Minutes of the Stated Session Meeting
November 30, 2011
Call to Order:
The Reverend Dr. Donald Baird, Session Moderator, called the meeting to order with prayer, at 6:30 p.m. in Ferguson Hall A. While dessert was being served after dinner, Dr. Baird introduced Sam and Lindsey Flores who had attended the recent Cornerstone Classes and whose infant son named Samson will be baptized on December 18. Sam and Lindsey were asked to share their background and to tell when they have seen God. The elders, clergy, and staff in attendance also responded to the questions.
Motion 1: to accept into membership Sam and Lindsey Flores who will join by re-affirmation of faith during the 9:00 service on December 11 (MSP).
Dr. Dan Willson closed the first part of the meeting with prayer at 7:05 p.m.
The Session reconvened in Ferguson Hall C at 7:13 p.m.
Motion 2: to grant privilege of the floor to staff and visitors present (MSP).
Dr. Baird led the Session in reading the Fremont Presbyterian Church Mission Statement: Who We Are and Our Purpose.
Elders Char Gezi and Vicki Meyer requested time under Announcements and Elder Carol Skinner requested time under New Business.
Motion 3: to accept the agenda as revised (MSP).
Attendance (A quorum):
Elders Present: Marty Boersma, Russell Brown, Brooks Erickson, Marcia
Garrison, Char Gezi, Chris Jaime, Lynn Jordan, Vicki
Meyer, Clair Parsh, Carol Skinner
Elders Excused: Dan Johnson, Ken Moody
Elders Absent: Andy Bodemeijer, Sean Doherty
Clergy Present: The Reverend Dr. Donald Baird, The Reverend Dr. Dan
Staff Present: Cathy Cole, Mark Eshoff
Deacon Representative: None
Others: Patti Dusel (Elder-elect), Darlene Jantz (Elder-elect),
Linda Larson (Elder-elect), Skip Ohs (Elder-elect),
Glen Thomas (Elder-elect)
Dr. Baird led a study of Chapters 8 and 9 of the Westminster Confession. He announced a workshop will be given by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Fair Oaks on January 23, 24, and 25. The emphasis of the second day will be the Westminster Confession.
Clerk’s Report:
Motion 4: to approve the minutes of the Stated Session Meeting of October 26, 2011 (MSP).
The clerk pro-tem shared eight (8) items of correspondence. The first was a letter from long-time member Lois French and her Mariner’s ship sharing concern about the fee charged for Vacation Bible School. After a discussion regarding the amount and purpose of the fee, the session expressed their gratitude for the ship’s concern and asked Elder Carol Skinner to respond to Mrs. French and to let her know solutions are being sought.
In response to a letter from First Presbyterian Church of Colusa to the acting Stated Clerk of Sacramento Presbytery regarding Colusa’s motion concerning the manner of life of ordained ministers, the session asked the clerk to write a letter of encouragement which includes that Fremont’s Session is praying for them.
Session asked the clerk to respond to the letter from Eric and Lynn Bonzell with a letter of confirmation responding to their desire to be dropped from the rolls.
A copy of the e-mail which Kathy Lewis sent to Don requesting to end her membership was received. Elders noted that Kathy is still involved in the partnership with Earl Warren School, and she will be going with the Fremont mission team to Jamaica in 2012.
Notes and cards of encouragement were received from Kathy Chance, Tom and Doris Day, and Jim and Claudia Dickerson. The clerk was asked to send thank you notes.
An e-mail from Lance Barnett which Elder Char Gezi had requested to be in the packet was noted, and Elders will personally thank Lance.
Prior to the meeting, Clerk Elaine Moody sent a report she had prepared for the annual cleaning of the church rolls.
Motion 5: to accept and act upon the report prepared on November 21, 2011 (MSP).
The following members were removed from the church rolls due to no record of attendance or giving for more than a year. Each person on the list was contacted more than once in writing to ascertain if he/she wished to remain on the Fremont roll; however, there was no response. Those removed were: Courtney Ankrim, Sarah Asbury, Shauna Asbury, Jarad Backlund, Jennifer Baham, Stephanie Browning, Katherine Campbell, Cherise Canning, David Canning, Erin Clutter, Ross Drury, Ryan Drury, Mitchell Egan, Amy Fitzgibbon, Michael Fitzgibbon, Herbert Foster, Sandra Foster, Alexandra Hanson, Nancy Harbolt, Mary Harris, Leila Hellmuth, Kourtney Huezo, Anne Iaccopucci, Shirley Kaiser, Kristina Kivinen, Doreen Mahoney, Kelly Mahoney, Jason Moss, Michelle Moss, Robin Nance, Gregory Nicholas, Lisa Nunes, Sandy Powell, Desiree Regen, Willy Reinheimer, Maggi Rodger, Wayne Rodger, Kevin Roeser, Tania Roeser, Kelly Sassman, William Sassman, Janelle Schultz, Steven Shearer, Christopher Shearer, Lita Siebenthal, Dorothy Turner, Gayman Wong, Lisa Wood, and Barbara Wright.
Motion 6: to accept the Clerk’s report (MSP).
Session Calendar:
Communion December 4, 2011
Called Session Meeting December 4, 2011
January Grapevine Deadline December 10, 2011
Ask an Elder December 11, 2011 (Gezi)
Stated Session Meeting December 21, 2011
Communion was served to the congregation on November 6, 2011. Also on November 6, Dr. Dan Willson served communion at the Leadership Retreat.
A quorum of five elders is needed for the Called Session Meeting on Sunday, December 4th, at 10:00 a.m. The following elders will be present: Brooks Erickson, Char Gezi, Chris Jaime, and Clair Parsh. Ken Moody and Sean Doherty will be asked to attend.
Consent Agenda:
Item 11-1 was pulled from the Consent Agenda.
Motion 7: to approve the two remaining items on the consent agenda (MSP). Those items were:
Item 11-2 - to approve the revised Job Description for Director of Junior High Ministry. The approved job description is as follows:
Job Description
DATE: November 2011 (revised)
REPORTS TO: Pastor/Head of Staff
FLSA STATUS: Exempt / Full-time
The Director of Junior High Ministries develops, with lay leadership, a relationship with Junior High (6th, 7th and 8th grades) youth and their families, organizes and implements programs which will open their eyes to Jesus Christ, expose their need for Him, enable them to understand their place in and the importance of Christian community, and helps them grow in their faith and knowledge so that they will seek to apply their Christian faith in their lives and the world around them. It is expected that the Director commit at least 30 hours per week to this ministry.
The Media Coordinator provides staff support and leadership for the video ministry, coordination of creative visuals and graphics for sermons, sermon series and weekly worship services, stage design for weekly worship services, and event design as requested for special events and programs. It is expected that the Media Coordinator commit at least 10 hours per week to this ministry.
Program Planning/Leadership
Works with Junior High staff to develop and support well-planned programs and curriculum for Junior High youth, which are Christ-centered, Biblically-based, applicable to early adolescent lives at various levels of development and commitment, and are consistent with the general vision and mission of Fremont.
· Helps Junior High staff plan and attend midweek Junior High meetings, and special activities such as camps, retreats, social events, outreach, and service projects
· Leads and participates in Junior High events/programs
· Leads the Junior High Sunday morning program
· Encourages the development of unique gifts and abilities in staff and youth through commitment to the individual person and his/her growth
· Helps Junior High staff provide a fun, open, honest and supportive environment that encourages relational mentoring of youth
· Helps Junior High staff provide a variety of opportunities for outreach and service, and provides opportunities for leadership development of committed participants
· Encourages the participation of youth in program planning
· Oversees the scheduling and publicizing of all events, including the production of calendars
· Supervises Junior High summer intern and participates in the selection process of the Junior High summer intern
Training and Equipping
· Recruits volunteer staff members for the Junior High program
· Inspires, equips and trains volunteers on an ongoing basis
· Supports volunteers through individual relationships, prayer and regular meetings together
· Supports and provides resources for parents of Junior High youth to be effective Christian parents
Helps Junior High staff develop an active discipleship program with an emphasis on Junior High youth becoming more mature disciples of Christ, on personal concerns, on prayer, and on sharing lives and the gospel of Jesus Christ with others
· Along with Junior High staff, develops an evangelistic outreach to those who do not know Christ by planning and implementing outreach events and making the Junior High program inclusive of those not familiar with the church environment
· Provides support for and reaches out to Junior High youth and their families while encouraging family participation in various church programs
· With the Pastor/Head of Staff and with the Junior High Ministry Team, coordinates year-round programs and curriculum, which are consistent with Education Ministry priorities
· Meets regularly with elder for Student Ministries
· Meets regularly with Junior High Ministry Team
· Performs other tasks as assigned by the Pastor/Head of Staff
· Meets quarterly with the Directors of Children’s, High School and College Ministries
Video Ministry
· Recruits, equips, trains and supports a team of volunteers who oversee and implement the video ministry in the life of the church
· Oversees the production of special videos to be used in various ministries, including worship, and for the promotion of various ministries as the Session and the staff deem necessary
· Designs special graphics for sermons, sermon series and worship services that are representative and supportive of those activities and that visually communicate effectively to the intended audiences
· Meets weekly with the preaching pastor to identify and clarify the visual support needs
· Designs stage sets and lighting for the Modern worship service stage that support and enhance the setting for worship
· Designs stage sets for other special events as requested
Worship and Event Visuals
· Designs and builds the visual and video projection aspects of the weekly modern worship services, including song words, background images, special graphics, readings, videos and announcement visuals
· Recruits, equips, trains and supports a team of volunteers who operate the video and projection systems
· Designs visual media for special events and services
· Coordinates all video needs, plans and activities where necessary with the Technical Ministry Coordinator
· Meets weekly with the preaching pastor
· Meets regularly with the Elder for Worship Support
· Attends all staff devotions and retreats
· Meets with the program staff for ministry coordination and development
· Meets regularly with the Pastor/Head of Staff for coordination and support. Performs other tasks as assigned by the Pastor/Head of Staff
The Director of Junior High Ministries/Media Coordinator is supervised by the Pastor/Head of Staff and is accountable to the Elder for Student Ministries, the Student Ministries Team, the Worship Support Elder and the Worship Support Ministry of the church,
The Director of Junior High Ministries/Media Coordinator is evaluated annually by the Pastor/Head of Staff and the Elders for Student Ministries and Worship Supp
Item 11-3 - to authorize an offering to be taken at the three Christmas concerts on December 9, 10, 11, 2011.
Item Pulled from the Consent Agenda:
Motion 8: to approve Item 11-1—the Membership Report—Rolls and Register, for Session Meeting on November 30, 2011, Actions taken on behalf of Session for the period including July 30 through October 28, 2011 (MSP, as amended). The amendment was to keep John and Carolyn Knight on the rolls so they can be transferred after finding a new church home.
Rolls (Book of Order G-10.0302a,b)
Additions/Changes to Membership Rolls: Book of Order G-10.0302a
Additions – Eighteen (18) Received by the Congregation on October 16, 2011
On Profession of Faith
Erin Harris
On Reaffirmation of Faith
Robert (Bob) Harris
Sean Hoffman
Antoinette Jones
Dan Jones
Vivian Meyer
Eric Smith
Hugh Smith
Marsha Smith
Stephanie Smith
Patti Strader
On Letter of Transfer
Tanya Hoffman
John Kabateck
Martha Lake
Samuel (Sam) Lance
Megan Raisis
Lysle Spangler
Melissa Spangler
Deletions from Rolls: Book of Order G-10.0302b
Member Deaths – Three (3)
October 6, 2011 Doris Booth
October 13, 2011 Byron Demorest (Elder, class of 1968)
October 2011 Grace Butler (reported, official date of death unknown)
Certificates of Transfer – None (0)
Requests to be Placed on the Inactive Roll – Two (2)
August 31, 2011 Roy and Janet Wickland
Requests to be Dropped – Five (5)
July 30, 2011 Richard and Dale Pugh
September 15, 2011 Kathy Stadler
October 25, 2011 Stephen and Elizabeth McGough
Dropped – No Known Address (NKA) – (0)
Register (Book of Order G-10.0302c)
Marriages – None (0)
Infant Baptisms – None (0)
Funeral/Memorial Services – Three (3)
October 22, 2011 Jack Cummins (nm)
Officiated by Dr. Donald Baird
Fremont Presbyterian Church Christ Chapel
October 22, 2011 Byron H. Demorest (m)
Officiated by Dr. Donald Baird
Fremont Presbyterian Church Sanctuary
October 28, 2011 Doris Booth (m)
Officiated by Dr. Donald Baird
Fremont Presbyterian Church Sanctuary
Actions Items:
Financial Report: Elder Brooks Erickson presented the financial report. The Balance Sheet as of October 31, 2011, showed Total Assets of $8.8 million, Liabilities and Funds of $2.6 million, Net Worth of $6.2 million and Designated Reserve of $75,685.
The Statement of General Fund Revenues and Expenses for the month ending October 30, 2011, showed Revenues for October of $167,052 and Expenses of $154,770, giving a surplus for the month of $12,282. Year-to-Date, Revenues of $1,423,589 were more-than-budget by $5,027 (+0.4%) and Expenses of $1,528,744 were less-than-budget by $39,736 (+2.5%), giving a year-to-date loss of $105,156 and a year-to-date variance of $44,763 (-29.9%).