February 21, 2008

10:00 a.m.

Aitkin City Hall

PRESENT: Julie Miller, John Welle, Kathy Brophy

Julie, John and Kathy met to review the following route options for the Aitkin bicycle trails. Street Commissioner Bob Nicko and PUC Manager Chuck Tibbetts were invited; however, neither were able to attend.

Option 1: from City walking trail to Blackrock Terrace, up 4th Street to 1st Avenue to 5th Street to Highway 169 out to County Market area/Westwood Drive area to Kellar property, then west towards the Tank Trails; OR from 169 to Paulbeck property, then west to Kellar/Church property, to Tank Trails.

Known property owners: Orazem, RHCC Clinic, Rikala, Ryan, Sall, MN DOT, Paulbeck's/County Market, Kellar Foundation, City, Janzen, Monroe, Wold, Druar, Nentl, Smith, Fannemel, Wettstein(?), Catholic Church.

Pros: visibility on highway, connecting town to County Market area, possibly rebuilding the walking trail, mostly public ROW

Cons: snow removal, location of storm sewers, trail next to highway

Option 2: from City walking trails, straight across 2nd Avenue SW in front of Mike & Tasha Paulbeck's house, over to the Fannemel easement, across the river, down the new Porcupine Trail, out to Westwood Drive area, then through Kellar property to Tank Trails; OR behind Blackrock Woods development to Porcupine Trail out to Westwood Drive, through Kellar property to Tank Trails.

Property owners: Mike & Tasha Paulbeck, Rich Fannemel, Kellar, City, Welshons(?), Fremling(?), Larson(?), Schmalz(?), Jacobson(?)

Pros: this was the favorable option of the local group when they met in 2006, utility easements already exist, fewer property owners to work with, staying off the highway

Cons: wetlands, dirt road which would require more distance between trail and road, closeness in residences (Paulbeck’s)

Option 3: same as above, only on the other side of the road by Hagestuen's, crossing the river and heading to Ripple River Motel property out to Highway 169 towards County Market, then to Tank Trails.

Property Owners: Hagestuen, Ripple River Motel, County Market, Kellar or Catholic Church??, City, Siebolds (new owner)

Pros: Hagestuen's and Ripple River Motel in favor, few property owners, staying off highway

Aitkin Bicycle Trails Sub-Committee

February 21, 2008

Page Two

Cons: wetlands, dirt road which would require more distance between trail and road, closeness in residential area

Option 4: from City walking trail behind Rippleside and heading directly south towards Westwood Drive, then Kellar Property, then Tank Trails

Property owners: Mike & Tasha Paubeck, Kellar, City

Pros: fewer property owners, not residential area

Cons: haven't fully explored this option yet, wetlands, Paulbeck’s not in favor of splitting their property in half with trail

Option 5: Woodland Container property to tank trails

Property owners: BNSF Railroad, People’s National Bank (currently, but sale to Lake States Lumber is in progress according to Roger Houg 2-1-08), Dale Lundquist property

Pros: rural, scenic, not in developed neighborhood

Cons: cannot proceed at this time due to Woodland property transaction – environmental cleanup the major issue with the sale

Obstacles no matter which route: crossing the river, property owner opposition, wetlands, maintenance, snow removal

After much discussion, it was felt that Option 1 is the desired route, with Option 2 as a backup plan. The question of whether to improve the City walking trail as part of this project still needs to be decided as well. This will determine how far towards the Tank Trails the money will stretch. The group will look at the walking trail once the snow is gone to determine if it makes sense to include that portion now or if it can wait. Julie will talk to Sall’s, Orazem’s and Paulbeck’s. Kathy will talk to hospital personnel. John will contact Rikala’s and MN DOT. Option 5 is thought to be a future loop later down the road.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.