Powder Mill Snowmobile Club
Meeting on January 12, 2009, held at Hawg’s Pen Restaurant.
40 people in attendance
Secretary's Report, Ellen Mason
Minutes from meeting on December 8 were read. Long meeting, long minutes.
Motion made and seconded to accept Secretary's Report. Motion accepted.
Treasurer's Report, Pisha Wentworth
Beginning Balance 3996.02
Deposits 20572.82
Withdrawals 12,279.38
Ending Balance 12,289.46
Motion made and seconded to accept Treasurer's Report. Motion accepted.
Trail Master's Report, Mike Gelinas
News from Mike:
Reroute to Moose Mountain went well, is done, under budget, and groomed. Still needs some clearing of face whippers.
Red Oaks work is done, high and dry. Beach trail is not as good.
Hope to get new fuel tank at end of winter.
Tree farm trail is frozen, much drier.
Bridges are 99% done. Maybe they need some more nails.
Milton pit (toward Moose) has a plank across it. Fixed.
Logging in the Den is done. It was groomed today, but no word yet what it was like.
Most trails are currently ride-able. Have not yet groomed to Sunrise Lake. Everyone is asked to stop and pitch three rocks each day you ride. This is known as Mike’s toll.
Ends of culvert at Route 11 are tough to see, so stay in the trail! Also, beware there is a new telephone pole on its side on the same trail.
Ice is not safe yet, but there are [people with lack of caution and abundance of zeal] riding the ice anyway, even the broads (meaning a location on Winnipesaukee, not women).
Maybe some of the day groomers could double up and do some pole work? Any work we want done on Jesse has to be done in the winter.
News from Tom Goss:
Culvert work complete at Dave Bickford’s and Miller Road.
Bridge at Route 28 was broken into a million pieces, but now it is rebuilt.
There have not been any brush clearing parties, but there have been lots of Lonely Brush Warriors.
If you see something on the trails you can’t handle, give a holler.
News from Carl Peaslee:
New trail to Milton is complete. Looks good.
Trail to power lines is complete. It is marked, but not perfect. Hopefully by Wednesday the trails will be perfect.
Carl has the brush saws and will gladly lend them.
Note from Ed: Charlene at the Shell station forget to tell her plow guy to keep the trail head clear. Situation will be corrected.
Motion made and seconded to accept the Trail Master’s Report. Motion accepted.
New Business
Mike would like to make a $2500 groomer payment. We still have a payment coming from Evergreen for grooming last year for roughly $4000. Minutes amended: amount coming from Evergreen is $1200, not $4000.
Paul Steer from Evergreen Valley came to tell us they are holding a Poker Run on February 22, 10 a.m. ‘til 2 p.m., and hope to make it a four club event, ending at the Lodge at Moose. Each club sets its own route. Need volunteers to sign folks up at the starting point, and to give chips at two stops along the route. One half the proceeds go to the club. George has volunteered to coordinate the effort.
Raffle tickets should be in by the end of January.
Apparel: Ray contacted New England Embroidery. Prices are still the same, but there is no minimum order. Sweatshirts are $20, hats are $12, and LS tees are $14. These prices do not include shipping. There is a seven day turnaround.
Safety class is rescheduled for January 24th, 8:00 ‘til 4:30. George has called all who were signed up for the December class, and if they all come then the class is full.
Elections for next season: Mike suggested that the Trail Master’s responsibilities be divided into Trail Administration, Southern/Tree farm sections, Middle sections, and Den/Lake trail area.
Jim Gamble’s Janice is going to take a stab at the website. Thank you Janice.
Meeting adjourned sometime before 9:00. Sorry, forgot to check the time.
Meeting Agenda
Date: February 9, 2009
Secretary’s Report: Ellen Mason
Minutes from meeting on January 12
Treasurer’s Report: Pisha Wentworth
Trail Master’s Report: Mike Gelinas
Old Business:
See minutes
New Business:
Note: officer nominations take place at next meeting. Some current officers will be vacating their positions…like me, for instance.