RL Facility Representative ProgramMay 24, 2000
Surveillance Guide FPS-12.1Revision 1
Life SafetyPage 1 of 6
The objective of this surveillance is for the Facility Representative to verify that conditions in the plant provide an appropriate level of life safety for workers conducting operations in the plant. The surveillance also helps the Facility Representative evaluate the degree of compliance on the contractor's part with the DOE standards referenced below.
2.1DOE 5483.1A, Occupational Safety and Health Programs for DOE Contractor Employees at Government-Owned Contractor-Operated Facilities
2.229 CFR 1910.37, Means of Egress
2.329 CFR 1910.38, Employee Emergency Plans and Fire Prevention Plans.
2.4DOE 5480.7A, Fire Protection (or DOE O 440.1A, Worker Protection Management ement for DOE Federal and Contractor Employees)
2.5NFPA 101, Life Safety Code
2.6RLID 5480.7, Fire Protection (or RLID 420.1, Fire Protection)
3.0Requirements Implemented
This surveillance is conducted to implement the RL Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual (FRAM) No. 2258. Requirements are drawn from RLID 5480.7 or RLID 420.1, which in turn are derived from DOE 5480.7A or DOE 440.1A.
4.0Surveillance Activities
The surveillance activities include walkthroughs of the facility, examination of testing and inspection records, and observations of a fire drill to evaluate facility response. The individual activities provide a basis for ensuring that employees can be warned of dangerous conditions and can exit the facility safely under emergency conditions. It is important to note that compliance with the Life Safety Code shall be considered to satisfy the exit requirements of the applicable building code and the Occupational Safety and Health Administrative (OSHA) Egress Requirements contained in 29 CFR 1910. (See DOE 5480.7A, Section 9 b (2) or RLID 420.1, Section 8.16 b (2).)
Activity 1 - Facility walkdown of emergency exits and emergency lights.
Activity 2 - Review records of tests of equipment.
Activity 3 - Observe facility fire drill.
Surveillance Guideline
Surveillance No.:
Date Completed:
Activity 1 - Walkdown of Emergency Exits
Yes No N/A
______1.Are emergency exits clearly labeled with readily visible signs?
(Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 7.10)
______2.Is access to each emergency exit marked by readily visible signs that point towards the exit wherever the direction of travel to reach the nearest exit may not be immediately apparent? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 7.10)
______3.Are doors, passages, or stairways which are not exits or do not provide access to exits identified by prominent signs, indicating that they are not exits or serve some other function? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section
______4.Are emergency exits unobstructed by furniture, clutter, furnishings, etc.?
(Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section
______5.Do emergency exits open freely and easily? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section
If emergency exits are alarmed, request the Facility Manager to demonstrate their operability.
______6.If an emergency exit is from a stairwell, do stairwell doors close automatically to prevent smoke intrusion? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section and A.
Yes No N/A
______7.For emergency exits from stairwells, are the stairwells free from holes or penetrations that might permit smoke intrusion? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section,,, and 8.3.6)
______8.Is sufficient emergency lighting provided to illuminate the emergency exit and access to the emergency exit in the event of a loss of power? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 7.10.4)
______9.Is the exterior access from the emergency exit unobstructed by construction, equipment, or potential snow and ice? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section
Activity 2 - Review Records of Tests of Equipment
______10.Is the testing of the emergency lighting and emergency notification system current with technical safety requirements or other administrative requirements? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 3.9.3 and applicable SAR/BIO TSR)
______11.Are tests conducted in accordance with written procedures? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 3.9.3 and applicable procedures)
______12.Are data sheets for tests complete and signed? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 3.9.3 and applicable procedures)
______13.Does testing for emergency lighting ensure that lights will provide the required illumination for the required period of time? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 3.9.3 and applicable procedures)
______14.Is the emergency notification system audible throughout the facility necessary to notify personnel of an emergency when a fire alarm system is required in the building (normally when building is considered occupied by ten or more people (See NFPA 101, Section (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section
Activity 3 - Observe Facility Fire Drill
Yes No N/A
______15.Do facility personnel exit the facility in an orderly fashion through approved fire exits? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 4.7.6)
______16.Are radiological protection technicians and equipment available to survey personnel for contamination? (Reference: DOE G 151.1-1, Comprehensive Emergency Management/Protective Action and Reentry, Section 2.4.1, Evacuation and Sheltering of Workers)
______17.Do facility personnel move to a safe assembly area? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section 4.7.6)
______18.Is a system used to establish accountability for all facility occupants and visitors? [Reference: DOE G 151.1-1, Comprehensive Emergency Management/Protective Action and Reentry, Section 2.5.1, Accountability, also see 29 CFR 1910.38 (a)(2)(iii)]
______19.Do emergency response personnel (e.g., zone wardens) sweep the facility to ensure that no personnel remain in an evacuated building? (Reference: DOE G 151.1-1, Comprehensive Emergency Management/Protective Action and Reentry, Section 2. 5.1, Accountability)
______20.If any personnel are unaccounted for, do emergency response personnel ensure that search, rescue, and assistance efforts are promptly taken to provide for the safety of people who may be injured, trapped, or unaware of the emergency condition? (Reference: DOE G 151.1-1, Comprehensive Emergency Management/Protective Action and Reentry, Section 2. 5.1, Accountability)
______21. Is the emergency notification system audible throughout the facility?
(Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section
______22.If visual alarms are installed in high ambient noise areas, do they perform as intended? (Reference: NFPA 101, 2000 Edition, Section
Finding No.:
Observation No.:
Signature: ______Date: _____/_____/_____
Facility Representative