Name of person making nomination (leave blank if nominating self)
______for the office of President-Elect of the Virginia Association for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inc.
Elections will be held sixty days before the opening of the annual VATFACS Professional Development Institute. If this is not possible then elections will take place during the annual VATFACS Professional Development Institute in the host city.
Name of Nominee ______
VATFACS Membership is current ______yes ______no
Professional Position______
Work Place ______
Work Address ______City ______
Work E-mail______
Home Address ______City ______
Personal E-mail______
A packet containing the following materials must be mailed to the Nominating Chair postmarked by April 1. All materials must be submitted in one packet. Materials apart from the nomination form will not be considered.
A.Completed nomination form.
B.Signed statement of President-Elect, President, and Past President responsibilities.
C.Brief statement of teaching experience, service, and affiliation to Career and Technical Education on the local, state, or national levels. Include past VATFACS membership and service and describe the skills you will bring to the office that will enable VATFACS to reach its goals. (Limit to ½ page. Will be included in the Spring newsletter “Slate of Officers” section; subject to space editing)
Completed application should be emailed no later than March 1 to:
Regina Morrone
VATFACS President
shall have held active membership for three (3) consecutive years in VATFACS, NATFACS, VACTE, and ACTE.
shall be currently employed in the field of Family and Consumer Sciences education in public schools, in private schools, in the State Department of Education or in colleges and universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
shall have previously served on the Board of Directors or in the capacity of VATFACS committee chair.
shall be elected to the Board for a three-year term; the first year will be as President-Elect, the second year as President, and the third year as Past-President.
shall serve a term from September 1 of the elected year to August 31 of the calendar year in which the term expires.
shall maintain paid membership throughout the term of office.
If elected to the position of PRESIDENT-ELECT of VATFACS, I will become thoroughly acquainted with the organization and its procedures during the year and thus be ready to take over the duties of the President the following year.
- Work closely with the President
- Serve as President for the remainder of the term in case of permanent vacancy.
- Serve as Chair of the Program of Work Committee.
- Serve as Chair of the Program Committee.
- Serve as Consultant to the Resolutions Committee.
- Learn the procedures, policies, and functions of the Board of Directors.
A.Supervise and control the affairs of the VATFACS corporation and the activities of the officers.
B.Chairperson of the Board of Directors
C.Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all meetings of the members.
D.Execute checks or other instruments which may from time to time be authorized by the Board of Directors.
E.Consultant to the Nominations and Elections Committee.
F.Serve as Virginia's contact person for the National Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences (NATFACS).
G.Coordinate all activities of the VATFACS.
H.Keep the Board of Directors informed of the business of the corporation.
I.Approve chairs for committees provided for in the Bylaws.
J.Appoint chairs of other committees as deemed necessary.
K.Appoint committees not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws.
- Serve as ex-officio Director of the Board of Directors for the year immediately following the term of President.
- Serve as consultant to the President.
- Serve as transition officer for any vacancy that occurs that cannot be filled, or until such time as the Board of Directors fills the position or an election occurs.
- Serve as consultant to the Constitution Committee.
- Serve as consultant to the Scholarship Committee.
- Assist the President and Executive Board in any other matters as deemed necessary by the President.
If elected, I will to the best of my ability carry out the above outlined duties. I have read and will support the VATFACS Constitution. I will not conduct any campaigning prior to or during the annual VATFACS Professional Development Institute.
Signature of Nominee: ______Date______