Computer Science

CPTR 105 Introduction to Computers Fall & Spring Semesters; 3

Prerequisite: MATH 051, placement in MATH 052, or 15th percentile on ACT/

SAT Math. Development and practical application of hardware and software

use skills and an overview of the field of computing. Use of word processors,

electronic spreadsheets, database software, presentation software, e-mail,

and web browsers, accomplishing common tasks is covered at basic through

intermediate levels. Knowledge of common computer-related terminology and

concepts, adaptability in new computing environments and awareness of the

social and ethical impact of computing are emphasized to aid success in college

and the workplace. Credit for this course does not apply toward a major, minor

or emphasis in Computer Science or Information Systems but it does apply

toward the general education Core Competencies requirement. Two 1-hour

lectures and a 2.5-hour closed laboratory session each week.

CPTR 115 Introduction to Computer Science Spring Semester; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 105 or waiver exam, placement in MATH 052 or 45th

percentile on ACT of SAT Math. Introduction to Compute Science using

a bottom up approach. Hands-on construction a computer, loading a UNIX

system, UNIX commands and utilities, file structure, networking, shell scripts,

programming tools, and system administration. Also topics include ethics and

fundamental problem-solving. Credit for this course does not apply toward a

major, minor, or emphasis in Computer Science or Information Systems. Two

one-hour lectures and a two and one-half-hour closed laboratory session each


CPTR 150 Computer Science I Fall Semester; 4

Prerequisite: MATH 126 placement or MATH 120 and CPTR 115 with a

minimum grade of “C” or demonstration of problem solving skills. Introduction

to problem solving, algorithm construction, standard computer algorithms,

program design, and analysis using structured programming techniques and

data abstraction. With CPTR 200 this course forms a two-semester introductory

sequence for computer science majors and minors. Three one-hour lectures

and a two and one-half-hour closed laboratory session each week.

CPTR 200 Computer Science II Spring Semester; 4

Prerequisite: CPTR 150 with minimum grade of “C”. A continuation of CPTR

150 and an introduction to data structures and algorithm design and analysis.

Included are lists, stacks, queues, trees, complexity analysis, searching, sorting,

and file handling. Three one-hour lectures and a two and one-half-hour closed

laboratory session each week.

CPTR 230 Computer Languages Fall & Spring Semesters; 2

Prerequisite: CPTR 150 with minimum grade of “C.” The syntax and applications

for the following programming languages are covered in two lectures per week.

CPTR 230B C and Pascal Offered as needed

CPTR 230C COBOL Offered as needed

CPTR 230D Fortran Offered as needed

CPTR 230E LISP Offered as needed

CPTR 230F C++ Offered as needed

CPTR 230G Ada Offered as needed

CPTR 230M Java Offered as neededSpring Semester

CPTR 250 Database Design Fall Semester; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 150 with minimum of grade of “C”. The study of database

design tools and techniques. This course will explore the design and analysis

of database systems, with particular emphasis on relational databases. Topics

covered include: review of hierarchical and network model, data normalization,

data description languages, query facilities, file organization, index organization,

file security, data integrity and reliability, database administration, and DBMS


CPTR 294 Topics in Computer Science Offered as needed; 1-4

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A current topic in computer science

will be explored.

CPTR 295 Independent Study in Computer Science Offered as needed; 1-3

Study on an independent basis in collaboration with the instructor on a topic in

computer science at the lower division level.

CPTR 325 Computer Organization Fall Semester; 3

Co-requisites: MATH 280; Prerequisite: CPTR 200 with minimum grade of

“C”. Boolean algebra, digital logic, memory, input/output devices, organization

of central processors including instruction sets and microprogramming,

introduction to operating systems and assembly language.

CPTR 326 Assembly Language Programming Offered as needed; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 325. Data formats, flow of control, instruction codes

and operations, addressing techniques, input/output assembly process, and

advanced topics.


CPTR 350 Data Structures and Algorithms Spring Semester; 3

Prerequisites: CPTR 200 with minimum grade of “C”, and MATH 280.

Topics include algorithm design and analysis; description, properties, and

implementation of abstract data types: lists, strings, stacks, queues, trees,

and graphs; sort and search techniques; complexity analysis; problem-solving

strategies; recursive algorithms; and computability and undecidability.

CPTR 360 Introduction to Numerical Analysis Spring Semester, odd years; 3

Prerequisites: MATH 252 and CPTR 230 or permission of instructor. See

MATH 360 for course description. Cross-listed as MATH 360. Credit may be

earned for only one department listing.

CPTR 380 Principles of Networking Spring Semester, even years; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 200 with minimum grade of “C”. Surveys networking

and its impact on current and future practices in distributed computing. Covers

communication and networking terminology, theory, hardware, and protocols.

Peer-to-peer and client-server software models are presented, with the Internet

and the World-Wide Web as examples. The impact of net-centric computing

on security, privacy, human-computer interaction and other social and ethical

issues is discussed.

CPTR 410 Software Engineering Spring Semester; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 350. Capstone course for Computer Science majors applies

software development of a real-world project in team setting. CASE tools,

techniques and notations used in analysis, design, documentation, testing and

maintenance, as well as formal methods for verification and validation are

covered. Methods for effective client communication, the moral and ethical

responsibilities of software developers, and other social, professional and

ethical issues are discussed.

CPTR 415 Web Programming Spring Semester, odd years; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 150 and CPTR 350 or GART 330. Introduction to web

programming and CGI. Covers the syntax and applications of HTML, CSS,

JavaScript, and Perl. Also includes the basics of web servers and the interaction

between browsers, servers, and CGI programs.

CPTR 420 Programming Languages Fall Semester, even years; 3

Prerequisites: CPTR 325 and CPTR 350. The analysis of high-level programming

languages. Topics include formal language specification, run-time organization

of languages, data storage allocation, virtual machines, sequence control,

runtime storage management, finite state automata, context-free grammars,

and programming semantics and paradigms.

CPTR 440 Artificial Intelligence Fall Semester, odd years; 3

Prerequisites: CPTR 325 and CPTR 350. An introduction to artificial

intelligence, its approaches and algorithms. An introduction to programming

in LISP. Topics include production rules, knowledge representations, various

search strategies, and planning. Learning, natural-language understanding,

and neural networks are briefly discussed.

CPTR 450 Graphics Spring Semester, even years; 3

Prerequisites: MATH 151, MATH 288 and CPTR 350. Introduction to 2D and 3D

graphics and the principles of computer graphics. Covers the algorithms used

in common graphics libraries. Includes an introduction to graphics hardware,

mathematics of affine and projective transformations, perspective, curve and

surface modeling, hidden-surface removal, color models, illumination, shading,

and reflection. Also looks at application of graphics.

CPTR 470 Operating Systems Offered as needed; 3

Prerequisites: CPTR 325 and CPTR 350 or permission of instructor. Study of

the design and implementation of computer operating systems. Topics include

tasking process coordination and synchronization, scheduling, dispatch,

physical and virtual memory, device management, file systems and naming,

security, protection, communications, and distributed and real-time systems.

CPTR 480 Compiler Writing Offered as neededSpring Semester, odd years; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 326 and CPTR 420 or permission of instructor. Syntax and

semantics, scanning, parsing, code generation, code optimization. Compilerwriting


CPTR 490 Advanced Computer Projects/Operations Offered as needed; 1-3

Prerequisite: CPTR 410 or permission of instructor. The student will gain

experience on a large-scale project under the direction of an instructor, either

in the area of programming or in computer operations.

CPTR 494 Topics in Computer Science Offered as needed; 1-3

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A current advanced topic in computer

science will be explored.

CPTR 495 Independent Study in Computer Science Offered as needed;1-3

Study on an independent basis in collaboration with the instructor on a topic in

computer science at the upper division level.

Information Systems (traditional program)

CSYS 205 Personal Productivity Offered as needed; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 115 with minimum grade of “C”. This course enables

students to improve their skills as knowledgeable workers through effective

and efficient use of packaged software. It covers both individual and group

work. The emphasis is on productivity concepts and how to achieve them

through functions and features in computer software. Design and development

of solutions focus on small systems.

CSYS 210 Fundamentals of Information Systems Fall Semester,

even years; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 150 with minimum grade of “C”. This course provides an

introduction to systems and development concepts, information technology,

and application software. It explains how information is used in organizations

and how IT enables improvement in quantity, timeliness, and competitive


CSYS 215 Spreadsheets and Presentations Fall Semester; 2

Prerequisite: CPTR 105 or waiver exam. An intermediate course on electronic

spreadsheets and presentation software, with a strong emphasis on practical

hands-on applications. Concentration will be on the common spreadsheet and

presentation software used in academia and business. Not applicable to CS/IS



CSYS 220 Database and Word Processing Spring Semester; 2

Prerequisite: CPTR 105 or waiver exam. An intermediate course on databases,

word processing and desktop publishing, with a strong emphasis on practical

hands-on applications. Concentration will be on the common database software

and word processing software used in academia and business. Not applicable

to CS/IS majors.

CSYS 310 Information Theory and Practice Fall Semester, odd years; 3

Prerequisite: CSYS 210 and CPTR 200 with minimum grade of “C”. This course

provides an understanding of organizational systems, planning, and design

process, and how information is used for decision support in organizations. It

covers quality and decision theory, information theory, and practice essential

for providing viable information to the organization. The course covers the

concepts of IS for competitive advantage, data as a resource, IS and IT planning

and implementation, TQM and re-engineering, project management and

development of systems, and end-user computing.

CSYS 330 Analysis and Logical Design Spring Semester, odd years; 3

Prerequisite: CPTR 250, CSYS 210. This course provides an understanding the

system development and modification process. It enables students to evaluate

and choose a system development methodology. It emphasizes the factors for

effective communication and integration with users and user systems. The

course encourages interpersonal skill development with clients, users, team

members, and others associated with development, operation and maintenance

of the system. Object-oriented analysis and design. Use of data modeling tools.

Development and adherence to life cycle standards.

CSYS 425 Physical Design and Implementation Fall Semester, odd years; 3

Prerequisite: CSYS 330. Focuses on the completion of the physical design,

programming, testing, deployment and maintenance of a system, using the

analysis and logical design as a basis. Current tools and methodologies are

covered, with an emphasis on modern CASE and RAD tools and IDEs in the

context of object-oriented and client-server models.

CSYS 430 Project Management and Practice Spring Semester, even years; 3

Prerequisite: CSYS 330. This capstone course for the Information Systems major

and emphasis covers the theory, skills and methods necessary for successful

management of system development projects of various sizes. Both technical and

behavioral aspects of project management are discussed, along with ethical, social

and professional issues involved in the field of information systems. Includes a

complete system development lifecycle for a small real-world project.


ENGR 110 Introduction to Engineering Spring Semester; 3

Co-requisite: MATH 126 maintaining at least a “C” standing. An introduction to

the foundations and fields of professional engineering. Fundamentals of statistics,

computers, chemistry, electrical engineering, statics, dynamics, and computerassisted

design (CAD). Engineering orientation as an aid in selecting fields of

emphasis. A design project completed to a prototype in the theme of the course.

Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.

ENGR 207 Statics Fall Semester; 3

Co-requisite: MATH 252 and PHYS 281 maintaining at least a “C” standing. Twoand

three-dimensional equilibrium employing vector algebra; friction; centroids

and centers of gravity; moments of inertia.

ENGR 208 Dynamics Spring Semester; 3

Prerequisite: ENGR 207 with at least a “C” grade. Corequisite: MATH 260

maintaining at least a “C” standing. One- and two-dimensional kinetics and

kinematics of rigid bodies by vector calculus; dynamics of rotation, translation,

and plane motion; relative motion; work and energy; impulse and momentum.

ENGR 222 Computational Methods Spring Semester; 2

Prerequisite: CPTR 150 and MATH 151 both with at least a “C” grade. An

introduction to the numerical solution of problems typically found in technical


ENGR 228 Circuit Analysis Summer Session; 3

Prerequisite: MATH 319 with at least a”C” grade or permission of instructor.

Corequisite: PHYS 272 or PHYS 282 maintaining at least a C standing. Basic

circuit concepts of current, voltage, power, properties of resistance, capacitance,

inductance; Kirchoff’s laws and circuit impedance; frequency characteristics;

transients. Laboratory time covers basic measurements using DC and AC meters,

potentionmeters, bridges, and oscilloscopes. One four-hour lecture-laboratory per


Information Systems (non-traditional program)

INSY 110 Computer Concepts I Available only through the SGPS; 3

Introductory course in computer science with emphasis on exploring the

profession’s broad scope of computers, history, theories, computer fundamentals,

design concepts, integration practices, and applications. The laboratory (hands-on

experience) introduces the student to the current computer techniques utilizing

MS-DOS, Windows, word processing, spreadsheet, graphics and internet. Ten

weeks lecture/laboratory.

INSY 112 Introduction to Computer Programming Available only through

the SGPS; 1

This course addresses five major themes: introduction to the process of algorithmic

problem solving, an introduction to the organization of files, understanding the basic

control structures/functions, develop the correct sequence of actions for running

a program and understanding the basic concepts of the boolean expressions. The

course is designed to provide the basic skills for taking programming classes.

Passing grades will allow the student to take INSY 325 and INSY 335. The course

may be waived upon passing programming proficiency test.

INSY 300 Computer Fundamentals and Design Available only through

the SGPS; 3

The basic concepts of integrating and designing computer platforms as well as

the fundamental concepts of computers are included. Exposure to hardware and

software concepts, central processing, storage, configuration management, and

ATM approaches are incorporated in the lectures. The student is required to develop

an in-depth proposal for addressing management’s information requirements.

INSY 320 Computer Concepts II Available only through the SGPS; 3

Prerequisite: INSY 110 or pass proficiency test. A concentrated, in-depth

approach to computer concepts. Emphasis is on integrating the applications and

incorporating business marketing concepts. The laboratory stresses the business

aspects of word processing, spreadsheet, and graphics. Eight weeks lecture/


INSY 321 Information Systems Technology Available only through

the SGPS; 3

Prerequisite: INSY 320. Identifies current technology (computer hardware,

peripheral components/compatibility, system software, preventive maintenance,

system upgrades and communication topology) and clearly demonstrates the

equipment as a working model. The students will experience configuring computers

and consider alternatives for solving business problems.

INSY 322 A+ Training Available only through the SGPS; 3

Prerequisite: INSY 320, or INSY 321 or equivalent. Designed to allow students

to gain knowledge and skills in building their own computer. The sample exams,

hands-on assembly, and course cover IBM-compatible personal computers,

computer operations, maintenance, networking, repair, upgrade, security,

diagnostic procedures, and troubleshooting techniques. Thirteen classes lecture/

laboratory and laboratory fee.

INSY325 C++ Programming Available only through the SGPS; 3

Prerequisites: INSY 112 and INSY 320. An in-depth look at basic programming

concepts and techniques using C++ programming language and object oriented

programming methodology. The course adopts a practical hands-on approach

to learning principles of designing, writing, debugging, and running programs.

Students will learn the basics of C++ and Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

such as: C++ syntax, semantics, names and values, variables, control structures,

data types, scope rules, operators, methods, input/output, arrays, classes and

objects. In addition, students will be introduced to algorithm design and good

programming style. Eight weeks lecture/laboratory.


INSY 330 LINUX Operating System Available only through the SGPS; 3

Prerequisite: INSY 320. A practical introduction to Linux operating system

using a combination of lecture presentations and hands-on laboratory sessions.

Topics covered include an overview of Linux, command line usage, file and

directory structure, pipes and filters, file editing, shell programming, job control,

and communications. The course will also cover basic Linux administration.

Laboratories allow the students to gain hands-on experience working with Linux.

Eight weeks lecture/laboratory.

INSY 335 Java Programming Available only through the SGPS; 3

Prerequisites: INSY 112 and INSY 320 or pass proficiency test. An in-depth look

at basic programming concepts and techniques using Java programming language

and objected oriented programming methodology. The course adopts a practical

hands-on approach to learning principles of designing, writing, debugging, and

running programs. Students will learn the basics of Java and Object Oriented