IBM 3570-B02 Magstar MP Tape Subsystem

© IBM Corporation 2002

IBM U.S. Product Life Cycle Dates

Type Model / Announced / Available / Marketing Withdrawn / Service Discontinued / Replaced By
3570-B02 / 1996/09/03 / 1997/03/28 / 1999/12/31 / - / 3570-C02


The IBM Magstar MP (Multi-Purpose) 3570 Tape Library provides a compact, integrated tape storage solution delivering high performance, extraordinary reliability, and optimized read-and write-intensive operations. The Magstar MP 3570 Tape Library significantly expands the functional utility of tape storage with its revolutionary fast data recall performance that supports both current and emerging tape applications. In addition, the Magstar MP 3570 Tape Library addresses the growing storage needs of customers by offering a more durable technology designed to meet the tougher demands of automation. Magstar MP 3570 Tape Library Models B0x, B1x, C0x, and C1x attach to IBM AS/400(R), IBM RS/6000(R), HP-UX**, Sun Solaris**, Microsoft Windows, and other SCSI-attach systems. Magstar MP 3570 Tape Library Models B2x and C2x are supported on selected IBM Netfinity and IBM PC Server systems. The Magstar MP offers: fast access capability to support high input/output (I/O) operations where multiuser access is required; support for time sensitive applications where fast access to data is important (for example, storage management, network serving); and both automated backup/restore and archive storage and retrieval.

Model Abstract 3570-B02

(For IBM US, No Longer Available as of December 31, 1999)

The IBM 3570 Model B02 is a library subsystem with 2 tape drives, 20 cartridges, a tape drive data rate of 2.2 MB/sec, and is a stand-alone unit.


The Magstar MP 3570 Tape Library provides tape and automation reliability at open systems prices. Other features include:

  • Utilizes IBM-developed technology, including magneto-resistive heads, especially designed for automation
  • 7 MB/second native sustained drive data rates using C-format cartridges in Model Cxx drives
  • 2.2 MB/second native sustained drive data rates using B-format cartridges in Model Bxx drives
  • Barcode reader included on Cxx models
  • Expanded 5 MB cache memory on Cxx models for faster read/write performance
  • Newly designed digital data flow circuit on Cxx models for increased read/write performance
  • Self-enclosed data cartridges with pre-imbedded servo tracks
  • Mid-point load for fast time to data
  • Up to 300 GB of near online data with cartridge capacities of 15 GB (using 3:1 compression) in B1x and C1x Models


The Magstar MP offers:

  • New fast access capability to support high input/output (I/O) operations where multiuser access is required
  • Support for time sensitive applications where fast access to data is important (for example, storage management, network serving)
  • Both automated backup/restore AND archive storage and retrieval

IBM Magstar MP Tape Subsystem is a revolutionary new multipurpose (MP) SCSI attach tape technology designed for automation. Traditionally, tape has been used to perform write-intensive operations like backup and data interchange. The Magstar MP is a compact, integrated storage device that functionally expands the capability of tape to optimize both write AND read intensive operations. It provides the characteristics of High Performance, High Reliability, a New Cartridge, and a New Library Subsystem.

High Performance:

The IBM Magstar MP has been designed to provide fast access to data. The drive and cartridge has been uniquely designed to allow fast cartridge insertion, almost instantaneous head/tape contact at load time, and mid-point load; where the tape is already positioned to achieve fast data access by quickly fast forwarding to data in either direction. The drive time to read/write data is about 8 seconds from the time of cartridge insertion. The drive can read/write data at a sustained data rate of 2.2 MB/sec (uncompacted) with a 20 MB/sec burst data rate. The sustained data rate with maximum compression is 14 MB/sec. Automatic caching of data enables balancing system read/write speed and the drive is designed to provide high performance in both streaming and start/stop operations. These characteristics are exciting new technical breakthroughs in an industry that has only historically seen innovation in the form of increased cartridge capacity and data rate.

High Reliability:

The IBM Magstar MP provides outstanding reliability. In the area of reading and writing, IBM provides leading-edge technology. Data write is provided by an exclusive thin-film write module that is designed for extremely accurate recording. Data read is provided by IBM's leading magneto-resistive (MR) head based on IBM Magstar technology. The head is a highly-tuned 4-track MR head that is designed for high read reliability, long life, and future growth. In addition, the 4-track head provides data redundancy and servo tracking to ensure superior data integrity in the mid-range tape marketplace. It offers technology that was previously only affordable in the large systems environment.

A New Cartridge:

IBM has been awarded numerous patents for the innovative new cartridge technology. It features two tape spools with the tape load point positioned at the mid-point of the tape to provide fast access to data, while still providing matched capacity for backup needs. The Magstar MP Fast Access Linear Tape cartridge has an uncompacted capacity of 5GB (15GB with 3:1 Lempel-Ziv compression). It contains major enhancements over conventional data recording cartridges. It has a rugged case designed for repetitive handling by automated pickers and to protect the tape in an enclosed environment. The cartridge contains advanced metal particle tape media developed for high capacity and durability. The tape never leaves the cartridge because it contains the tape path itself. Thus the tape media is protected from being harshly handled by external pickers, rollers, or external guides. The unique tape path eliminates tape thread time, reduces complexity, and enables higher reliability. The internal tape path also allows quick load time, and combined with the mid-point load, provides unparalleled tape performance. Along with the Magstar MP Fast Access Linear Tape Cartridge, IBM is also announcing a Magstar MP Cleaning Cartridge, and a Magstar MP Cartridge Magazine.

A New 100-300GB Library Subsystem:

The IBM Magstar MP Tape Subsystem library models were designed specifically to exploit the fast performance and match the reliability of the Magstar MP drive. They have been extensively tested and tuned to handle the rigorous demands of automated tape handling. They offer both an Automatic (sequential) mode for traditional tape processing applications and a random mode for applications requiring direct access to data. The library is designed to operate with two 10-cartridge magazines providing from 100-300GB of data accessible to the host system. This is equivalent capacity to what is provided by the IBM 3590 High Performance Tape Subsystem. When a cleaner cartridge is available in the library, it can be automatically inserted into the drive for a cleaning operation when prompted by operator feedback. The library also provides a fast average time of 8 seconds to load a cartridge from storage, thus greatly reducing the time to get to data for tape applications. The IBM Magstar MP promises to bring a new dimension of functionality to tape storage because of its revolutionary data recall performance; allowing new applications to be enabled in addition to traditional tape applications.

Product Positioning

The IBM Magstar MP is designed to meet the increasingly demanding needs of the mid-range marketplace. It was designed to be part of an automation offering that offers unsurpassed reliability in its class. It has the ability to provide traditional save/restore function in addition to leading edge applications that are high I/O intensive operations where multiuser (particularly read) access is required.

The following scenarios may help to position the IBM Magstar MP according to current/future system tape usage:

Tape Usage


| Access |

| to Large |

System Disk | Tape Data |

Scenario Size Growth |Backup Handling Repositories| Solution


1 <20GB Stable | X |Integrated or

| |Stand-alone tape

| |

2 >20GB High | X Moderate |Consider

| |Automation

Growth | |w/Storage Mgmt

| |

3 >20GB Growth | X Mod/Heavy Emerge |Consider

| |Automation

| |w/Storage Mgmt

| |& random access

| |Tape Technology

| |

4 Any Either | X Mod/Heavy X |Automation w/Stg

| |Mgmt

| |& random access

| |Tape Technology

In Scenario #1, the customer will be best served to buy an integrated or stand-alone tape drive that provides the quality and performance that best meets their needs. Products available from IBM to fill this requirement include a variety of technologies including QIC, mini-QIC, 4mm, 8mm, Magstar MP, and 3490.

In Scenario #2, the customer may want to consider the advantages of automated tape handling, storage management, or other applications that allow greater data accessibility. IBM offers a number of libraries that might fill this need including 4mm, 8mm, Magstar MP, and 1/2" products. If rapid access to data is a consideration, the Magstar MP may be a good fit if the capacity and performance are a good match.

In Scenario #3, the customer will most likely be able to justify the benefits of automated tape handling based on the installed disk size and future disk and emerging application growth considerations (random access tape processing applications and storage management). In this scenario, the Magstar MP offers a unique capability to quickly access data.

In Scenario #4, the customer should be able to justify tape automation. Random access is a primary consideration. In this scenario, the Magstar MP offers the quickest access to data of any IBM or competing products.


Model Summary Matrix

Number of Number of Tape Drive

Model Description Tape Drives Cartridges Data Rate Case


B02 Library Subsystem 2 20 2.2 MB/sec Stand-alone


Not applicable.

Customer Setup (CSU)

  • Customer Setup Models: B00, B01, B02.
  • Customer Setup Model Conversions: None.
  • Customer Setup MESs: None.

Devices Supported


Model Conversions

  • Model B02 to Model B12

Technical Description

The IBM Magstar MP Tape Subsystem is a revolutionary new multipurpose (MP) tape subsystem designed for automation to attach to AS/400, and RS/6000 systems. It is based on the same reliable Magstar technology as the IBM 3590 High Performance Tape Subsystem. It is designed to provide midrange systems a tape subsystem that has high levels of reliability, with lower price, capacity and performance than the 3590. It also provides a faster data access than other tape technologies with a drive time to read/write data of 8 seconds from cartridge insertion.

The Magstar MP is a compact, integrated storage subsystem that functionally expands the capability of tape to perform both write and read intensive operations. The Magstar MP utilizes a unique new robust heavy usage Fast Access Linear Tape cartridge that is approximately half the size of IBM 3480/3490/3590 cartridge tapes and is designed for high reliability. The tape drive reads and writes data in a 128-track format, reading and writing four tracks at a time. Data is written using an interleaved serpentine longitudinal recording format starting at the center of the tape (mid-tape load point) and continuing to near the end of the tape. The head is indexed to the next set of four tracks and data is written back to the mid-tape load point. This process is continued in the other direction until the tape is full. The capacity is 5GB per cartridge (15GB with 3:1 Lempel-Ziv compression). The drive data transfer rate is 2.2 MB/sec (uncompacted) with a 20 MB/sec burst data rate. The sustained data rate with maximum compression is 14 MB/sec. The IBM Magstar MP brings a new dimension of functionality to tape storage because of its revolutionary data recall performance allowing new applications to be enabled in addition to traditional tape applications.

The Magstar MP Model B02 is a stand-alone automated library model supporting automatic (sequential) and random access to 20 cartridges from two removable 10-cartridge magazines. It contains two tape drives, each with an integrated microprocessor control unit and all necessary power and cooling components. It attaches to a host system through a SCSI-2 adapter. The integrated control unit contains the electronics and logic for reading and writing data, controlling the library picker, and managing the operator display panel. The control unit functions include management of the data buffer, error recovery procedures, and the control of all tape drive operations and some channel operations. The library model uses a cartridge loading and transport mechanism to automatically transport tape cartridges to and from the storage magazines and the tape drives. It has a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Operator Panel that is used as the primary method of displaying information for the operator. Control buttons on the Operator Panel allow selection of various menu options and information. The library unit can operate in random access, automatic access, or manual access modes. With two magazines of cartridges, the Magstar MP can provide up to 300 GB of on-line data with a data rate of up to 20GB/hr for each drive.

Physical Specifications

MODELS B01 or B02 (stand-alone library)

  • Width: 483 mm (19.0 inches)
  • Depth: 771 mm (30.4 inches)
  • Height: 217 mm ( 8.5 inches)
  • Weight Model B01: 40 Kg (88 lb.)
  • Weight Model B02: 45 Kg (99 lb.)

Operating Environment

  • Temperature: 16 to 32 degrees C (60 to 90 degrees F)
  • Relative Humidity: 8 to 80 (percent) non-condensing (limited by media)
  • Wet Bulb: 26 degrees C (79 degrees F) maximum
  • Voltage: 100-127 VAC or 200-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz auto-ranging
  • Electrical power:
  • Models B02/B12:
  • 1.1 amps at 100-127 VAC; 0.55 amps at 200-240VAC
  • 0.13 KVA, 130 watts (nominal)
  • Calorific Value:
  • Models B02/B12: 444 Btu/hr
  • Noise Level: 6.2 bels idle; 6.5 bels operating.
  • FCC class - A
  • CISPR 22
  • Japan VCCI: 2


The IBM Magstar MP Tape Subsystem must be located physically at one end of the bus when attached to a 1-byte SCSI interface.

Except for AS/400, multiple systems may be attached to a Magstar MP tape subsystem. Two AS/400 systems may only be attached to a Magstar MP Model B02 or B12 in a split configuration library mode (which appear as two independent tape libraries).

Hardware Requirements

Model B02 library

The Model B02 is a stand-alone library with two drives. A power cord feature should also be specified. Black or white covers are available, to order specify the appropriate feature number. Refer to the "Cables" section at the end of the Hardware Requirements for a description of cables and interposers that need to be ordered.


The IBM Magstar MP Tape Subsystem can be attached to all DXX and later models of the AS/400, except the X02 and P03 models using the AS/400's Magnetic Media Subsystem Controller (#6501). Each feature #6501 can support up to two subsystems. The appropriate SCSI cable must be selected, refer to the Cable section below for details. An AS/400 Interposer (#2895) must also be ordered on the Magstar MP for attaching the SCSI cable to the AS/400 feature #6501. The Magstar MP Models B11 or B12 require a 9309 Rack Enclosure Model 2 or space in an existing customer rack.

RS/6000 and RS/6000 SP(R)

The IBM Magstar MP Tape Subsystem is supported on all models that support the following adapters:

  • Enhanced SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A (#2412)
  • SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A (#2416)
  • SCSI-2 Differential High-Performance External I/O Controller (#2420)
  • PCI SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter (#2409)

The appropriate SCSI cable must be selected, refer to the Cable section below for details. Attachment to the #2412 or #2416 adapters requires a CC68/HD68 interposer feature #2892 on the Magstar MP. Attachment to the #2420 adapter requires a HD68/HD50 interposer feature #2891 on the Magstar MP. No interposer is required for attachment to the #2409 adapter. The Magstar MP Models B11 or B12 require a 7015-R00 rack or space in an existing customer rack.

The Magstar MP is supported for attachment to the Enhanced SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A (#2412) or the SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A (#2416) on the following RS/6000 systems:

  • 7006 - 41T, 41W, 42T, 42W
  • 7009 - C10, C20
  • 7011 - 25E, 25F, 25S, 25T, 25W, 250
  • 7012 - G30, G40, 32E, 32H, 34H, 340, 350, 355, 36T, 360, 365, 37T, 370, 375, 380, 39H, 390
  • 7013 - J01, J30, J40, 52H, 53E, 53H, 55E, 55L, 55S, 550, 56F, 560, 57F, 570, 58F, 58H, 580, 59H, 590, 591
  • 7015 - R10, R20, R21, R24, R3U, R30, R40, R4U, 95E, 950, 97B, 97E, 97F, 970, 98B, 98E, 98F, 980, 99E, 99F, 99J, 99K, 990
  • 7030 - 3AT, 3BT, 3CT

The Magstar MP is supported for attachment to the SCSI-2 Differential High-Performance External I/O Controller (#2420) on the following RISC System/6000 systems:

  • 7006 - 41T, 41W, 42T, 42W
  • 7009 - C10, C20
  • 7011 - 25E, 25F, 25S, 25T, 25W, 250
  • 7012 - G30, G40, 32E, 32H, 34H, 340, 350, 355, 36T, 360, 365, 37T, 370, 375, 380, 39H, 390
  • 7013 - J01, J30, J40, 52H, 53E, 53H, 55E, 55L, 55S, 550, 56F, 560, 57F, 570, 58F, 58H, 580, 59H, 590, 591
  • 7015 - R10, R20, R21, R24, R3U, R30, R40, R4U, 95E, 950, 97B, 97E, 97F, 970, 98B, 98E, 98F, 980, 99E, 99F, 99J, 99K, 990
  • 7030 - 3AT, 3BT, 3CT

The Magstar MP is supported for attachment to the PCI SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter (#2409) on the following RS/6000 systems:

  • 7024 - E20, E30
  • 7025 - F30
  • 7248 - 100, 120, 132, 43P

Sun Systems

The Magstar MP 3575 Tape Library, Magstar MP 3570 Model B, and Magstar MP 3570 Model C are supported on Sun SPARC and UltraSPARC Architecture workstations and servers, including the Ultra/Enterprise Server family, supporting one of the following host bus adapters:

  • Sun SBus Differential Fast/Wide Intelligent SCSI-2 Host Adapter (X1062A)
  • Sun SBus Ultra Differential Fast/Wide Intelligent SCSI-2 Host Adapter (X1065A)
  • Sun Dual-Channel Differential Ultra SCSI Host Adapter (PCI) (X6541A)

The appropriate length SCSI cables for your installation environment should be selected from those available on the Magstar 3590 Tape Drives. The VHDCI to HD68 Cable/Interposer (#5099) is required to connect an industry standard high-density 68-pin (HD68) cable connector, typically used on Fast/Wide devices, to the Sun PCI Dual-Channel Differential Ultra SCSI Host Adapter, which has a VHDCI connector.

HP Systems

The Magstar MP 3575 Tape Library and Magstar MP 3570 Model C are supported on Hewlett Packard (HP) HP 9000 N-Class and V-Class Enterprise Servers running HP-UX 11.0 with the HP F/W Differential SCSI-2 adapter (A4800A). When attached to V-Class servers, this adapter requires the Inline SCSI Terminator feature (#5098).

The Magstar MP 3575 Tape Library, Magstar MP 3570 Model B, and Magstar MP 3570 Model C are also supported on HP 9000 Series 800 Business Servers and other servers that support HP Precision Bus (HP-PB) slots through the HP-PB Fast/Wide Differential 28696A Adapter. Supported servers include the HP 9000 T, K, and D Class Servers running HP-UX 10.20 and 11.0.