Last Name: First Name:
UBC student number:
Preferred Email address for program-related correspondence:
Dietetics Applicant Number:
(Obtain or verify your 2018 Dietetics Applicant Number at this link – Add this number to the top right-hand side of every page submitted.)
Prerequisite Course Summary
To be considered for admission, you must successfully complete all the prerequisite courses listed below (or verified equivalents), as well as a minimum of 54 credits of university or college coursework, by April 30, 2018. Please do not apply if you are unable to meet these requirements.
NOTE: If you are a transfer student or wishing to complete the Dietetics Major as a second degree, you are responsible for contacting LFS Student Services () prior to applying to ensure that your courses meet the program’s application criteria.
Complete the table below (DO NOT include grades – those will be obtained from your academic records).
Course / Taken at: / Completed/ In Progress
UBC / Alternate Institution
(Note: courses must be verified as equivalent prior to applying1) /
Name of Institution / Course Abbreviation / Course Number /
BIOL 112
BIOL 121
BIOL 140
CHEM 121, 123 (or 111, 113)
LFS 150 or ENGL 112
Social Science (6)
(e.g. PSYC 100 (6), SOCI 100 (6) or equivalent)
LFS 250
LFS 252
BIOL 200
BIOL 201 or BIOC 202
CHEM 205, 233 (or CHEM 203, 213)
FNH 200
FNH 250
Failed / Repeated Courses
You are obligated to report any failed / repeated prerequisite course (whether you took the course at UBC, or an equivalent course from another institution). Provide this information below:
Course Topic / Institution / Course Abbreviation / Course Number / Year Taken / Explanatory Notes (if needed)Applicant Checklist
Please read carefully and check off the pertinent points below prior to dating, printing and signing the form:
1. I have reviewed the Dietetics Major academic calendar archive (official source of course requirements for 2018 applicants) and the Applicant Information Package 2018 and am aware of admission criteria and selection procedures.
2. I have reviewed the Program’s Skills and Abilities Document to inform myself of the performance abilities and characteristics that are necessary for successful program completion.
a) I am aware of the requirement to contact UBC’s Access and Diversity OfficeUBC’s Access and Diversity office in advance of applying if I have any concerns about the ability to meet these requirements due to disability.
3. I am aware that in addition to submitting this application package, I need to be accepted into UBC’s Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health (BSFN) program:
a) I have already been accepted to the BSFN program.
b) I applied online via the Student Service Centre to the BSFN program by January 15th 2018.
4. I have compiled all required documents in ONE large envelope , which has been labeled as follows:
- Dietetics Major Application Package
- Your name
- Your Dietetics Applicant Number
5. I have enclosed the following items in the envelope, in the order specified below:
a) Integrated Dietetics Program Application Fee:
- Payment is by cheque or bank-issued money order, payable to UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems. I am aware that cash is not accepted.
- Payment amount is per the information AT THIS LINK - see Land and Food Systems section
- I have recorded my name and applicant number on the cheque or money order
- Applicable only if your cheque or money order is issued from a US bank: The words “CDN Funds” are noted next to the dollar amount N/A
b) Fully completed and signed 2018 Application Form
c) Any necessary explanatory notes/documents related to course requirements or application eligibility
d) Official transcripts in sealed envelopes, for any prerequisite and/or program courses completed outside of UBC
- If you are submitting interim transcripts, you must forward official final transcripts at the end of the current academic term.
- If you are currently enrolled in a UBC degree program, you do not need to resubmit transcripts.
e) Cover letter (2 pages maximum) and resume (two pages maximum), prepared according to guidelines in the Applicant Information Package
f) Two confidential references (each prepared using the Reference Form for 2018 Applicants), each in a sealed envelope with your name on it (flap signed by referee)
6. Per the Applicant Info Package guidelines:
a) I have included my 2018 Dietetics Applicant Number on the top right-hand corner of every page of every document submitted. I have also instructed my referees to do the same
b) I have NOT submitted any other extra documents or pages
c) I have printed all required documents single sided with no staples used (not applicable to transcripts)
7. Applicable only to third time applicants: I have obtained permission to apply to the program for a third time and have included a copy of the approved 2018 Dietetics Admissions Special Permission Form with my application.
8. Applicable only to students presently in year 4 of a BSFN major: I am aware that I should consult Student Services about the logistics of applying for graduation from my current program
9. I am aware that my application package must be received at the FNH reception desk by the deadline of January 31, 2018
FNH Admin Office (second floor reception)
Room 230
Food Nutrition and Health Building
Faculty of Land & Food Systems
2205 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
10. Should I be accepted into the program, I am aware that I may be required to relocate within British Columbia for some or all of the final year to complete the internship component of the program
11. I am aware that if short-listed, I will need to be available for an in-person or Skype interview in late April 2018 (dates to be announced at the time of shortlisting)
Applicant Signature
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