2016-2017 AAGC Mini-Grant Program

Alabama Association for Gifted Childrenis committed to sensitizing Alabama to the nature and importance of appropriate education for gifted students by:

  • Serving as a public advocate concerning the needs of gifted young people.
  • Facilitating the exchange of information concerning gifted students.
  • Facilitating and assisting the development of local organizations to support gifted education.

Grant Guidelines:

  1. Complete all sections of the grant application.
  2. You may retype the form on your computer.
  3. Use 12 point or larger type.
  4. Do not alter the space allocations for each item. This is not a contest to see who can write the most. We want answers to be clear, concise, and to the point.
  5. If type is smaller than 12 pt or space allocations have been altered to increase the number of pages in the application, your grant application will be disqualified.
  6. Do NOT include attachments to this application
  1. The grants are blind reviewed. Therefore, do not include the names of school, school district or applicant after the first page (signature page) of the grant. Grants that include names will be disqualified.
  2. All decisions are final.
  3. Grant may be used for speaker fees and field experiences, but will not cover the cost of food.
  4. For additional information, contact Debbie Dumais at 205-841-0728 or email at with “AAGC Question” in the subject line of the email.

E-mail the completed grant application to

Debbie Dumais, AAGC Mini-Grant Program Chairperson,

at with “AAGC Mini-grant” in the subject line of the email.

Grant Deadline: Grants must be received by e-mail no later than 11:59PM Friday, April 8, 2016.

2016-2017 AAGC Mini-Grant Application

Title of Proposed Project:______

Name of Applicant: ______

Position of Grant Applicant: (include grade level)______

School System (if applicable): ______

School Address: ______

City: ______State:______Zip: ______

Telephone: (___) ______Fax: (___)______


Budget Amount Request: ______Project Length: ______

Number of students who will participate in the project: ______

Project dates: ______

By signing this grant application, you are agreeing to the following:

• Complete the project as proposed by May 30, 2017.

• Submit the final mini-grant report by June 30, 2017.

• Provide all grant expenditure receipts with the report.

NOTE: You are also agreeing to reimburse the Alabama Association for Gifted Children for the amount of money not accounted for by receipts.

Grant Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______

By signing this application, the principal of the school agrees to support the project.

School Administrator (print name): ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Administrator Telephone: ( )______Fax: ( )______


2016-2017 AAGC Mini-Grant Application

Title of Proposed Project:______

1. Project Outcome:

Give a brief action statement describing the ultimate result that you intend to accomplish with this project.

State the goals and objectives of your proposed project. Include how this project is part of a concept-based unit or explain how students will demonstrate mastery of one or more Essential Understanding(s) by participating in this project.

II. Project Timeline

Describe how the proposed project will be organized. Be sure to include a timeline from start to finish.

III. Project Measurements

Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed project.

Describe any potential benefits of your project beyond the grant period.

IV. Budget: Provide a detailed list of all expenses associated with the project. Include items to be purchased (minor equipment,educational materials, and supplies), entrance fees for field trips, transportation costs, classroom speaker charges, etc. Ifyou do not know the exact cost of items you intend to purchase with the grant money, you may state an estimate, but AAGC will not cover costs over the grant amount. Grants do not cover salaries, stipends, or indirect costs. (Save all receipts.)Please total the costs. You may add additional lines to cover all costs.

Detailed description of Expense Item / Amount
Total amount requested

V. Equal Status Statement

Assuming grants of equal status are received, briefly state why this grant should be funded.