St. Michael & St. Francis Bulletin June 1st2nd , 2013 Pastor: Fr. Steve Schaftlein
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
In one parish in which I was involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a man named Jack was preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation. Part of the process in that parish was to have the catechumens (those preparing for the sacraments) join other parishioners in various ministries and activities in the parish and in the wider community. Jack was a gregarious, comical, wonderful man who always gave the group a spark of enthusiasm. He was never at a loss for words. One week the group of catechumens went to the local homeless shelter to prepare and serve the evening meal. When we returned from this outing, Jack did not speak for about six weeks. We became concerned, but decided, at the urging of his sponsor, to allow him to take the time he needed to break out of this silence.
Finally Jack shared what was going on in his life. He told us that at the homeless shelter, he was front and center. He had positioned himself so that he could ladle the sloppy joe mix onto the hamburger buns and hand the plate to the person in line. He said he was just loving the work, grasping the ladle, spooning the mixture onto the bun, then handing the plate to the next person, when all of a sudden a deep reality struck him. He said, “This is what my hands were meant to do.” Then he shared with us that many of the things his hands had done in his life were sinful and didn’t bring life to anyone. He told us again and again that what he was doing at the shelter was what his hands were created to do. Jack’s story is a great reminder to each of us on this feast. As people who regularly consume the Body and Blood of Christ, we are called to do what we were created to do: become Christ for one another.
Today’s Readings: Genesis 14:18–20; Psalm 110:1–4; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26; Luke 9:11b–17
St. MichaelCharlestown
Sat.– 5:30 pm
Sun.– 11 am
Misa en Español
Domingo – 12:30 pm / Fr. Steven Schaftlein, Pastor
Website -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111
Ph. 812-256-3200 - Fax 775-307-6142
Office Hours – 8:30 am-1:00 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN 47126
Ph. 812-294-4682 - Fax 775-307-6142
E-mail –
Office Hours – Thursday Afternoon
Reconciliation – 5:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Please contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Steve
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick. Due to privacy laws hospitals no longer inform churches.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening.
Corpus Christi Place - A spiritual support ministry with gay people their families. is assured. / St. Francis Xavier
At 9:00 am
St. Michael Early Childhood Center – Infancy Care, Pre-S, Pre-K, Kindergarten & Day Care
Rita Poff – Director – Ph. 256-3503 Infancy Care – 256-3500
Mass Schedule Mass Intentions
St. M / 3 / Mon / No MassSt. M / 4 / Tue / 3:00 pm / No Mass
St. M / 5 / Wed / 6:00 pm / Mass
St. FX / 6 / Thurs / 7:00 pm / For the People
St. M / 7 / Fri / 8:30 am / Mass
St. M / 8 / Sat / 5:30 pm / Bernard Wessel
St. FX
St. M
St. M / 9 / Sun / 9:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm / Sandy Banet
For the People
Pro Populo
The Pastor’s Corner
/The Year Of The Liturgy
Liturgical Bits & Bytes
Communion Song IIIThe communion song is important because it is part of what joins us together in communion with one another during the time we receive Christ’s Body and Blood. It is communion, not just with Jesus/God, but also with one another. It’s a startling thought to remember that receiving the Body and Blood of Christ binds us not only with God but with one another, with the rest of the Body of Christ of which we are a small part. Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ requires that we be reconciled with the rest of the Body. That’s why Eucharist is the primary sacrament of reconciliation.
All rights reserved.
AIDE - Applied Institute For Disaster Excellence
A Conference
Organized By Catholic Charities - USA
As natural disasters continue to happen, we would like to begin working on “preparedness” to get ourselves ready to respond to disasters near and far. Since March 2, 2012 we have had the Hurricane Sandy Disaster, the flooding in northern Indiana (which caused as much damage as the tornado here), and now the tornado in Moore Oklahoma. To this end Catholic Charities USA is offering a comprehensive program of training for people of all levels of experience. It will be in Houston on Oct. 14-18. For those who register before July 27 the cost will be $439 for all lodging, meals, and materials. Through our tornado funds we would like to sponsor a group of people from our area to get training. For detailed information go to Look under What We Do Choose Programs Choose Disaster Operations Choose Applied Institute For Disaster Excellence
If you are interested please contact me at 502-262-6829 or .
Pastoral Council Elections
Congratulations to Laura Couch, Chad Lyons, and Sara Becher who were elected to fill the 3 open positions on the pastoral councilat St. Francis and Adam Allgeier and Cheryl Dunn for the 2 openings at St. Michael. A note of gratitude to all who participated in the election.
St. Francis Xavier Social Event Calendar 2013
July 16-19 - VBS - 6-8:30 pm
August 3 – Summer Outing At The Nolot Farm
Sep 28 – Fall Outing At The Becker Farm
Oct 6 – Mass At The Forestry
Oct 25 – Trunk or Treat 5-6 pm (Friday)
Dec. 8 – St. Francis Feast Day & Christmas Dinner
After researching those eligible for confirmation, we’ve decided to enroll any youth who will be a sophomore in the forthcoming school year. The confirmation class will begin in late summer and will meet on Sunday afternoons.
The first planning meeting is this Wednesday, June 5th after 6:00 Mass.
Part Time Coordinator of Religious E
& General Pastoral Minister
For Application Write Or Call
Fr. Steve Schaftlein
Search Committee
St. Francis Xavier, 101 North Ferguson
Henryville, IN 47126
1-812-294-4682 or 1-812-256-3200
Fr. Steve
Rosary at 5:00before Saturday Evening Mass
Rosary at 10:30 before Sunday Mass
The Prayer Group at St. Michael welcomes anyone to come and pray with them at 6:00pm every Monday in the Rectory Chapel. Bible Study is on Monday at 7:00pm in the Rectory Chapel. This is open to anyone high school and above. Spanish Bible Study is on Tuesday nights at 6pm.
Faith Formation News:
Hello! St. Michael’s Faith Formation Commission is looking for volunteer greeters to say hello and welcome parishioners and visitors to our Masses. If you are interested, please call Betty at 812-889-3215 or Glenda at 812-256-0163.
The St. Michael Faith Formation Commission meeting is Tuesday, June 11th at 7:00 pm in the Rectory Chapel. This meeting is for all incoming and outgoing members. Please pick up your agenda and minutes in the back of the church. Congratulations to the newly appointed members of the Faith Formation Commission at St. Michael: Maria Caudill, Jackie Fouts, Barbara Sharpentsteen.
Help! Help! Help! Vacation Bible School will be June 11,12,13 at St. Michael. Please volunteer a little time to our young people during these three days. As a part of our service and a way for the children to be more involved in sharing their time, talent and treasure, we are asking the children to bring certain goods to VBS each day. The Goods we collect will go to the North Clark Outreach Center. Also we plan to make stone soup on Wednesday. We will need donated cans of vegetables or you can make a cash donation. Don’t forget to sign up for VBS as soon as possible so we can order supplies. Thank you.
Duties of an altar server, includes a variety of duties from assisting the priest, to lighting candles, carrying the books used at Mass and saying prayers. We are in need of Servers!! Training for Servers will be June 9 and July 14. We are asking parents to come and stay with your child during this training.
St. Michael Ministries Schedule
Sat. June 8– 5:30 pm
Eucharistic Ministers: Chuck Ledbetter, Margie Cox
Servers: Jim Worley
Gift Bearers: Carol and Joyce Schafer
Cantors: Steve and Sherry Buit
Musician: Carolyn Eickholtz
Lector: Carolyn Stauffer
Sun. June 9–11:00 am – St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: Jerrylyn Dean, Cheryl Dunn, Jim Kinder
Servers: Christian Jackson, T.J. Jackson
Gift Bearers: R/M Caudill
Cantors: Joe and Mary Wafford
Musician: Nancy Kinder
Lector: Michael Howard
Young Adult Churchill Downs Outing – Friday, June 14, Churchill Downs Happy Hour - 4:00 - 7:00 in the Paddock area, admission is $3, first post time is 2:45. Call the office at 945-2000 or register online at
St. Michael & St. Francis --The next youth activity is the Belle of Louisville CruiseJune 10th 6:30-10:00pm. We will leave St. Michael’s parking lot at 5:30pm. We will need drivers. Tickets are $20. Payment as well as permission slips need to be turned in to Father Steve or Juliann.
Come out and enjoy St. Francis Xavier’s Fish Fry on the 1st Friday of every month, 5-7pm. The menu includes fish, fries, slaw, fried biscuits, drinks & desserts. Thanks toeveryone for your support.
St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule
Sun. June 9-9:00am
Eucharistic Ministers: Darlene Reul, Lawrence Yochum,
Dan Young
Servers: Conner Martin, KaitlynD’Angelo
Ushers: Annie Bolger, Philip Carter
Gift Bearers: Jack & Sally Staples Family
Lector: Ann Harbeson
Second Collection, this weekend Education of Future Archdiocesan Priests
Please be generous in support of this collection and please continue to pray for vocations! If you know of a young man or woman you believe would serve well in priesthood or religious life, please call (317) 236-1496 and leave the individual’s name with the vocation director, Fr. Eric Augenstein.
“To everything there is a season and a time to every
purposeunder heaven a time to be born a time to love a time to heal a time to die and a time of peace.”
John Barthold, Bea Beach,Donald Bischoff, Alicia Blair, Annie Bolger, Sheryl Bridges, Charlotte Buckman, Sherry Buit, Deborah Burk, Nathaniel Terry Burk, MelchorCarillo, Glenn Cole, Kaydance Couch,Lydia Downey, Danny Fleming,Beryl Hammerla, Lucy Hanson, Charlotte Higdon, Aiden Johnson,Sylvia Jones, Peggy Kelshaw, Rosalie Koenig, Ray Kopp, Barbara Latuch, Beverly Martin, Bill Martin, Ed Mader, Vickie Mader, Carolina Martin, Monroe McRichie, William Kenneth Miller, Carolyn Murphy, Mitch Newland, Anne Peacock, Maria Puckett, Christopher Puckett, Abbey Puckett, Lisa Reynolds, Susan Riggs, Carrol Schafer, Brooke Schmiesing, Eugene Seals, Dorothy Smith, Mirian State, Joey Sullivan, Lynn Sullivan, Jane Synovec, Doug VanDyke, Thelma VanDyke, Lynn Vogt, Logan Westerhouse, Mary Willeford, Troy Williams, Kenneth Yost.Names will remain on the list for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request that they be kept longer.
RCIA will begin in August “The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” is an adult convert program. If you know of any adults who may be considering becoming Catholic, invite them to our program. St. Michael and St. Francis work together with St. Paul on this program. This is also a great opportunity for Catholic Adults (18 years or older) to review their faith and/or prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. More information will be posted later.
Fiesta Fridays College Gatherings - All College-Age young adults are invited to join us for Fiesta Fridays - an opportunity to gather with Catholic young adults for faith, fun, food, and a fiesta! Every 1st and 4th Friday in June and July (June 7 & 28, July 5 & 26, Aug. 2) at 1013 Pebble Creek Drive in Jeffersonville. Pool and Patio opens at 2PM, dinner is served at 5:30. For more info contact
DEANERY HOLIDAY WORLD OUTING FOR YOUTH AND FAMILIES –Come join the fun with Deanery youth and families on June 27, 2013.The cost for the day is $49.00, which covers bus transportation and entrance into the park.For parishes arranging their own transportation, tickets may be purchased for $34.00 each.We will board the buses at 9:15 a.m. in front of Providence High School/Aquinas Center, and return by 8:30 p.m.Contact Juliann for details or registration information.June 11 is the deadline to register. If you would like to purchase tickets for your family please contact the CYM office directly at 945-2000
Young Adults, mark your calendars for June 29-30th, 2013!
We are excited to provide young adults (ages 18-35) with a RETREAT put on by the Apostleship of Prayer.Hear insights on how the deepest desires of our hearts lead us to the Heart of Jesus Christ!Join us for adoration, mass, confession, social time, good food, good music, and much more. WHEN:June 29th-30th, 6:30pm- 5pm (next day)WHERE:Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, Indianapolis. COST: $20 suggested donation! You pay when you register with Hearts on Fire.
REGISTER for retreat at
The Providence Alumni Association will hold its 8th annual Pioneer Cup Match Play Championship golf scramble on June 15 at Valley View Golf Club. Five-year era teams are forming now, and teams from various eras will compete for the Pioneer Cup. Shotgun start is at 1:00 p.m. with dinner following the event. Entry fee is $70 per person and includes golf, dinner, drink tickets and prizes. Contact Adam Naville at (502) 550-3577 or for more information. All proceeds benefit the Alumni Scholarship Fund.
BBQ on the Square by Boy Scout Troop 80
June 15, 2013
We will have live music and a variety of demonstrations and hands-on activities for the adventurous at heart, regardless of age.
St. Mary of the Knobs KnobsFestis Saturday June 8, 2013. Home-Cooked Chicken or Ham Dinners served Noon-6pm in the “Air-Conditioned” comfort of the Geis Activity Center.The Pub Pavilion will have Beer & Wine, Blackjack & More.
Booths - Including 30 Quilts, Fabulous Capital Prizes, Cakes, Gift Cards, Plants, Pull Tabs, Fruit Baskets, Mason Jars, Big 6, 50/50 and a General Store.Bingo (11AM—3PM) and an enhanced Kids’ Zone.Back this year is our 2nd Annual KnobsFest Queen Pageant and Lil’ Miss Dumplin’
Pageant. NEW THIS YEAR is our 1st ever Junior Miss KnobsFest Pageant! End the night with a dance from 9 PM — Midnight ($10 per person) featuring “The Louisville Crashers.”
Collections May 25th and 26th
St. Michael $ 2,016.00
St. Francis Xavier $ 1,084.00
Matthew Beer, Brandon Beswick, Donald Bloss,Asher Boch, Michael Bower Jonathan Dean,Travis Crone, Cathy Jo Donahue, Christopher Donahue, Joseph Kyle Donahue, John Emery, David Fouts, Sam Goffinet, Bradley Guernsey, Christopher Hahn, Steven Hahn, Alex Henson,Christopher Jackson, Joseph Brent Kaelin, Dustin Kavanaugh,Cody Kelshaw, Kyle Kelshaw, Brittany Kraft, B. J. Meredith, Brian Meredith, John Mulhall, Stephen Mulhall, Thomas Mulhall, Joshua Mullins, Roman Nalley, Ashton Napier,Jay Rutledge, Olivia Vessels, Travis Williams If you know someone who needs to be put on this list please call tPLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEN & WOMEN WHO ARE SERVING IN THE MILITARY
812-256-3503 Rita Poff Director
Mon-Fri. 7AM-6PM
Infant Care/Day Care: Full or part time
Before & After Care: ages 6-12
Summer Camp: ages 6-12
Pre-School: 9-11:30AM Tues. & Thurs.
Pre-K: 9-11:30AM or 12:30-3PM Mon. Wed. & Fri.
Full Day Accredited Kindergarten: 8:20AM-2:40PM