Youth Leadership Program:

Exploring Social Justice in Indonesia


The Youth Leadership Program: Exploring Social Justice in Indonesia is a social justice exploration program for high school students from the US and Indonesia. In July 2017, the group will explore Yogyakarta and Bali, Indonesia while developing their global leadership and experiential learning skills through engaging in collaborative social justice projects.

Eligibility criteria

§  This program is designed for high school students from the US and Indonesia.

§  We prioritize sophomore and junior applicants, but will consider strong applications from freshmen and seniors.

§  Must have demonstrated interest in social and environmental issues through coursework or extra-curricular activities

§  Must have demonstrated flexibility, maturity, integrity, and open-mindedness

Participant Expectations:

•  Obtain a passport

•  Complete all pre-departure readings and assignments

•  Participate in the pre-departure orientation in San Francisco prior to the trip

•  Complete all post-program follow-up activities, which may include a community service or research project and presentation to community or school groups in your area


VIA is committed to a diverse cohort, and ensuring that international travel opportunities are accessible to students from all backgrounds, so we offer a significant number of need-based scholarships on a sliding scale, ranging from partial to full coverage of the program costs.

How to apply:

§  Complete the application, and submit along with a letter of recommendation, by no later than 5 p.m. on March 1, 2017.

§  You may fill out the online application at [URL], or submit a paper application to Izzy Rhoads at

§  All materials must be submitted by the deadline.

§  Semi-finalists will be notified in March for interviews.


If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact VIA program staff at .

2017 Youth Leadership Program: Exploring Social Justice in Indonesia Application

(Deadline for submission: March 1, 2017)

Personal information (please fill out your name exactly the way it will appear on your passport):
Full name (First/Middle/Last):
Date of Birth: / Gender:
Do you have a passport? Yes No
What languages do you speak?
Are you applying for a need-based scholarship to cover part or all of your costs? Yes No
Please provide your contact information:
Street Address:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Home phone: / Student cell:
Parent/Guardian’s Name:
Parent/Guardian’s Cell: / Parent/Guardians’ Email:
School information:
School Name:
School Address:
Year in School: / Expected Date of Graduation: / GPA:
Other information:
Have you ever traveled abroad? Yes No
If yes, please list the dates, countries visited, and reason for travel:
Short answers: Please answer the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly (there is no length minimum or maximum, but a good guideline is between 250-500 words).
1. Please describe why you are interested in the program, what you hope to learn, and what you will contribute to the program if you are chosen.
2. Describe social justice issue/problem that you are passionate about. What steps could you take as an individual to address this problem?
3. Tell us about a time you took an active leadership role – what strengths did you bring to the role? What aspects did you find challenging, and how did you overcome these challenges?
4. Talk about a stressful situation that you faced, and describe the strategies you used to deal with it.
5. Tell us something interesting or important about yourself that hasn’t been addressed in other questions.
6. Are there any other special considerations we should be aware of? (Please note that VIA encourages students with disabilities to apply, and we are committed to making accommodations for their needs.)


Applicant signature (typed is acceptable) Date


Parent/Guardian signature (typed is acceptable) Date