Kirkham Town Council

The Community Centre

Mill Street



Tel 01772 682755


Present: Mayor Cllr. E Silverwood, (in the chair) Councillors E. Oades, M.Cox, J Cameron, K. Beckett, P Hodgson,P Hardy.

E.Duffy (Minutes)

Public Platform- Mr and Mrs Welton voiced their concerns over planning application 17/0335

2017/6/1 Apologies for absence-Debbie Parkinson

2017/6/2 Declarations of interest – Cllr Oades-all planning matters

- Cllr Cox- Friends of Kirkham Parks/ KirkFest

2017/6/3 Police-Inspector Mick Jones introduced himself and gave his background. Councillors voiced their concerns over the current issues in the Town.

On duty officer’s mobile number distributed for Club Day. Inspectors email address distributed.

2017/6/4 Minutes from the meeting dated 9th May 2017- Proposed that theminutes are accepted as a true record. Resolved

2017/6/5Matters arising from the minutes that are not on this agenda-

2017/5/6- No answer to the letter querying CAB contributions. Clerk to chase.

Action Clerk

Clerk to meet with bank manager on Wednesday 14th June Ongoing

2017/5/13 Clerk not yet set up a meeting with business group.Action Clerk

2017/6/6Financial report and agreed payments of outstanding invoices

Proposed that payments areaccepted and the cheques paid. Resolved

Cheques for Approval

06/06/2017 / 416607 / George Banks / Chains renovations / 628
06/06/2017 / 416608 / C Duffy / Bar wages / 30
06/06/2017 / 416609 / A Class / WSH repairs / 88.98
06/06/2017 / 416610 / P Garrett / Covenant project / 950
06/06/2017 / 416611 / Travis Perkins / Allotment materials / 245.8
06/06/2017 / 416612 / Travis Perkins / CC Shelf wood / 12.36
06/06/2017 / 416613 / E Duffy / Bar Wages / 30

2017/6/7 Mayor’s Announcements-No announcements

2017/6/8 Leisure Parks and Open Spaces Committee Report- Councillors have received the minutes from the meeting and the matters referred to Council are

  1. Bins quote/installation - It is proposed that Council accept the quote of £235.62 per bin. Resolved/Action Clerk

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  1. Coppice thinning.- It is proposed that Council spend 21 man hours on clearing the Coppice on Remembrance Way Resolved
  2. Insurance- It is proposed that Council ratify the choice of insurance provider as agreed by email Ratified
  3. Film Night- Council are asked to consider the proposal from FCYouth Theatre to hold film night’s on a Friday evening at the Community Centre. Councillor Beckett will check with licensing. Action Cllr. Beckett
  4. It is proposed that Council accept the CCTV recorder quote at £690+vat


  1. Pitch usage-WSH. Clerk is waiting for a reply from Kirkham Juniors on their pitch usage and they should be asked to submit by Friday Action Clerk
  2. Arts Society-Request for a permanent picture rail to be erected in the Function Room of the Community Centre. Council propose that the Clerk writes to the group to clarify that not now or at anytime in the future will any user group be allowed to put permanent fixtures in the centre.

Resolved/Action Clerk

An emergency meeting was held with the contractors after planting on Monday. Many sub-standard plants have had to be replaced.

The In Bloom planters are now in place.

2017/6/9 Staffing committee Report-

Staffing meeting was held before the Council Meeting to discuss

  • Renewing facilities Assistant’s interim contract to a permanent contract

Resolved/Action Clerk

  • Covering the cost of ladder training for Facilities Assistant Resolved
  • The development of a Council plan/facilities strategy for the facilities incorporating the results of the consultation and a walk around of the facilities. This will enable the Clerk to raise funding towards identified improvement projects. Resolved/Action Clerk
  • Office security and disaster planning- The Clerk proposes that a policy is produced laying out the procedures for securing the office, passwords in a sealed envelope, email access and computer access. Clerk reports that during day to day business she is compiling a Clerk’s handbook to be used in the event of her unavailability. Resolved/Action Clerk
  • Training- It is proposed that £250 costs are covered to allow the Clerk to complete her Level 3 Certificate inLocal Council Administration Resolved
  • Council are reminded to make an appointment with the Clerk as opposed to dropping in at the office without notice.
  • It is proposed that to enable the Clerk to send out the financial report with the Agenda Full Council meetings should be moved to the second Tuesday of each month Resolved

2017/6/10 Planning applications were considered and recommendations made-

  • 17/0363 – 4 Wentworth Court-extension-Kirkham Town Council has no objection
  • 17/0385- 62 St. Michaels Rd- extension-Kirkham Town Council has no objection
  • 17/0373- 62 Ribby Road- Extension-Kirkham Town Council has no objection
  • 17/0335- 12 Roman Way- Extension- Kirkham Town Council recommend refusal based on the sheer size of this extension for the size of the plot and the negative impact of the massing on neighbouring houses.
  • 16/0879- 6 Victoria Rd- 2 dwellings- Kirkham Town Council recommend refusal of this application based on the access and egress on a narrow, already congested road with limited visibility which provides access to the school. Development of two houses on a small site is over intensive.
  • 17/0092- Kepak-Revised plans- Kirkham Town Council cannot comment until they have received the revised plans. Request LPA send revised hard copies of the plans for consideration at the next Town Council Meeting.
  • 16/0968- Post Office Hotel- Appeal- Kirkham Town Council’s original comments still stand. Photographic evidence of parking issues submitted.

Original comments-16/0968-Post Office Hotel- Conversion- Kirkham Town Council object on the grounds that there is no provision for car parking in the proposal. The nearest car park in the Town is Market Square which is a short stay car park and not suitable for residential parking. The other car parks are full by 9am which already results in cars parking on the pavements along Poulton Street causing a hazard to pedestrians. The development is over intensive for the plot.

  • 16/0050- The Homestead- Appeal- Kirkham Town Council’s original comments still stand.

Original comments=

Kirkham Town Council object on similar grounds as the first application as this proposal will

  1. Block out natural light to properties 8,9 and 10 Cherry Close
  2. Overlook 8, 9 and 10 Cherry Close affecting residents privacy
  3. With the18.9 meter brick wall overbearing neighbouring properties and residents
  4. Provide a property far too big for the size of plot
  5. Offer dangerous access and egress where it borders the Grammar School access putting school children at risk.
  6. Still needs an environmental study to evaluate the impact on the active bat colony which has not been addressed.
  7. The claim that the revised submission is for a “bungalow” is not accepted as this is a four bedroomed, two storey house at a height of 6.6metres with a detached double garage. There is no reduction in massing.

2017/6/11Report from the representative on Licensing- Complaints of on street drinking outside pubs on the Main street. Cllr Beckett to report to Fylde Licensing department. Action Cllr Beckett

2017/6/12Rural Splash report –Report distributed by email.

2017/6/13KWBG report- Clerk to organise new business group meeting.

Action Clerk

2017/6/14Update on Community Assets

  1. Car Parks- Fylde have confirmed that the terms of transfer are the same as those agreed with Freckleton so it is proposed that Council accept the terms and proceed with the transfer. Resolved/Action Clerk
  2. Library Building- Waiting to hear from LCC.
  3. Maryfields- Chasing LCC Estates for the final Heads of Terms.

2017/6/15Highways report and any issues-Query over parking on a Thursday (Market Day) on the square. On this day only the Market Square would be the responsibility of the Lord Of the Manor.

2017/6/16Correspondence and recommended responses

  • Gilbert Parsons- Traffic/speeding on Southlands. It is suggested that a Smiley face speed sign is requested from LCC. Action Clerk
  • Nadeem Yunus – Support of car wash- Planning application has now been passed.
  • Jo Collins-Fly the Armed Forces Day Flag- Kirkham does not own one.
  • Stanley Cubbins- Request to attend meeting when contract will be discussed.- Invite to attend public platform but could not be party to discussions. Action Clerk

Request for trees to be pollarded in Memorial Gardens- Clerk to chase up

Complaint that Barnfield bollard is sticking- Clerk to ask parks to oil. Action Clerk

Noted that KirkFest had hired alternative fair. Cllr Cox informed Council that KirkFest contacted Mr.Cubbins through Facebook and didn’t receive a reply.

2017/6/17Clerks report –

  • Request from Park Pre-School to delay rent increase until September when fees can be raised to meet the increase. Accepted but it is proposed that Park are informed that notice of increases can only be given after budget setting in February. Action Clerk


  1. KirkFest – Ticket sales doing well.
  2. Covenant Project- Statue has been cast. Transport still to be arranged.

2017/6/19Report from representative on Fracking Community Liaison Group-

Report distributed by email.

It is proposed that the Clerk writes to the Chief Executive of Lancashire County Council voicing Council’s concerns that LCC appears to be allowing Cuadrilla to bring lorry convoys from M55 J3 through Kirkham and Wesham which is a direct contravention of the conditions of planning consent which states no vehicles over 38 tons should use Junction 3. Resolved/Action Clerk

Meeting Closed at 9.30pm

Date and time of next meeting- 4th July 2017

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