New South Wales Teachers Federation
Rule 2 - Membership
Rule 2.1Persons Eligible for Membership
The Federation shall consist of an unlimited number of qualified persons who are seeking engagement, are engaged or are usually engaged as:
1.Teachers, supervisors, lecturers and educational officers engaged in infants, primary or secondary public education controlled by the Government of New South Wales in New South Wales.
2.Teachers, supervisors, lecturers and educational officers engaged in pre-school or tertiary education within New South Wales.
3.Education officers of the Department of Community Services and teachers working in the Department of Corrective Services.
4.Teachers and educational officers seconded as officers or permanently employed as officers of the research and guidance branches of the Technical and Further Education Commission of New South Wales.
5.Persons who have been elected to the office of President or Deputy President or Senior Vice-President or to the position of an Administrative Officer in the New South Wales Teachers Federation or the Australian Education Union, who have by reason of their holding such an office ceased to be employed in one of the categories set out in clauses 1, 2 and 3 of this rule.
6.Any member elected to parliament who wishes to retain membership of the Federation.
Persons who have been elected or appointed to a position with the Australian Teaching Council or a member of a statutory body established to administer the provision of educational facilities in New South Wales or any Board or Authority responsible for the administration of any Superannuation fund which persons eligible for membership of the Federation may or be required to contribute to who have by reason of their election or appointment to such position ceased to be employed in one of the categories of persons qualified for membership.
Rule 2.2Associates
The Federation may admit as Associates of the Federation:
1.Trainee teachers.
2.Members who have been retired and who have not resigned from the Federation.
3.With the approval of the Executive, persons who have been members for five years or more that are no longer eligible to be members in accordance with Rule 2.1 who apply for admission as Associates.
4.Persons who are members of any Trade Union or Organisation of Employees approved by the Executive the members of which are employed as teachers, supervisors, lecturers or educational officers within Australia or any State or Territory thereof.
5.Associates do not have the right to hold office within the Federation nor may they vote in any election.
Rule 2.3Life and Honorary Members
1.Conference may on the recommendation of Executive admit members who have rendered valuable service to the Federation to either Active Life Membership or Honorary Life Membership.
2.A member may be admitted to Active Life Membership if they have rendered outstanding and distinguished service to the Federation and have cumulative membership of at least 15 (fifteen) years.
3.Members who are about to retire or have already retired may be granted Honorary Life Membership. A person shall not be granted honorary life membership unless they have a minimum of 15 (fifteen) years cumulative membership and have rendered outstanding and distinguished service to the Federation. Honorary Life Members do not have the right to hold office within the Federation nor may they vote in any election.
4.Life Members whilst they are employed or seeking employment shall have all the rights and obligations (including payment of membership fees) of a member of the Federation.
5.Council may recommend for admission to Honorary Life Membership the name of any person other than a member of the Federation if it is considered that such person has rendered service to the Federation or to education meriting such recommendation.
6.Nominations of persons for admission to either Active Life Membership or Honorary Life Membership shall be made to the General Secretary by 31st March each year.
7.Council may admit to Honorary Membership for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months visiting teachers or any person interested in education. Honorary Members do not have the right to hold office within the Federation nor may they vote in any election
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