Тел.:(495)958-2117. +7926 5387153
E-mail: 8926
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Marketing department PhD (Economics, associate professor
Courses taught: Marketing management, Sales management, Marketing metrics, Strategic Marketing
Levels: Graduate, Post-graduate, MBA
Estimation of effectiveness of a teacher in a modern university (2015), Novosibirsk (in Russian)
Financial analysis of marketing (2013), Plekhanov publishing house. Moscow (in Russian).
Marketing planning and auditing (2012), Plekhanov publishing house. Moscow (in Russian).
Internet marketing. (2006, 2008,2012), Plekhanov publishing house. Moscow (in Russian).
Marketing management modeling. (2007.2009) Plekhanov publishing house. Moscow(In Russian).
Recent Articles:
Purg, D., Saginova, O., Skorobogatykh, I., Musatova, Z. Family owned Hidden champions in Russia: Innovations, human capital and internationalization Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 12, March 2016
Sidorchuk R., Skorobogatykh I, Musatova Zh, Yemets V., Valiullina R. Groceries Retail Prices Monitoring as a Tool of Socially Oriented Marketing in Russia. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, Vol.6, No.5, October 2015
Saginova O., Zavalova N., Skorobogatykh I., Grishina O., Musatova Zh.
Faculty Rankings and Management of Human Capital of a University
Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, Vol.6, No.5, October 2015
Musatova Zh.
The Impact of marketing strategy on the efficiency and profitability of the company. Vestnik PRUE,#1, 2015
Musatova Zh.
The evaluation of the concept of economic efficiency of marketing decisions. Initiatives of the XXI century, #4, 2014
Skorobogatykh I., Saginova O., Musatova Zh. Comparison of Luxury Brand Perception: Old (UK) vs. Modern (Russia) consumers’ perception toward Burberry Brand Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR) Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Saginova O.V., Skorobogatykh I.I., Musatova Z.B. Hidden champions in Russia: using western research methodology to study dynamically developing markets. Life Sciences Journal 2014; 11(5):512-518.
Musatova Zh., Shtykhno D. Peculiarities of customer-focused cultures in North America, Europe and Russia. Proceedings of Internationalconference «Modern Economy: concepts and ideas of innovative development”. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 2013
Musatova Zh., Saginova O.,Skorobogatykh I. Companies – “hidden champions”. Russian Entrepreneurship/ Issue 6th, 2012
Musatova Zh., Shtykhno D., Application of the Adizes methodology in the customer-oriented management of variety. Initiatives of the 21st century/ Issue 2, 2012
Musatova Zh., Saginova O.,Skorobogatykh I. Effective style of management: lessons of “hidden champions”. Initiatives of the 21st century/ Issue 2, 2012
Musatova Zh., Saginova O.,Selyanskaya, Skorobogatykh I. Creating of complimentary team of university teachers (applications of the Adizes methodology for the project “Professional profile of the teacher of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics”. Initiatives of the 21st century/ Issue 2, 2012
Musatova Zh., Sidorchuk R. Clienting concept in marketing sales management for small and medium-sized enterprises at a maturity. Marketing and marketing research/ Issue June 2012.
Musatova Zh.,Skorobogatykh I.Kaderova V. Marketing of culture-based products: concept, definition, classification. Practical marketing/ Issue 11th, 2012
Musatova Zh., Bykova O. Contemporary issues of high education system in Russian federation. Copyright/ Issue 2nd,2012
Musatova Zh. Tendencies on the market of on-line advertising (overview). Marketing conference proceddings. Dagestan State university. (2010)
MusatovaZh. Sales trainings: practicalrecommendations.MarketingPro./. Issue 7-th.(2009)
Participation in advanced trainings for professors:
- 2013, Program for expert of professional accreditation institutions. Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Certificate
- 2012, International Management Teachers Academy. Marketing track. EDC-Bled School of Management, Bled, Slovenia.
- 2011, Seminar “Research and Publishing”. EDC-Bled School of Management, Bled, Slovenia.
- 2010 All-Russianseminar for marketing professors. Plekhanov Graduate School. Certificate.
- 2009-2010 – 6- month seminar for professors to be promoted to the administrative position. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Diploma.
- 2016 Digital Marketing Conference, St.Petersburg, April 2016
- 2015, 19th International conference of heads of departments of marketing advertising and public relations, Moscow
- 2015, 10th International conference “Marketing and Society”, Kazan
- 2014, CEEMAN annual conference, Bled, Slovenia
- 2013, 42th Annual conference of Academy of Marketing Science. Ideas in Marketing: Finding the News and Polishing Old, Monterey, USA
- 2013, 18th Annual Conference of European Council for Business Education. Global co-operation in business education: Pan-European initiative, Vienna, Austria
- 2012, World Marketing Congress. Cultural Perspectives in Marketing. Academy of Marketing Science, Atlanta, USA
Research Projects:
2015 – Marketing research of customers’ satisfaction with public transport services
2014 - Marketing research of city transportation efficiency
2014 - Analysing the effectiveness of coalition loyalty program
2012-2013 Grant of The RF Ministry of Educationand Science. Sustainable Development for Educational organisations
2011 Grant of Trade House “Krestovsky”. Marketing Auditing.
2010 Grant of Moscow Fund for SMEs; Development of program All marketing and Brand-management activities for the producer of FMCG products (Ostankino Meat-processing Plant)
Foreign Languages:
English - fluent
Computer skills:
MS Office: Windows, Excel, MS Power Point, Ms Project Management, Internet Explorer, SPSS 11.0.