace GHcash11 = 11 if cash1==1

replace GHcash11 = 5 if cash1==2 & (cash2==98 | cash2==99)

tab GHcash11 cash1, mi

tab GHcash11 cash2, mi

egen GHcash11_std = std(GHcash11)

sum GHcash11_std

alpha GHtrain11_std GHcash11_std, item std min(2) gen(ghALPHA)

egen ghALPHA_std = std(ghALPHA)

sum ghALPHA_std

pwcorr ghALPHA_std GHtrain11_std GHcash11_std


*** Racial manipulation check


tab mikerace

tab mikerace, nol

gen recallrace = 0

replace recallrace = 1 if Rblack == 1 & mikerace == 2

replace recallrace = 1 if Rwhite == 1 & mikerace == 1

replace recallrace = . if Rnorace == 1

tab recallrace if white==1

tab white if Rnorace!=1

tab recallrace

tab recallrace if Rnorace==0

tab recallrace if white==1

tab recallrace if black==1


*** Regressions w/ manipulation check // Note: removed Rnorace because Rnorace had no manipulation check


reg GHtrain11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if recallrace==1 & white==1 & Rnorace==0

reg GHtrain11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if recallrace==1 & black==1 & Rnorace==0

reg GHcash11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if recallrace==1 & white==1 & Rnorace==0

reg GHcash11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if recallrace==1 & black==1 & Rnorace==0

reg ghALPHA_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if recallrace==1 & white==1 & Rnorace==0

reg ghALPHA_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if recallrace==1 & black==1 & Rnorace==0


*** Regressions w/o manipulation check


reg GHtrain11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if white==1 & Rnorace==0

reg GHtrain11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if black==1 & Rnorace==0

reg GHcash11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if white==1 & Rnorace==0

reg GHcash11_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if black==1 & Rnorace==0

reg ghALPHA_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if white==1 & Rnorace==0

reg ghALPHA_std Rblack Rnorace Ulaid Ufired Ddepend PAG1RAN if black==1 & Rnorace==0



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Van Boven 2006 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\tess65_vanboven_final_data_CLIENT.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups


tab ppethm

tab ppethm, nol

gen white = ppethm

recode white (2/5=0)

tab ppethm white

gen black = ppethm

recode black (1 3/5=0) (2=1)

tab ppethm black


*** Treatments


tab emotion

tab picture

gen angry = emotion

recode angry (2=0)

tab emotion angry

gen blackT = picture

recode blackT (2=0)

tab picture blackT


*** Outcome variables


tab1 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 q11 q12

recode q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 q11 q12 (-1=.)

tab1 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 q11 q12

gen noway2leave = 0-q10

gen isNOTlooting = q11

gen shouldNOTBprosecuted = q12

egen noway2leave_std = std(noway2leave)

egen isNOTlooting_std = std(isNOTlooting)

egen shouldNOTBprosecuted_std = std(shouldNOTBprosecuted)

alpha noway2leave_std isNOTlooting_std shouldNOTBprosecuted_std, item

alpha noway2leave_std isNOTlooting_std shouldNOTBprosecuted_std, item std min(2) gen(ALPHA)

egen ALPHA_std = std(ALPHA)


*** Racial manipulation check



*** Regressions


reg noway2leave_std blackT angry if white==1

reg noway2leave_std blackT angry if black==1

reg isNOTlooting_std blackT angry if white==1

reg isNOTlooting_std blackT angry if black==1

reg shouldNOTBprosecuted_std blackT angry if white==1

reg shouldNOTBprosecuted_std blackT angry if black==1

reg ALPHA_std blackT angry if white==1

reg ALPHA_std blackT angry if black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Ben Porath and Shaker 2006 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\TESS_79_Client.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups



gen white = PPETHM

gen black = PPETHM

tab PPETHM, nol

recode white (2=0)

recode black (1=0) (2=1)

tab PPETHM white

tab PPETHM black


*** Treatments



tab PICTURE, gen(cond)

rename cond1 blackindivT

rename cond2 blackgroupT

rename cond3 whiteindivT

rename cond4 whitegroupT

rename cond5 controlT

tab PICTURE blackindivT

tab PICTURE blackgroupT

tab PICTURE whiteindivT

tab PICTURE whitegroupT

tab PICTURE controlT

gen individualT=0

gen groupT = 0

gen whiteT = 0

gen blackT = 0

replace individualT = 1 if blackindivT==1 | whiteindivT==1

replace groupT = 1 if blackgroupT==1 | whitegroupT==1

replace whiteT = 1 if whiteindivT==1 | whitegroupT==1

replace blackT = 1 if blackindivT==1 | blackgroupT==1


*** Outcome variables


tab1 Q2 Q15

tab1 Q2-Q15

tab1 Q2-Q15, nol

recode Q2-Q15 (-1=.)

alpha Q2-Q15, item

alpha Q2-Q15, item std min(8) gen(ALPHA)

egen ALPHA_std = std(ALPHA)

tab Q16_3_1

recode Q16_3_1 (-1=.)

alpha Q2-Q15 Q16_3_1, item

pwcorr Q16_3_1 Q2-Q15

alpha Q2-Q15 Q16_3_1, item std min(8) gen(ALPHAx)

egen ALPHAx_std = std(ALPHAx)

tab Q3

pwcorr ALPHAx_std Q3


*** Racial manipulation check



*** Regressions


reg ALPHA_std blackindivT blackgroupT whiteindivT whitegroupT if white==1

reg ALPHA_std blackindivT blackgroupT whiteindivT whitegroupT if black==1

reg ALPHAx_std blackindivT blackgroupT whiteindivT whitegroupT if white==1

reg ALPHAx_std blackindivT blackgroupT whiteindivT whitegroupT if black==1

* omit control

reg ALPHA_std whiteT individualT if controlT==0 & white==1

reg ALPHA_std whiteT individualT if controlT==0 & black==1

* omit control // reported these next results

reg ALPHAx_std whiteT individualT if controlT==0 & white==1

reg ALPHAx_std whiteT individualT if controlT==0 & black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Rattan et al 2010 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\Rattan033FinalData", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups



tab PPETHM, nol

gen white = PPETHM

recode white (2/5=0)

tab PPETHM white

gen black = PPETHM

recode black (2=1) (1=0) (3/5=0)

tab PPETHM black


*** Treatments


tab XTESS033 // for XTESS033, condition 1 is black joe sullivan. condition 2 is white joe sullivan.

gen treatwhite = XTESS033 - 1

tab treatwhite // for treatwhite, condition 0 is black joe sullivan. condition 1 is white joe sullivan.

gen treatblack = 0

replace treatblack = 1 if treatwhite == 0


*** Outcome variables


tab Q6

tab Q6, nol

recode Q6 (-1=.)

egen opposition2life_std = std(Q6)

replace opposition2life_std = 0 - opposition2life_std

tab Q7

tab Q7, nol

recode Q7 (-1=.)

egen cruel_std = std(Q7)

tab Q8

tab Q8, nol

recode Q8 (-1=.)

tab Q8

egen capableofreform_std = std(Q8)

tab Q9

tab Q9, nol

recode Q9 (-1=.)

egen lessblame_std = std(Q9)

replace lessblame_std = 0 - lessblame_std

alpha Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9, item

gen Q6_rev = 0 - Q6

gen Q9_rev = 0 - Q9

alpha Q6_rev Q7 Q8 Q9_rev, min(3) std item gen(summary)

egen summary_std = std(summary)

sum summary_std opposition2life_std cruel_std capableofreform_std lessblame_std


*** Racial manipulation check


tab Q14 treatwhite

gen MCrace = 0

replace MCrace = 1 if (Q14==2 & treatwhite==0) | (Q14==4 & treatwhite==1)

tab MCrace

tab MCrace if white==1

tab MCrace if black==1


*** Regressions w/ manipulation check


reg opposition2life_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & white==1

reg opposition2life_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & black==1

reg cruel_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & white==1

reg cruel_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & black==1

reg capableofreform_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & white==1

reg capableofreform_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & black==1

reg lessblame_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & white==1

reg lessblame_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & black==1

reg summary_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & white==1

reg summary_std treatblack if MCrace==1 & black==1


*** Regressions w/o manipulation check


reg opposition2life_std treatblack if white==1

reg opposition2life_std treatblack if black==1

reg cruel_std treatblack if white==1

reg cruel_std treatblack if black==1

reg capableofreform_std treatblack if white==1

reg capableofreform_std treatblack if black==1

reg lessblame_std treatblack if white==1

reg lessblame_std treatblack if black==1

reg summary_std treatblack if white==1

reg summary_std treatblack if black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Davenport and McDermott 2011 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\tess2_068_mcdermott_final_data.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups


tab PPETHM, gen(race)

rename race1 white

rename race2 black


*** Treatments


tab XTESS068

tab XTESS068, gen(cond)

rename cond1 whiteCOPblackPROT

rename cond2 blackCOPwhitePROT

rename cond3 whiteCOPwhitePROT

rename cond4 blackCOPblackPROT

gen whitecop = 0

replace whitecop = 1 if whiteCOPblackPROT==1 | whiteCOPwhitePROT==1

gen blackcop = 0

replace blackcop = 1 if blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | blackCOPblackPROT==1

gen whiteprot = 0

replace whiteprot = 1 if blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | whiteCOPwhitePROT==1

gen blackprot = 0

replace blackprot = 1 if whiteCOPblackPROT==1 | blackCOPblackPROT==1


*** Outcome variables


tab1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

recode Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (-1=.)

tab1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

egen policeFAULT_std = std(Q1)

egen policeNOTproper_std = std(Q3)

sum policeFAULT_std policeNOTproper_std

alpha policeFAULT_std policeNOTproper_std, item

alpha policeFAULT_std policeNOTproper_std, item std min(1) gen(ALPHA)

egen ALPHA_std = std(ALPHA)


*** Racial manipulation check



*** Regressions


reg policeFAULT_std whiteCOPblackPROT if (blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | whiteCOPblackPROT==1) & white==1

reg policeFAULT_std whiteCOPblackPROT if (blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | whiteCOPblackPROT==1) & black==1

reg policeNOTproper_std whiteCOPblackPROT if (blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | whiteCOPblackPROT==1) & white==1

reg policeNOTproper_std whiteCOPblackPROT if (blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | whiteCOPblackPROT==1) & black==1

reg ALPHA_std whiteCOPblackPROT if (blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | whiteCOPblackPROT==1) & white==1

reg ALPHA_std whiteCOPblackPROT if (blackCOPwhitePROT==1 | whiteCOPblackPROT==1) & black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Stephens 2011 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\TESS_Stephens_Wave_2_Client.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups



gen white = PPETHM

recode white (2=0)

gen black = PPETHM

recode black (1=0) (2=1)

tab white PPETHM

tab PPETHM white


*** Treatments


tab XTESS070

tab Q1_1

tab Q1_3

tab XTESS070 Q1_2

gen blackC = 0

replace blackC = 1 if XTESS070==2 | XTESS070==4 | XTESS070==6 | XTESS070==8

gen control = 0

replace control = 1 if XTESS070==9

gen liberalC = 0

replace liberalC = 1 if XTESS070==1 | XTESS070==2

gen deracialC = 0

replace deracialC = 1 if XTESS070==3 | XTESS070==4

gen implicitC = 0

replace implicitC = 1 if XTESS070==5 | XTESS070==6

gen explicitC = 0

replace explicitC = 1 if XTESS070==7 | XTESS070==8

tab XTESS070 blackC

tab XTESS070 liberalC

tab XTESS070 deracialC

tab XTESS070 implicitC

tab XTESS070 explicitC

tab XTESS070 control


*** Outcome variables


tab XTESS070 Q1_5

tab Q3

recode Q3 (-1=.)

egen vote_std = std(Q3)

tab1 Q4_1 Q4_2 Q4_3 Q4_4 Q4_5

recode Q4_1 Q4_2 Q4_3 Q4_4 Q4_5 (-1=.)

gen Q4_1_rev = 0 - Q4_1

gen Q4_3_rev = 0 - Q4_3

gen Q4_4_rev = 0 - Q4_4

gen Q4_5_rev = 0 - Q4_5

alpha Q4_1_rev Q4_2 Q4_3_rev Q4_4_rev Q4_5_rev, min(3) std item gen(rating)

egen rating_std = std(rating)

alpha vote_std Q4_1_rev Q4_2 Q4_3_rev Q4_4_rev Q4_5_rev, min(4) std item gen(ALPHA)

egen ALPHA_std = std(ALPHA)


*** Racial manipulation check


gen mc_black = .

replace mc_black = 0 if control==0

replace mc_black = 1 if ((XTESS070==1 & Q1_2==0) | (XTESS070==2 & Q1_2==1) | (XTESS070==3 & Q1_2==0) | (XTESS070==4 & Q1_2==1) | (XTESS070==5 & Q1_2==0) | (XTESS070==6 & Q1_2==1) | (XTESS070==7 & Q1_2==0) | (XTESS070==8 & Q1_2==1))

tab mc_black

tab mc_black if control==0

tab mc_black if white==1

tab mc_black if black==1


*** Regressions w/ manipulation check


reg vote_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if white==1 & mc_black==1 & control==0

reg vote_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if black==1 & mc_black==1 & control==0

reg rating_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if white==1 & mc_black==1 & control==0

reg rating_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if black==1 & mc_black==1 & control==0

reg ALPHA_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if white==1 & mc_black==1 & control==0

reg ALPHA_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if black==1 & mc_black==1 & control==0


*** Regressions w/o manipulation check


reg vote_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if white==1 & control==0

reg vote_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if black==1 & control==0

reg rating_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if white==1 & control==0

reg rating_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if black==1 & control==0

reg ALPHA_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if white==1 & control==0

reg ALPHA_std blackC liberalC deracialC implicitC explicitC if black==1 & control==0



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Pedulla 2011 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\TESS2 085 - Pedulla_Client.dta", clear

set more off


*** Racial groups



gen white = PPETHM

recode white (2/5=0)

gen black = PPETHM

recode black (1 3/5=0) (2=1)


*** Treatments


tab XTESS085

gen Twhite = 0

gen Tblack = 0

gen Tgay = 0

gen Tfemale = 0

gen Tmasculine = 0

gen Tfeminine = 0

replace Twhite = 1 if XTESS085==1 | XTESS085==3 | XTESS085==5 | XTESS085==7 | XTESS085==9

replace Tblack = 1 if XTESS085==2 | XTESS085==4 | XTESS085==6 | XTESS085==8 | XTESS085==10

replace Tgay = 1 if XTESS085==9 | XTESS085==10

replace Tfemale = 1 if XTESS085==3 | XTESS085==4

replace Tmasculine = 1 if XTESS085==5 | XTESS085==6

replace Tfeminine = 1 if XTESS085==7 | XTESS085==8


*** Outcome variables


tab1 Q1-Q10

recode Q1-Q10 (-1=.)

tab1 Q1-Q10

tab Q1

gen salary = Q1

replace salary = 80000 if salary > 80000 & salary !=.

tab salary

egen salary_std = std(salary)

tab Q2

gen hire01 = Q2

recode hire01 (2=0)

alpha Q3_a Q3_b Q3_c Q3_d Q4_a Q4_b Q4_c Q4_d Q5_a Q5_b Q5_c Q5_d Q6_a Q6_b Q6_c Q6_d

alpha Q3_a Q3_b Q3_c Q3_d Q4_a Q4_b Q4_c Q4_d Q5_a Q5_b Q5_c Q5_d Q6_a Q6_b Q6_c Q6_d, item

alpha Q3_a Q3_b Q3_c Q3_d Q4_a Q4_b Q4_c Q4_d Q5_a Q5_b Q5_c Q5_d Q6_a Q6_b Q6_c Q6_d, min(9) std item gen(character)

egen character_std = std(character)

pwcorr Q3_a character_std

alpha salary_std Q3_a Q3_b Q3_c Q3_d Q4_a Q4_b Q4_c Q4_d Q5_a Q5_b Q5_c Q5_d Q6_a Q6_b Q6_c Q6_d, min(9) std item gen(ALPHA)

egen ALPHA_std = std(ALPHA)


*** Racial manipulation check


tab XTESS085 Q8

gen MCrace = 0

replace MCrace = 1 if (XTESS085==1 & Q8==1) | (XTESS085==2 & Q8==2) | (XTESS085==3 & Q8==1) | (XTESS085==4 & Q8==2) | (XTESS085==5 & Q8==1) | (XTESS085==6 & Q8==2) | (XTESS085==7 & Q8==1) | (XTESS085==8 & Q8==2) | (XTESS085==9 & Q8==1) | (XTESS085==10 & Q8==2)

tab XTESS085 Q8 if MCrace==1

tab XTESS085 Q8 if MCrace==0

tab MCrace if Tfemale==0

tab MCrace if Tfemale==0 & white==1

tab MCrace if Tfemale==0 & black==1


*** Regressions w/ manipulation check


reg salary_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & white==1

reg salary_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & black==1

reg character_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & white==1

reg character_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & black==1

reg ALPHA_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & white==1

reg ALPHA_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & black==1

logit hire01 Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & white==1

logit hire01 Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if MCrace==1 & Tfemale==0 & black==1


*** Regressions w/o manipulation check


reg salary_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & white==1

reg salary_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & black==1

reg character_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & white==1

reg character_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & black==1

reg ALPHA_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & white==1

reg ALPHA_std Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & black==1

logit hire01 Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & white==1

logit hire01 Tblack Tgay Tmasculine Tfeminine if Tfemale==0 & black==1



* Documentation for Reproduction of

* Trawalter 2011 TESS Survey Experiment


* L.J Zigerell

* Stata version 11



use "E:\TESS2_089_Trawalter_Client.dta", clear

set more off
