ExecMembers: Curriculum Chair - Kathy Schultz, Articulation Officer - Elizabeth Pfleging,
Curriculum Chair Designee – Jill Olson, VPI – Dr. Brian Sanders
FullMembers: Sylvia Watterson, **Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Joe Manlove, *Mike Torok
Rsrc/Lsn Members: Klaus Tenbergen, Melissa Raby, Brandon Price, Raelene Juarez, Lesley Michtavy,
Marnie Shively, Elissa Creighton, Don Dickinson, Jessica Anselmi,Ben Williams
OthersInvited: Matthew Fox, Kath Christensen, Erik Andal,Brian Jensen, Adam Garzoli, Randy Barton
Approvalof Minutes:September 26, 2017
Call to Order: 2:48pm
Action: Move to approve minutes as amended 1) Add ‘r’ to officer M/S/P (Olson/PflegingVOTES in favor:Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
Action: Move to approve agenda as amended 1) Add MATH 120 to Discussion ItemsM/S/P (Pfleging/OlsonVOTES in favor:Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
Full Curriculum Meeting 10.10.2017
Information Items
- Chancellor’s Office UpdateElissa Creighton
- Some programs have been submitted and reviewed within inventory.
- ESL program submitted in April ’17 is in review but being held up by a technical issue.
- AD-T & C-ID Status Update Elizabeth Pfleging
- Current programs are not working correctly; therefore, waiting on the higher level fix.
- C-ID issues with transfer model curriculum with an 18 month window of time.
- Senate Bill 440 states, “Community college shall create an associate degree for transfer in every major area of emphasis offered by that college. For any approved transfer model curriculum, approved subsequent to the commencement 2013-2014 academic year within 18 months of the approval of the transfer model curriculum” is very vague.
- Local approval is required with compliance being found on the State Chancellor’s list.
- February ‘19 deadline for approval in Social Worker, Hospitality Management and Environmental Science will be accomplished even if not in the catalog.
- Local approval by fall ‘18 for HPMGT, then to be reviewed by Board for approval. Submit to State for approval by the February ‘19 deadline.
- META Demonstration (October 17th 2-4pm)Kathy Schultz
- No Curriculum meeting on October 17th but an updated version of CurricUNET will be demonstrated on that date from 2:00-4:00 in the Manzanita Conference Room.
Action Items
Action items listed in Section A are part of the Curriculum Committee’s consent agenda.
Any person in attendance may pull specific items off the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.
Items not pulled for separate discussion/action will be acted upon as one action by the Committee membership
Section A
- DEAANTHR 10 Archaeology & Cultural PrehistoryAdam GarzoliDistance Ed(SP 18)
- DEABUSAD 20Principles of BusinessRandy Barton Distance Ed(SP 18)
- DiscANTHR 199 Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- DiscART 199Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- DiscCHEM 199 Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- DiscDRAFT 99 Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- DiscDRAMA 199 Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- DiscECON 199 Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- DiscESC 199 Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- DiscHIST 199 Independent StudyCC Admin (SU 18)
- SLOHHP 63Sociology of SportNate Rien SLO Modification (SU 18)
Action:Move to approve the consent agenda M/S/P (Olson/TorokVOTES in favor:Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
- DEABUSAD 20Principles of BusinessRandy Barton Distance Ed(SP 18)
- References to specific course management system and software is present.
- Changesmade in CurricUNET to both the hybrid and online content to remove these references.
Move to approve as amendedBUSAD 20 Principles of BusinessM/S/P (Olson/TorokVOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
Section B
15. Mjr AT 180Small Engine RepairErik AndalReactivate (SU 18)
- Course was in existence but discontinued; now, by special request the course is being reactivated to be offered at the prison.
Move to approve AT 180 Small Engine Repair M/S/P (Torok/Pfleging VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
16.MjrCCTDM 51Publication Design IKath Christensen5 Year Review(SU 18)
- Cross-Listed with ART 51 which has not yet been launched but must be.
- Alternative for a specific program name will be reviewed (Adobe Bridge)
- Tabled
Move to table CCTDM 51 Publication Design Iwith request for cross-listed ART 51 to be launched M/S/P (Fitzwater/Pfleging VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
17. MjrGUIDE 10AIntroduction to Helping SkillsBrian Jensen5 Year Review(SU 18)
Move to approve GUIDE 10AIntroduction to Helping Skills M/S/P (Pfleging/Olson VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
18.MjrGUIDE 10BIntermediate Helping & Basic Conflict Mgt SkillsBrian Jensen5 Year Review (SU 18)
Move to approve GUIDE 10B Intermediate Helping & Basic Conflict Mgt Skills M/S/P (Pfleging/Fitzwater VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
- GUIDE 10B - Prerequisite of GUIDE 10A
- Correction to spelling of ‘roll play’ and capitalization of a few items.
Move to approve GUIDE 10B-Prerequisite of GUIDE 10A M/S/P (Olson/Fitzwater VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
19.MjrHPMGT 135Commercial Baking: AdvancedDon DickinsonUrgent Lab Hour Correction (SP 18)
- The current version of Learning Outcomes are skills based, not knowledge based, and refer to a lab. The majority of these objectives are lab but there is no lab provided.
- Correction is being made to add the missing lab.
- A special effective date is being requested to expedite this issue.
- Course will be added to a Version 2 Catalog Addendum posted online.
- If received by appropriate date, ESL, MATH 28 and ART 14 will also be added to this catalog addendum.
- Due to the needs of this course, Instructor is utilizing the max lab for 2 units of credit (7 hrs of lab).
- Correction to formatting of bulleted list in the Content area and correction to spelling.
Move to approve as amended HPMGT 135 Commercial Baking: AdvancedM/S/P (Pfleging/Manlove VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
- HPMGT 135 – Prerequisite of HPMGT 134
Move to approve as amended HPMGT 135-Prerepuisite of HPMGT 134M/S/P (Pfleging/OlsonVOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
20.MjrMATH 101Algebra ILahna VonEpps/Joe Manlove(SU 18)
- Correction to effective date.
- Remove Proposed Disciplines.
- Explanation for version of text or non-use of text. Open source text will now be utilized.
Move to approve as amended MATH 101 Algebra I M/S/P (Pfleging/Fitzwater VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
- MATH 101 – Prerequisite of MATH 602
- Addition of name of courses.
Move to approve as amendedMATH 101-Prerequisite of MATH 602 M/S/P (Pfleging/Fitzwater VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
21.MjrSKLDV 302Parenting Strategies/Family RelationshipMatthew Fox/Jill Olson5 Year Review (SU 18)
Move to approve SKLDV 302 Parenting Strategies/Family RelationshipM/S/P (Pfleging/Fitzwater VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
22.MjrSKLDV 701Life Strategies for SuccessMatthew Fox/Jill Olson5 Year Review (SU 18)
Move to approve SKLDV 701 Life Strategies for SuccessM/S/P (Fitzwater/Pfleging VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
23.MjrSKLDV 703Practical Money Skills for LifeMatthew Fox/Jill Olson5 Year Review(SU 18)
- Add Math and Mathematics-Basic Skills Non-Credit to Proposed Disciplines
Move to approve SKLDV 703 Practical Money Skills for Life M/S/P (Olson/Pfleging VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
24.MjrSKLDV 705Preparation for Citizenship TestMatthew Fox/Jill Olson5 Year Review (SU 18)
Move to approve SKLDV 705 Preparation for Citizenship TestM/S/P (Fitzwater/Olson VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
25.DiscAW-AS 400Automotive Maintenance TechnicianErik AndalProgram Disc.(SU 18)
- Program structure has changed eliminating the issue of students taking up to two years to complete this one year certificate.
Move to approve AW-AS 400 Automotive Maintenance TechnicianM/S/P (Pfleging/Fitzwater VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
26.NewAW-AS 402Drive Train TechnicianErik AndalNew Program(SU 18)
- CurricUNET issue calling program New Non-Credit Certificate of Completion; will be rectified.
- Articulation Officer, Curriculum Chair Designee and Curriculum Chair unable to see this program in CurricUNET during meeting; was present in CurricUNET on prior date, must be examined further.
- Tabled
Move to tableAW-AS 402 Drive Train Techniciandue to CurricUNET technical issues M/S/P (Pfleging/Olson VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
Discussion Items
1.MATH 120
- Articulation issues with Statistics having an alternate prerequisite other than Intermediate Algebra.
- CSU has concerns about allowing alternate prerequisites for Statistics within certain majors.
- Math 2 articulation could be lost in certain majors like Business, Psychology and Economics majors because students would be underprepared.
- Creation of a parallel Stats course where a student could determine pathway has been visited.
- MATH 120 possibly should not be offered; it may not work for the college but has been scheduled for the Spring ’18.
- Concerns have grown in the Curriculum Committee so further discussion in Academic Senate may be necessary.
- Student education will be required if course is offered in Spring ‘18.
- Further discussion between Dean and Department will occur.
*Left @ 4:12
**Left @ 4:25
Move to adjourn M/S/P (Watterson/Olson VOTES in favor: Sylvia Watterson, Tom Hofstra, Jill Olson, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove)
Full Curriculum Meeting 10.10.2017
Adjourn 4: 35pm
Next Full Curriculum Meeting is October 24, 2017in Buckeye 4 from 2:40 – 4:30
Full Curriculum Meeting 10.10.2017