
7 June 2011


MARCH tenth consortium meeting (CM10) minutes

The tenth MARCH consortium meeting was held at Telvent premises in Madrid, 24-26 May 2011. The meeting agenda is given in Annex 1 and the list of participant in Annex 2.

1)  Welcome

Daniel Seixas, Televent, wished warmly welcome to the meeting.

Santiago Hernandez Onis, Director Telvent Data Center, presented to the project the Telvent data center facilities in Madrid.

2)  WP1 Management

WP leader Terje Tjelta

a)  Partnership issues, next meetings host and venues

b)  Deliverable D1.2 (M36) IPR issues. Dropped, but can be reopened. Ed Terje Tjelta

c)  Deliverable D1.3 (M40) Final report. Ed Terje Tjelta

The final meeting venue and dates were agreed prior to the CM10 meeting

Venue Telenor, Snarøyveien 30, Fornebu, Norway

Tuesday 20 September 2011: preparatory for the review (and workshop)

Wednesday 21 September 2011: Second international workshop

Thursday 22 September 2011: Final review

The summary of WP1 issues was presented. The Final Review is being prepared, see a presentation. A discussion on D1.3, Final report, was based on the draft available at ProjectCoordinator.

Decisions and actions

·  Add section in D1.3 on “expected impact”

·  Change title of section “multilink technologies” to “multilink techniques”, at a later stage judge whether the section on techniques and architecture should be merged

·  Add information on the consortium and project as a subsection of the introduction

3)  WP3 Business and economics

WPL Telenor, Terje Tjelta, acting

a)  Task 3.3 Market development. TL Telvent, Daniel Seixas

Deliverable D3.5 (M33) Consumer spending and forecasts ... . Ed Daniel Seixas

Daniel Seixas presented the final Deliverable D3.5, no ready for approval.

4)  WP5 Modular network architecture

WPL Telenor, Terje Tjelta, acting

Task 5.2 Recommended network architecture (TL Telenor, Håkon Lønsethagen)

Deliverable D5.2 (M40) Recommended multilink architecture. Ed Håkon Lønsethagen

The focus was on Deliverable D5.2, there was no discussion of Milestone M5.2 left for the PCC and approval procedure. The summary of the work and oulined future steps are found in the presentation by Håkon Lønsethagen and a supporting presentation by Isabelle Tardy.

Decisions and actions

·  All by Tuesday noon 7th June
An updated contribution outline / extended outline / bullet list and comment also on the current outline and content

·  Editor to send out updated Outline by 8th June, including updates reflecting progress in the Madrid meeting

5)  WP6 Demonstration

WPL Lividi, Hans Ole Rafaelsen

a)  Milestone M6.1 (M28) Definitions of demonstrations. Ed Antonio Alfaro

b)  Deliverable D6.1 (M39) Pub. demo. of multilink network capabilities. Ed Hans Ole Rafaelsen

M6.1 is practically speaking ready, see presentation by Antonio Alfaro, but with some information still missing. It will be finished early June 2011. The focus was at D6.1 and preparations for the final demonstration, see status and summary presentations by Hans Ole Rafaelsen.


·  Should contain all demos given within the MARCH context. (Not only final demonstration)

·  Need to emphasise what is MARCH technology being demonstrated

o  Not just general product demonstration where it is hard to identify what is the MARCH technology being used

·  Details on experiments

·  Measurements

·  Results

Final demonstration

·  Should be given at the workshop/final review

·  Important that partners do the demonstrations before the workshop

o  Need to identify issue / problems / dependencies early

o  Need the result for D6.1

·  Will make a live document where partners can record and track issues dependencies

For the demonstration note the following

Decisions and action points

Lividi and Telenor

·  Demonstrate scalable video in a video conference setting

·  Software for ML streaming of SVC provided by Lividi

·  Network infrastructure provided by Telenor

o  3G

o  • LTE

o  • Wi-Fi

o  • WiMAX (RuggedCom)

ML aware content provider demonstrator

·  Content in alternative quality provided for users

·  Make decisions on which quality based on ML information

·  Software by Telvent: ML API

·  Network infrastructure provided by TLCM

·  Testbed provided by Spanish Demonstrator

·  MLG provided by LiveU


·  Software

·  UI that demonstrates a simulation of moving ML enabled UE with varying network haracteristics

·  on the route

·  Simulates an area that have several providers

o  3G

o  Wi-Fi

o  WiMAX

WiNetworks (RuggedCom)

·  Demonstrate the Radio Resource Manager


·  Demonstrate streaming content from outside the stand at Telenor

6)  WP7 Dissemination and exploitation

WPL BME, Janos Bito

  1. Task 7.1 Workshops and conferences. TL BME, Janos Bito

Deliverable D7.5 (M40 mod.) Second International Workshop. Ed Janos Bito

  1. Task 7.2 Website. TL Gravity, Tamas Urbancsek
  2. Task 7.3 Standardisation. TL Telenor, Terje Tjelta

Moved to T7.4/D7.6

  1. Task 7.4 Exploitation plan. TL LiveU, Bezalel Finkelstien

Deliverable D7.6 (M36) Exploitation, standardisation, dissemination. Ed Peter Kantor

Deliverables D7.5 and D7.6 was discussed. The latter approaches its completion. See presentation by Janos Bito.

Decisions and actions

·  Ch. 2.1: Telvent (Daniel promised input by 1st of June)

·  Ch. 2.2: Telvent (Daniel promised input by 1st of June)

·  Ch. 2.3: Ruggedcom (Peter S., please contribute till latest 1st of June)

·  Ch. 2.3: Telvent (Daniel promised input by 1st of June)

·  Ch. 3.2: Joint papers

o  BME and TUCN should come up with tentative title of joint journal paper

o  All the other partners: please indicate your intention about joint publications if any

·  Ch. 3.3: Telvent (Daniel promised input by 1st of June)

·  Ch. 3.3: TCLM (Antonio, please contribute till latest 1st of June)

·  Ch. 3.3: TUCN (Tudor, please send a short description „Students info day” till 1st of June)

·  Ch. 3.3: LiveU (Bezalel, please send details about LiveU resellers day till 1st of June)

·  Ch. 3.4: anyone who is interested in follow-up dissemination

·  Executive summary: BME (Peter K. will conclude till 1st of June)

·  Peter K. will prepare the document for the internal review (thanks to the kind offers from Antonio and Bezalel) till 3rd of June.

Deliverable D7.5 workshop.

The programme was discussed and the following structure was agreed:

AM plenary session (09:30-12:00)

09:00-09:30 Coffe + registration (free)

09:45-10:10 welcome and Keynote (Telenor Keynote + + chair János)

10:15-11:00 MARCH main presentation (Terje) + MARCH demo (Lividi, LiveU, RuggedCom, Gravity)

11:00-11:45 Easy Wireless main presentation (VTT) + EW demo

11:45-12:00 Questions and Discussion

12:00-13:00 Lunch

12:00-15:40 Posters MARCH + EW

13:00-13:30 From research to Business panel session (Peter Herrmann? + NRC Norway?)

13:30-14:30 Business panel (moderator: Audun, MARCH, Easy wireless, Telenor)

14:30-15:00 coffee break

15:00-16:20 Technology session (4 presentations, Sess. Chair: János)

2 MARCH presentations and 2 EW presentations

16:20-16:30 Closing

The following points were also discussed and agreed:

·  Date and location are finalized: 21st of September 2011, Telenor premises, Oslo, Norway

·  Participation is open for everyone

·  No registration fee, participation is free of charge but registration is required

·  Registration through the MARCH web will be provided by BME

·  Badges will be produced by Telenor

·  No dinner will be provided

·  Coffee and refreshments (and lunch ?) will be sponsored by Telenor

·  No printed material will be distributed

·  Presentation at the workshop should be free accessible through the MARCH web

Decision and actions:

·  Janos and Terje (and partners) should come up with title of the presentations in one week (till 3rd of June)

·  Terje will notify Easy Wireless

·  Easy Wireless should come up with titles till 10th of June

·  Janos and Terje: workshop programme should be finalized within two weeks (till 10th of June)

·  Terje will contact with NRC Norway

·  Peter K. will prepare BME’s software demo

·  Partners involved in hardware demos should come up with technical requests from the meeting host

·  Audun (Lividi) will contact with possible panellists (Norwegian IT companies, representatives, etc.) for the business panel

·  Antonio (TCLM) will send e-mail announcement if it is ready

·  Peter K. (BME) will finalize the web announcement within two weeks

·  Live broadcast will be made from the event: responsible: LiveU and BME
Annex 1 Agenda

MARCH consortium meeting 10 (CM10)
24-26 May 2011

Telvent, C/Valgrande 6, Alcobendas, 28108 Madrid

Draft CM10 Agenda

2)  WP1 Management. WPL Telenor, Terje Tjelta

  1. Partnership issues, prepare final meetings and review
  2. Deliverable D1.2 (M36) IPR issues. Dropped, but can be reopened. Ed Terje Tjelta
  3. Deliverable D1.3 (M40) Final report. Ed Terje Tjelta

3)  WP5 Modular network architecture. WPL Telenor, Terje Tjelta, acting

  1. Task 5.2 Recommended network architecture (TL Telenor, Håkon Lønsethagen)

Deliverable D5.2 (M40) Recommended multilink architecture. Ed Håkon Lønsethagen

4)  WP6 Demonstration. WPL Lividi, Hans Ole Rafaelsen

  1. Deliverable D6.1 (M39) Pub. demo. of ML network capabilities. Ed Hans Ole Rafaelsen

5)  WP7 Dissemination and exploitation. WPL BME, Janos Bito

  1. Task 7.1 Workshops and conferences. TL BME, Janos Bito

Deliverable D7.5 (M40 mod.) Second International Workshop. Ed Janos Bito

  1. Task 7.2 Website. TL Gravity, Tamas Urbancsek
  2. Task 7.3 Standardisation. TL Telenor, Terje Tjelta

Moved to T7.4/D7.6

  1. Task 7.4 Exploitation plan. TL LiveU, Bezalel Finkelstien

Deliverable D7.6 (M36) Exploitation, standardisation, dissemination. Ed Peter Kantor


MARCH Doc. 25

Draft PCC10Agenda

1)  Approval of the agenda

2)  Modifications to the PD

May be we should have a last look at it basically to get deliverables in alignment with what we actually do and budgets (basis for Celtic invoices)

3)  Approval of publications, deliverables, milestones

4)  Other

Draft Time table

Day / Topic
1400-1530 / Welcome by Telvent CEO
General & D7.6
1530-1600 / Coffee/Tea Break
1600-1730 / D5.2
Evening / Dinner?
0900-1100 / D5.2
1100-1130 / Coffee/Tea Break
1130-1300 / D6.1
1300-1400 / Lunch
1400-1530 / D5.2 & D6.1
1515-1530 / Coffee/Tea Break
1530-1630 / PCC
1600-1630 / Tour: Telvent Datacenter
Among the 10 biggest in Europe
Evening / Invited to dinner by the Spanish consortium
0900-1100 / D7.5, D1.3
1100-1130 / Coffee/Tea Break
1130-1300 (1400) / Wrap-up


MARCH Doc. 25

Annex 2 Participants

MARCH CM10 participants
Partner / Name / 24 May / 25 May / 26 may
BME / János Bitó / 1 / 1 / 1
INDRA / Sara Lozano / 1 / 1 / 1
INDRA / Luis Collantes / 1 / 1
LiveU / Noam Amram / 1 / 1 / 1
Lividi / Hans Ole Rafaelsen / 1 / 1 / 1
Ruggedcom / Peter Sheynkman / 1 / 1 / 1
Simula / Audun Fosselie Hansen / 1 / 1 / 1
TCLM / Antonio Alfaro / 1 / 1 / 1
Telenor / Terje Tjelta / 1 / 1 / 1
Telenor / Håkon Lønsethagen / 1 / 1 / 1
Telenor/Sintef / Isabelle Tardy / 1 / 1 / 1
Telvent / Daniel Seixas / 1 / 1 / 1
Total / 12 / 12 / 11