Cave City, Ky., November 13, 2014

The Caverna Board of Education met at Caverna Central Office at 6:00 o’clock

PM., on the 13th day of November, 2014, with the following members present:

(1)  Wayne Hatcher (2) Sheldon Ballou (3) J.T. Neely

(4)  Marla Wilson (5) Bill Payton

The Meeting was called to order at 6:04 P.M. by Sheldon Ballou. The Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation was given by Wayne Hatcher. All were present.


Motion by Wilson, Seconded by Neely to approve the agenda a prepared and presented. VOTE: ALL AYES


Friend of Education Award(s)-(None)

Community Service Award(s)-Mayor Randall Curry- Horse Cave, Mayor Dwayne Hatcher- Cave City

Employee Appreciation Award(s)-Wilma Bunnell- FRYSC


Motion by Hatcher, Seconded by Payton to approve the consent items. VOTE: ALL AYES

A.  Approval of Regular Minutes conducted on October 9, 2014.

B.  Treasurer’s Report

C.  Monthly/Quarterly Activity Fund Reports, Lunchroom Accounts & Bus Inspections

D.  Superintendent’s Travel

E. Field Trip Requests

Club/Class Destination Date

CHS FFA NAILE-Louisville, KY 11-20-14

CHS FFA Opryland Hotel- Nashville, KY 12-03-14

7th Grade SCTC- Bowling Green, KY 12-16-14

8th Grade SCTC-Bowling Green, KY 12-17-14

Assessment Goals Reached KY Action Park, CC 10-29-14

Beta Club Campbellsville University 10-16-14

Senior Class Lindsey Wilson College 11-18-14

Football Team Mayfield, KY (playoffs) 11-07-14

5th Grade WKU-Glasgow Campus 12/05/14

Student Lighthouse Briarwood Elementary 11/20/14

F. Fundraiser Requests

Class/Group Description Date

Prom Committee Sell Nuts Oct.-Nov. 2014

Basketball Chili Supper/Meet the Colonels Nov. 18, 2014

CHS Yearbook Sell ads Nov. 2014-Feb. 2015

CHS Cheerleaders Sell Tickets to Winter Formal Present

CHS Girls Basketball Coke Sales November 2014

Tennis Teams Kiss a Colonel (Hershey Kiss) Feb. 1-14, 2015

Tennis Teams Sell Rada Cutlery Feb. 17-28, 2015


Motion by Ballou, Seconded by Hatcher to approve the Orders of the Treasurer. VOTE: ALL AYES


Ms. Penny Boeckmann (Finance Director) presented the board with a packet containing 3 different financial reports. The reports were a balance sheet, showing account balances and the net change for the period; a Fund 1 report showing the available budget and revenues that have been spent; and a Fund 2 report (grants both state and federal with restricted revenue) showing the available budget and revenues that have been spent. She reported that we have collected a little more money as of this time last year, but that we have also spent more money this year. Mr. Ballou asked if any action was required and Ms. Boeckmann responded no action is required and that they will be receiving the same reports each month. She said that this is a state requirement and that the reports would be posted on the website. She said that if anything abnormal were to happen, she would point it out. Mr. Hatcher said that he enjoyed having the reports showing current amounts of what had been spent, and what is available. Ms. Boeckmann warned to be careful of amounts that show available on the sheet, because funds are not spent evenly throughout the year.


·  Mr. Phipps (High School Principal) gave a handout to the board concerning the topics that he would address.

Student Proficiency: He said that one of the things that the board would be looking at would be student proficiency and that the high school is using a new program to test students, EPREP. Phipps said this test is aligned with ACT and PLAN. He pointed out the 9th grade math score and informed the board that the reason for this being a zero is that this is a college readiness benchmark which is really high and the students have not had some of the courses.

GAP: The next item on the handout was GAP, and he explained that this is a non-duplicated group and since over 90% of our students are F/R, they are considered in this gap. Two that populate out are African American vs. White and Males vs. Females. There are some areas where there are a 3 point difference and anything over a 2 is concerning.

Graduation Rate: The current rate is 85.5 and the goal is 87.1. The enrollment is 223 with 49 seniors.

CCR: Last year the high school had 81% were College or Career Ready. Currently there are 27% College Ready and the target this year is 56.5. He reminded the board that most of the Career Ready comes in the spring but that they are well on target to meet their goal.

Delivery Targets: Combined Reading and math are what put us in priority status, which we are no longer a priority school. Targets are very attainable. Reading went down as this was a concern, however, target is 50.5.

Math was 80%, but our math scores will go down. Part of this is due to personnel and partly the change in the calculator rule. Two schools last year were over a hundred with number they get for bonus points. Targets are: science- 35.1, our current is 18; Social Studies- 35.6, our current is 26; writing-48.7, our current is 26. All the areas that are low are the area we are concentrating on and are adjusting. With the new standards in science coming out, we are looking at some new classes. Writing program has been revamped and some very innovative teaching in social studies and Spanish. Program Reviews: This is new for this year and is 23% of our score. That is more than all the EOC’s combined. This is very important and last year we had 14 points but to be proficient 24 points is needed. That is basically 8.0 points in each area (Arts and Humanities, Practical Living and Consumer Science) that is needed. We have gone through preliminary scores and think that we will be proficient in Practical Living because of the addition of Family Consumer Science and close to proficient in Arts and Humanities because of the addition of the Guitar Class and Choir Class. Almost 50 students in guitar class and 40 in choir class and that doesn’t count middle school.

PGES: Want to reiterate how much time PGES takes. This year there are 10 non-tenured teachers, and 4 tenured teachers who are going through the PGES this year, so this is a total of 14 times 4 of the observations that have to be done this year. State wants to make sure that we are on track and up to this point we have completed the PGP’s and first rounds of mini observations and are in our second round that have to be completed by December 1 and mid-year reviews have to be completed by December 19.

Events of Note: November 25th is “Feed the Family” by the Humanitarian Club organized by Mr. Eyler. The club has raised over $850.00 to feed needy families.

Mr. Hatcher asked about the use of calculators and Mr. Phipps explained that the use of calculators would be allowed, however, no calculator that has an algebraic system that is built in can be used during any state sponsored test. Mr. Hatcher referenced Dr. Daggett who spoke at the high school last year, who said it did not matter what you know, but it is where you get the information that matters. He asked how this philosophy correlated with not being able to use the calculators with the built-in algebraic system. Phipps said it goes against everything that is coming out with digital natives. The reason it has been brought up is because of the KYOTE test. The percentage rate jumped to where 80% were passing the test and the state of Kentucky looked at it and changed the rules.

·  Mr. Wyatt (Elementary School Principal) presented a handout to the board and discussed the following:

Events to Note: Children’s Day at the Plaza where student Talent is showcased on November 20, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. The Elementary Team’s Percussion Team will be performing.

Student Lighthouse team is going to Briarwood where the Leadership Team originated. The Elementary will be having a leadership day in March and the community will be invited.

The Elementary is starting a post-secondary partnership with WKU’s Doctor Pam Peddy to help with reading instruction. This will be the first time they will have worked with an elementary and will provide intense professional development.

The RTT KidFriendly Grant has the potential for our schools to promote a new image, making students from surrounding schools want to attend our district. Wyatt highly encourages board members to investigate the KidFriendly Grant because the amount of money and time that GRECC is willing to invest could change the dynamics of the district. Wyatt commented that doing the same thing gets the same results, and right now everyone sees the need for change and he thinks Mr. Faulkner is a visionary leader who wants to see change. Mr. Hatcher asked how the board could receive information and Mr. Wyatt responded that GRECC would be happy to come down and address the board. Wyatt spoke about the self-paced math classes showing phenomenal results. Mr. Ballou wanted more information on contacting GRREC and Mr. Faulkner said with them being a GRECC district, he had the contact information and said they were looking at having some working sessions for the board. Mr. Faulkner complimented Mr. Wyatt on having an intentional conversation with a student about achievement that he had observed that morning at the elementary school.

Delivery Targets are listed on handout. Basically the scores dropped the year before last, gained some this last year across the board. Wyatt thinks the gains are due to Leader in Me and intentional focus on math and reading instruction. Problems in science and social studies problems stem from low reading skills and he thinks that this new program with Dr. Peddy will help increase these scores. Tammy Stephens has been working with the writing program and have seen great improvement.

·  Susan Mathews (Special Education Coordinator/ Migrant Coordinator) reported on the following to the Board:

The Migrant Program had 8 students last year and this year they have 19 students signed up for programs. Thursday, November 20, Migrant will have a PAC meeting with parents and will be given turkey vouchers for Thanksgiving.

On Saturday, November 15, 2014 at the Cave City Masonic Lodge, the Masons will be recognizing three students from Caverna from each school at their monthly meeting and will present them with an award for their accomplishments as recommended by teachers. They will also present FRSYC with a large check. Mrs. Mathews spoke about NISL (National Institute for School Leaders), a program that she and Jessica Miles, the MS/HS counselor is participating in where they attend meetings twice a month at Western to learn about various initiatives, such as; innovative classrooms. This is a program that KDE has offered to all schools to learn about new initiatives, such as, self-paced classrooms. She said she would keep the board informed.

·  Mr. Faulkner gave the board a hand-out that Mr. Nesbitt (who was absent due to a prior engagement) had prepared.

The handout contained the Middle School’s scores and targets from the last 3 years. Mr. Faulkner gave an overview of 2013-2014 KPREP data including targets and showed how they intentionally focused on the different gaps of sub populations and increase they noticed in certain areas. Ms. Wilson asked Mr. Faulkner if he is in the schools daily and he responded every day. Mr. Hatcher responded that was great and makes a difference.


Gatton School of Finance: Mr. Faulkner (Superintendent) reported to the board on his and Mrs. Bradbury’s recent participation in the Gatton School of Finance. The sessions were very lengthy, but informative. He shared the Gatton Agenda and discussed the items with the Board. Mr. Faulkner complimented the Finance Director on her job performance.

Improvement Priorities Standard 3.8: Mr. Faulkner discussed Standard 3.8: Using a collaborative process, design and implement an intentional plan to meaningfully engage parents in their children’s education and keep them informed of progress. Ensure that the school reflects on the success of this plan and regularly evaluated its effectiveness in enhancing parent engagement and communications. Parents are allowed access to Infinite Campus to check grades followed up with an email to staff to make sure that grades are being posted following board policies. Suggestions for improvement on this standard were District Superintendent newsletters and updates and Preschool newsletters.

PLC Report: Mr. Faulkner presented the board with the minutes from the District PLC from 11/11/2014 and explained this mirrors exactly what the team discusses, including the Improvement Priorities, twice a month with administrators. Ms. Wilson asked what PLC stands for and Mr. Faulkner replied Professional Learning Communities.

Attendance: Mr. Faulkner reported that attendance for months 1, 2, and 3 were 95.35% at the elementary, 95.31 % at the middle school, and 92.90% at the high school.

Buildings/Maintenance: Mr. Faulkner shared the maintenance review from the Board Procedure book that he will be performing monthly at each school. He updated the Board on some maintenance issues that have been addressed and has either been fixed or is in the process of being fixed: leak in the roof at the high school repaired, freezer at high school repaired, acid waste line in Counselor’s storage room repaired, door locks and handles at the gym entrance at the high school repaired, door between the elementary school and gym repaired, the outside bathrooms winterized, and Double Dome has been approved to install magnetic door holders and alarm relays at the elementary on the brown double doors leading to the hallway.